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Everything posted by locodave

  1. There seems to be a lot of those big jelly fish in the Hawkesburry River, what type are they? Poisoneous?
  2. What is clove oil? Where can i get it from?
  3. Is there some kind of treatment you can use on the carpet?
  4. I've kept my boat outside with a cover on, and I guess that is just a formula to grow mushrooms from the carpet!! Looks terrible for starters, but I want them gone and never to come back! Is there a proper way to get tid of these things?
  5. My motor only has 50 hrs, I bought it with 43. I went through the hoses today and the end bit was blocked. Cleaned that up and now water is puming out, so I hope it's not the impellor at this early stage.
  6. Cool, I'll try it today! But if its blocked at the end of the line, is there anyway it could be blocked somewhere along before it even reaches that outlet? Could that be possible? Like somewhere internal hard to reach? If so is there anyway to get it unblocked?
  7. Hi guys, Today I went from windsor to lower portland, some areas were a bit dirty or im not sure if i blocked the motor with sand when i beached it. Probaly more the case. I realised when I got home to flush it out there wasn't much water at all coming out, in fact a trickle. Should I just pull that hose out and blow it out/flush it out with water? Is that all I need to do? What else could it be? The engine didn't over heat at all. And it was at the boat ramp that I actually beached it, so I'm not sure if maybe then I blocked it.
  8. Well I did have a look at them and honestly I am opting towards them, just wanted to see if there is anything better out there!
  9. Hi Guys, I have a fairly new boat, has only 50hrs on it but no sounder. I'm new to boating so I purchased this to get me around and get familiar with launching/retrieving getting stuck etc I'm after a sounder and since I won't keep this boat for too long before i upgrade, im just wondering what is a good sounder for under $400? I've looked at the garmin, but the display is a bit disappointing! All i need is one that has water temp, speed, and dual beam would be good. Any suggestions?
  10. Was going ot put the boat in today at windsor and cruise up, but was so hot! WHen there are jet skis, boats around I don't think fishing is productive!
  11. Yea im talking about the ones that have the 24 hour limit on them, i don't think they let vesels over 14 metres use them, I just fit in (im a 4.1m boat) I think they belong to Mount Ku ring gai, thats what they say on them. I think they are for anyone to use? Mate your getting ripped off No thats different, that is your mooring, the ones I'm tlaking about are on a 24 hour limit, im pretty sure anyone can use them.
  12. Hi guys, Just wondering about those big yellow moorings you see around the hawkesburry where the house boats tie to. Are they for any boat to use or to you have to rent them for the night? Or is it first in, first serve? thanks
  13. Hi guys, im looking for a good marine trimmer near the Hills District, anyone know of anyone?
  14. locodave

    Boat Names?

    There is no such thing as bad luck
  15. Hi GUys, Hope this has never happened before, but while winding my boat back in, I couldn't help but think, what IF the winch broke and the wire flings straight towards me and cracks me in the face. Has that ever happened to anyone before? Sometimes I'm scared that cable might snap!
  16. Hey guys, Where can I get some marine ply, enought to make a rear bench seat? Or what kind of material would you reccoment to make a rear bench seat?
  17. haha, I was thinking that, but didnt want to write that incase I was way off!!
  18. Excuse the ignorance, but what is that used for? What is a slimey tube?
  19. Hi guys, Where can I buy the black flexi hose that is used to house the cables at the back of the motor? I went to bunnings and they only had a 20m roll, im after 2m or so. Its the hose that is used to house the fuel lines etc at the back of the outboards. THanks
  20. Thanks for your reply! Do you know what the 10x35 8 means? Why is there a space after the '35'? Thanks!
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