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Everything posted by FletcherG1991

  1. ive always been told dark day (overcast) dark lure, light day light lure not sure about the clear water thing but i try and use a natural looking SP/HB in clear water and something abit brighter in dirty water
  2. by small bass how small do you meen (not that im fussed at the moment i just want to get one of the buggers) im guessing that the water is way to poluted to eat the fish out of there is it fine to fish LB like are there plenty of spots that you can fish ? i have heard about the yellow belly and silver perch before but a trout ..... that would be on heel of a shock
  3. After many failed attempts at Lane Cove i really want to get some bass i have been told manly dam is quite good for them. Is this true ? is it ok to fish there LB and what ofther species are found in there ? thanks guys, Fletcher
  4. ill probably get the 30 then so i can cover more estuarie and small offshore species ye casting livies out from the boat and large dead baits and stuff i will have a look at one on thursday at work i just wanted to know how the perfrom whilst fishing rather than in a shop it will be used minly for easturies (live baiting for jews and any other large fish in there) but for offshroe stuff aswell so ye as ive said i just won't a god all round heavyer reel Cheers, Fletcher
  5. can't fish with bait there (although if i am getting rid of the carp i don't see why this would be a problem but rules are rules) only lures and fly's and C&R only (i don't think anyone would be stupid enough to keep anything from there ) i am fishing above the weir near fiddens warf rd i have fished below the weir for nothing (might head down there when the weather cools down abit) and yes you can fish under fullers rd bridge god damn i want an EP or Bass out of there
  6. can anyone give me some feedback on these reel (probably the 30 or 40 as i will be rnning 30lb braid on it) it will be used as an all round heavyer line class rod (so jigging, bottom bashing, livebaiting for jewfish, trolling small skirts for striped tuna and dollies etc) how is th drag on this reel and how do they perform after a few years (oviously taking care of them) are they ok to cast with ? and some general feedback on them would be greatly appreciated i know alot of you will probably say get a lever drag for trolling and live baiting but i can't find any that i like and this reel looks like a tough reel also what rod should i match it with Cheers, Fletcher
  7. ye ive been careful with them every little noise makes me stop walking lol turns out to be water dragon things and skinks 90% of the time those water dragon things attack your lures not good if you hook one
  8. spottie mackeral come down every year and spaniards usually mixed in with them then there are the jacks, queenies and taropn that are usually found in queenscliff, manlly and other lakes/ lagoons around there (there are also a few GT's apparently) then theres wahoo, cobia, sails and im not sure if these are around sydney anyway but longtail tuna longtoms (but there fairly common) thats all i can think of at the moment just don't get your hopes up there are a few but not alot of these species caught (i dont think )
  9. yep have tried morning afternoon dawn (went down that time today) dusk middel of the day for nothing anyway this morning i was fishing spinnerbait (and tricked them up with a SP to see if that would make any difference) i got down there at about 6 and came home at about 11 lots of fish jumping and one big surface smash wich i am sure was a bass this time (99% sure anyway) lots a spinnerbait and a surface lure in the last 2 days even tried burleying up carp to see if i could get any on the SP only a torise/turlte whatever there called also do carp jump ? i saw something huge jump about 3 time in a row all i could make out was that it had a redish back (it was a monster !) anyway lots of fish busting the surface not sure what most of them would have been (different to the schools of mullet)
  10. not sure if it is the same one but the Braoken Bay bait station is quite abit further out than 10 - 15 km if it is the same one then yes i have the co-ordinates
  11. so basically it can be quite a good piece of equipment to have in an eaustry i am also hopeing that i can buy a spare spool and put 6 lb on it for bass and bream and stuff but also put 20 lb on it for jews, dollies and the like will this be a problem ? or just extra time to change the spool and extra money to buy one ? now as far as rods go there isn't going to be something that will cover 6 - 20 lb so any suggestions on what i should do there ? Cheers, Fletcher PS: soory i spelt the titls of the topic wrong figured out after i posted it and can't figure out how to change it PPS: thanks for changing it
  12. i am looking at what to get for my next combo and i was looking at a baitcaster (maybe the HRF ..... i wanted the steez but a fresh water only reel ) anyway im am worried that i won't use it asmuch as a spining reel what species could i target with a bait caster in the salt besids flatties and jews ?
  13. ye i know that but what really get's to me is that the carp are just sitting there and can't be stuffed to cross the river to me lol and would it be bass and/or ep that is crashing into schools of mullet ? or some other type of fish oh well ill keep trying i gotta get a bass eventually(i was down there every day for a week for 2-3 hours a day late last month for squat)
  14. i have been fishing LCR for quite a while now with no luck at all whilst i was there yesterday i came accross 2 people that where fishing from kayaks nd they said they had both caught 2 each ! and they where using the exact same lure as i was (black and red ausspins) i have tried a a heap of different lures and different locations is a kayak really the only way to catch these bass ? and seeming as there is no fishing allowed down river is that where they go (stupid question but thats where i would go if i didn't want a hook in my mouth lol) and i see carp swimming around all the time but no luck in catching them even in other places rather than LC any help one these fish would be great as im rnning out of ideas on how to get them cheers, Fletcher
  15. we sell them at #@#$ (not sure if it is the 625 but they are a fathom master) not as nice as the scotty's but still a very nice downrigger if your just looking for something to troll around livies for kings etc with and don't want a scotty this will be great
  16. what i now do is put braid on first then mono until i am happy on how much i have on the spool i then take the mono and braid off and lay them on old spools onf line then spool up normaly saves alot of wasted braid or not filling you spool up right
  17. thats what i thought aswell but i read that you can loose your rythem ? i use a reel that is 6.0 gear ratio for jiggng and i have no problems with it not sure where i read that lol
  18. good work mate its great fun voluenteering i used to voluenteer at the AWL and people used to say to me "but you do get any money" its more rewarding seeing the animals get rehomed than getting money
  19. im right handed i hold the rod in my left and wind with my right just what i am used to as said
  20. id go the trinidad only cause it is of much higher quality than the titus gold it will handle live baiting bottom bashing light trolling etc i read the a lower gear ratio is better for jigging than a higher one but i am sure it will be ok thats just my opinion
  21. symetre 2500 ive had it packed down at the tackle shop on thursday so ill see if its still doing it again this arvo
  22. its not only the colour it is fraying it is digging into its self even when it is packed very hard on the spool it isn't casting as well looks like another 35 bucks for a new spool
  23. i have been using fins for about 4 months now an have noticed that after about a month it went from bright yellow to a yucky pale yellow white colour has anyone had any problems with this before ?
  24. i played around with a stella 20000 on thursday and the are fantastic reels ..... so smooth but can push so much drag. i have also played around with alot of other daiwa top of the range gear on thursday and friday and i must say that daiwa is really going ahead in leaps and bounds. now to go the stella or saltiga ? personally (now i am a fan of shimano but since getting a job in a tackle shop i am starting to see that there is alot of nice gear from other brands) i would be having a good look at the daiwa ..... you get what you pay for and in this situation thats a good thing the stella is also one of the nicest spining rells available so it all comes down to you take your rod in have a play with them and see what you like if you walk out of the shop and know thats what you really wanted then you won't be dissapointed
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