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Everything posted by locodave

  1. Ever gone fishing or boating hours away from home and drop the only car key in the water? Last year I did this and learnt the hard way. Had to wait until 4am to get home. So this year when I went to the same spot I was protective of the key, but not enough. As we finished un packing the boat and I waded through the water there I saw my car key floating!! :ranting2: Any way for some fortunate reason, this car key never got damaged. Got back to the car and everything worked! Lucky key
  2. Have you tried these guys? http://www.trailercity.com.au/
  3. I never got your PM - but that is ok I worked it out thank you!
  4. Hey Guys, Where about is the vines that everyone talks about?
  5. Did anyone see the show with ET over the weekend at Lake Mac? Anyone know where he is fishing? I can't seem to locate the spot
  6. locodave

    Battery Test

    Actually you just reminded me. I did buy one of these but doesnt work. All the lights turn on regardless of the condition of the battery. I tried it on a dead battery. Unless i am doin something wrong? Anyone used these before?
  7. locodave

    Battery Test

    Hi guys, What's the best way to test your battery? I've had the boat for over a year now, all good. But I don't know when that battery was put in. Whats the most accurate way to test? What do you look for? Thank you.
  8. Tell us where you were then and maybe we can say the same as you
  9. Is that pic taken at Long Reef? Water looks calm!
  10. lol your post made me laugh! Nothin! I know that feeling, I fish their a lot and sometime I too get nuutiing!
  11. Did you guys see this? haha! http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/hook-line-and-sinking-feeling-as-300kg-black-marlin-jumps-on-board-charter-boat-off-cooktown/story-e6frfq80-1226500563561
  12. locodave

    rego sticker

    Can't wait, hate stickers lol I finally got my sticker after a few months. Had to call them again. WOULD be good if it's the same policy with boats as it is with cars come January. The GREEN sticker just doesn't match my blue boat
  13. You wil be fine with the Mazda Tribute!!
  14. locodave

    rego sticker

    paid it in June! oh well, i'll call them!
  15. locodave

    rego sticker

    This might seem like a dumb question but I'm pretty sure I didn't get a sticker this year. I paid for rego and all but I was rushing, did I miss something?
  16. 1.6T if it's manual 2.1Tif it's auto. I have a 5.4M cox craft, all up it weighs 1350Kg. i tow it with a commodore no problems and I have been to many ramps. It's a great size, can take 6 people and good enough to take outside. If you don't want to change your tow car, try and stay around the 1600kg mark.
  17. Yea!! Was goin to suggest lake conjola! Beautiful there and roos everywhere!
  18. Damn never got to use my red glow sticks!
  19. locodave


    Hi guys, Are te hairy's still around?
  20. Hi guys! Whats te water temp at te river these days?
  21. What car do you currently have? Is it the Suzuki or that os what you plan on getting too?
  22. I pay extra and get the stainless steel ones. I havent had any issues with them. I was told not to fill them up to the top but i guess everyone has different methods. Then i was told just to top it up every 6 mths or so.
  23. locodave

    Boat gauges

    Hi! Thanks for your reply. Yes I meant concealed thanks for clarifying.
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