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Bream Mad

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Posts posted by Bream Mad

  1. You probably already know this but a few magazines articles I've read have mention that braid is good for it's low stretch properties but it needs to be mated to a softer/medium action rod which allows the user to still strike hard but provides a bit more give in the rig to prevent pulled hooks.

    Great marketing strategy if you ask me - sell expensive braid to encourage the purchase of new softer tipped graphite rods as most people have gone for fast to very fast action graphite rods, I know I did..

    Never discount good old mono .. although I hardly use mono for lure fishing but use it extensively for bait fishing.

    Re. flouro vs mono .. fish side by side with another and you will see the difference the mono will get less (to no) hits (straight through or leader). If you fish alone, it may not make a difference.

    Not saying mono is no good, but you need to consider this is you are not fishing alone or are in a heavily fished area. Just what I have experienced.

    some good points there stylo

    i don't often fish side by side with a similar skilled angler using fluoro.

    but don't think i have expereinced any less hits using mono (leader or straight though) rather than fluoro

    good point about the rods, that is probably why i love my pro tactic so much because it has a nice soft tip which aids in reducing shock.


  2. Thanks mate. Just the info I was looking for. Hook-up rate (for bream especially) is often pretty hit and miss on surface lures, and it may be because of the lack of stretch as you have suggested. This is the reason I try to let them turn with the lure before I strike. I might fill one of my spare spools with some 6lb mono and see if there is a marked difference. One possible downside I can see is casting distance. The water down here is pretty clear, so loooong casts are required for the flighty fish. I will let you know how it goes!



    Definitely with bream on surface lure i would use 4lb braid and a mono leader , this is a situation where long casts are important. Bass fishing on the other hand is a much tighter affair most cast a well less than 10m and Bass have soft mouths

    as far as missing hookups on surface lures i think it is just par for the course :thumbdown:


  3. A very interesting topic, Kael. :thumbup: Without mentioning specifics (your secret weapons :biggrin2: ):

    Were you fishing top water or sub surface?

    What breaking strain were you testing?

    Were you using plastics/HBs/etc?


    good question

    mostly top water using HB's thus mono floats better than flouro (braid also floats)

    6lb breaking strain


  4. Hi Raiders,

    Thought I would share some recent expriences with different types of fishing line

    I recently went back to using mono on my river bass rig and must say extremely happy with the results.

    problem was with braid it was TOO sensitive and was pulling hooks. Did not want the drag backed off to allow the bronze battlers back into their den. Tried increasing leader length which helped but still had problems with knots though guides ect and inconsitent casting.

    Don't beleive the hype about flourocarbon being less stretchy in all cases than mono, I actually found the opposite. Vanish had more stretch than Sunline mono?

    So went to Machinegun cast all the way which gives just the perfect amount of shock absorbing to prevent pulled hooks plus casts more accuratly than braid and almost as far (most casts are less than 10m anyway)

    what i am trying to say is don't just discount mono in favour of flouro or braid, look at each fishing situation and choose the best line for each.

    the monos and fluro's from Japan are outstanding and over their and in the US are a lot more popular than braids for bass fishing


  5. Hi mate

    ditto all the advice above i would not go anywhere without a clouser, BMS or charlie in natural colours (lightish).

    also never discount a bugger in olive as this works ANYWHERE.

    i have also had success on small olive B/H nymphs for bream

    remember you are flyfishing so forget lead eyes unless you need them, a more natural sink rate or even neutral bouancy is much more appealing to bream



  6. Just ordered a new alphas type r and automatically thought i would fill it with braid, however reading articles from tackletour it seems in USA and Japan braid is not realy that popular on baitcasting reels :wacko:

    Fluoro carbon seems to get the thumbs up from all up to ITO himself.

    surely the enhanced sensitivity plus capacity and minimal air resistance would be much more benificial on baitcasters as it is our bream spin gear?

    am i missing something, why is fluoro more popular on baitcasters?



  7. I now use unitika PE braid and it is simply awesome stuff

    it is very fine 0.09mm for the 12lb saltwater stuff which is finer than any fireline and much smoother.

    yes it is more prone to windy's and snagging on guides but the positives definitely outway the negatives.

    i have also used sunline super PE which is very similar, just the colour is a bit too leary



  8. Well done Kael, very nice early season effort. I am planning a couple of overnight trips into the nepean area soon, hope to get some early bass too. cheers troutboy :1fishing1:

    Good to hear from you mate.

    how are those trout going over the mountains?

    i got in only one trout session last season :thumbdown:

    the bass kept me going though :thumbup:



  9. TRY shorter leader and try to cast with the leader already out of the guides

    SX40's are definitley pretty ordinary on distance, try a chubby much better, or a blade even better again :thumbup:

    6lb fireline is pretty stiff and poor for casting light lures, if you must use it try crystal in 2 or 4lb or go to something like sunline super PE and you will see a big difference :thumbup:

    how long is you rod? longer is better for distance, i favour rods close to 7'



  10. variable knot strength is definitely the reason i threw my fireline in the bin :thumbdown:

    no matter what knot i tried the result was not consitant

    try some other brands from japan such as sunline or unitika which are not that much more expensive

    $35 for 150m and trust me you won't go back to fireline



  11. Hey Mate,

    I have had a crack at these fish in the past around september and these were big rainbows, basically they were schooled up chasing each other around. after getting over the sight of these fish and having MANY casts with the fly gear it was soon apparent that they were far to preoccupied with trying to spawn than eating. However with that in mind a large rainbow trout lure such as a rapala or xrap might draw a agressive strike.

    just think of salmon tactics and you are probably in with a chance.

    you basically have to annoy the fish into a reaction strike



  12. Greg, thanks mate i appreciate that small lesson, big help mate!

    I have alsways followed that technique of flogging the same lure, if nothing hits in 10mins its time to change no matter how much you love that lure :074:

    Cheers again Greg


    Great advice there guys

    although it is hard to snip off and old fav :074:

    don't forget vibes as well, the R2S ones in both sizes have caught me plenty of bream and seem better value for money

    don't know how they can charge $16 for a blade, which is nothing more than a painted bit of metal :ranting2: should be way less than $10



  13. Hi Jackall and :1welcomeani:

    I beleive that tallowa dam is a major problem with migratory bass in the kangaroo river,

    however I would be bitterly disipointed if there was not a few bass hanging around.

    Yes it is not the best time of year as they tend to hibernate for the winter, however did get two on the weekend on surface lures and let me tell you the water was colder than any trout stream.

    give it a go and find out, bass don't always follow the rules :074:



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