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Bream Mad

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Posts posted by Bream Mad

  1. i like the R2S baby vibes in both sizes they aways catch good bream, flatties and bass

    also i have a bassday kangoku which is awesome

    bigger sizes for impoundment bass I like R2S phantoms and glassie vibs, obviously jackalls rule but they are pretty pricey

  2. that sure is one to brag about, great fish!!

    i was hoping you could help me out for a sec. i noticed in your pics you are using a baitcaster setup. i've recently bought myself a shimano core 101MG and matched it with a g-loomis 6' 6-12lb CR721C rod. i love the setup but i feel as though the rod is a little heavy for bass fishing. i would like something a little lighter but i'm not sure. what do you all think?

    Reel is awesome rod may be a tad heavy for river work but not for impoundment bassing

    I have a pflueger medalist 6'4" 2-4kg (feels more like 3-5kg) and I throw lures 5 gram and up and i generally get bigger fish even in the rivers as a 40cm bass will pull very hard.

    Your outfit should throw sammys; and small cranks (griffon, CK40, bevy crank) and spinnerbaits very well.

    I use fluorocarbon straight though and love it (8-12 lb) i find i still get lots of birdnests as i am learning to cast

    another lure that works well is a baby slick rig, easy to cast and bass love them

  3. Hi Raiders,

    Just returned from the family holiday with great stories to tell :biggrin2:

    New of a dam that I though warranted a closer look near the holiday house but was not sure if it held any fish, ony one way to find out .

    Took Jac and Moo up one lovely morning to find a pristine dam that looked the goods complete with airators. Casts to the weed beds on shallow divers and surface lures produced no interest, so along the dam wall I cast with a glassie vib.

    I counted the lure down then comenced a slow retreive. Bang ! I am on to an absolute horse that smokes me and my 10lb line before I new what happened :mad3:

    That got the heart pumping! now I tie on a TN50 Jackall and cast to the same spot and I am hit again by a freight train that dives deep pulling a HEAVY drag on my new alphas. After backing her out of three snags she finally surfaces, a true leviathan of Bass, gleaming bronze and fat as mud :yahoo:

    I lip her for a few pics and can hardly beleive the size and girth of the big girl, and what condition




    She went 53cm and god knows how heavy, a Bass of a lifetime :thumbup:

    I released her and she swam back into the depths


  4. they are a good lure for flatties / jew etc.

    Justa quick question , Why would you take the kooh out and get rid of some lead???? Wouldn't this defeat the purpose of the "Slick Rig"?? you may be better off buying the normal squidgy fish or similar lure and rigging them lighter if you wanted to fish these lures with a bit more finesse.


    I find the hook size on the 65mm a tad large and heavy (it is same size as the 80mm)

    sometimes i will just chop off some lead off the standard hook in the 80-110mm version if i want it to swim shallower and slower

    tried a squidgy fish and IMO the action is not as good as the slick rigs



  5. Hi Raiders,

    Just a quick update on the amazing performances of slick rigs. I have tried these on just about everything that swims and caught them all!!

    last night the bass included a 40+ specimen were all over the baby slick rigs 65mm

    salmon and tailor love them 80-100mm

    so do flaty's 80-100mm

    it is well documented that take mega barra up north

    sometimes the weight is a bit to much for finessing, but simply pull out the hook and cut off some lead or replace with another jighead and your sweet

    give them a go and keep bushy and starlo busy



  6. Hi Raiders,

    Hit a new ‘secret’ spot on Sunday keen to battle with some big natives.

    Water again was slightly discoloured after the rain, but not overly high. Weather was awesome!!

    Started at the bridge and made our way downstream.

    A couple of missed hits and boils at the first pool but no fish as yet.

    Then lee hooks to a nice 30cm starter. :biggrin2:


    Afterward I turn to see a BIG bass take something off the top (maybe a small bird :074: ) in a shower of spray (I got wet 3m away) Repeated casts fail to draw any response from the beast.

    Further down Lee hooks up again on jacks hopper to a nice Bass which fights hard.


    I still don’t have a fish and confidence starts to wander, but I keep saying to myself just ‘one good cast away’. On goes a battered SX40 and I start prospecting the ledge at the tail of a narrow pool. After four casts with no response I draw the lure over the ledge and ‘THUMP’ I am on to a horse! Rod buckles over and drag screams as she makes for the ledge. After a violent fight I cradle this wild gem at 42cm, an awesome fish from this small water :thumbup:


    As cloud rolls over the bass then get on the chew and we score 5 fish in almost as many casts from the next pool and a hidden underwater snag.

    Now we reach a very nice looking pool and I tie on a new baby vib 43 and cast to the head, first twich and it is hammered by another wild beast that takes off upstream on a searing run. As I regain line she dives under the ledge I am standing on, but eventually she tires and I hold another beauty aloft, slightly bigger and fatter at 43cm :yahoo:



    Now it’s time to head back and we make our way upstream each scoring the odd smaller specimen until we reach the first pool, in which lurks the beast. I fire my baby vib under a tree into a back eddy and no time for a twitch as the rod is almost ripped out of my hand by this angry fellow. :1yikes: Not the beast this time but still respectable at 35cm and fought like hell!!


    On the steep (and long) walk out we meet this cute little fellow and cold beer at the end caps off a great day.




  7. Hey mate

    I would recomend any sunline product as these are excellent.

    also have you considered mono? I use 4kg siglon v and its is rated to (4kg test) and is only 0.205mm

    mono is better for surface lures as it does not sink like fluoro


  8. :biggrin2: You're a cagey bugger Kael :biggrin2: If I had access to that sort of action I would keep it to myself too ;)

    Great report mate. You certainly got on to a hot session :1yikes: That's a terrific looking outfit you are using. Keep the reports and photos coming mate. A great read as usual :thumbup:



    Thanks mate pleasure as always

    the spot is good but hard to get to (no tracks) but as you well know with Bass timing IS everything

    the outfit is very japanese all JDM daiwa and very light and sensitive (280 grams) still debating mono or braid as braid is TOO sensitive, know any soft leader material?



  9. Hi Raiders,

    After being without transport for 3 weeks I was itching to have a crack at the local Bass when condition’s improved. Hit the local on the weekend between rain storms armed with a new camion hoping to run into bronze battlers.

    Water was still discoloured and high but fishable none the less

    First cast nowhere in particular and a boil indicated interest straight away :thumbup: as I begin the slow roll ‘BANG’ I am on to a typical feisty little bass


    From then on it is mayhem and the next dozen casts yield 8 more wonderful little bass, the best going just under 30cm :biggrin2:

    Confidence is obviously soaring and every retrieve get smacked by the hungry little fellows


    I cast into the tail of the next pool and the camion is hammered by a bigger fish which retreats powerfully under a large rock. I wade in to retrieve ‘cave man’ and eventually pull out this dark fellow from under the rock.


    Soon I loose track of numbers as every pool yield more hungry bass, but always in the back off my mind is the last pool which usually holds a big fish.

    I eventually reach the last pool and cast into the head of the pool and ‘BANG’ a big bass nails the camion and makes powerfully for the snag on the opposite bank, I pull her out of that one and she dives into the snag at my feet, eventually after a spirited fight I cradle this 37cm bronze beauty for a few pics before release


    Wow what a session, does fishing get any better!! 20+ fish in 1.5 hours all released

    Bring on Summer and cicadas !!!

  10. Hi Greg,

    That is really outstanding fishing for quality table fish such as those reds.

    sounds like your getting the hang of it pretty quickly and results show.

    what size boat would you recomend for that style of red plastic bashing!!!

    keep up the informative reports


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