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Posts posted by Lasty

  1. I am thinking of getting a radio for my boat and know absolutely nothing about them. What types of radios are there (is there a difference between a VHF radio and a 27meg radio?), what brands are good and what sort of price will I be looking at? Has anyone had any experience with hand held marine radios?

  2. Its cheaper to buy a piece of PVC pipe and two end caps (I recommend screw caps) and make your own. You can even pop rivet a handle on if you want to. Also a tip get two cheap car washing sponges and squash them in the ends which will stop the rods rattling around.

  3. I suppose that raises another question, what sort of set up should I use in Botany Bay. I have been drifting along the beach at Brighton for flatties in a little tinny and using 9lb mono with a size 3 ball sinker and a 1/0 long shank. Now I have a bigger boat and will be able to go as far as the heads I am wondering what sort of set up I should use. I have spinning reels and 6ft medium action rods.

    All advice graciously accepted.

  4. What do you guys reckon is the best mono. I like to replace my line every 12 months so don't want to go over the top. I have been using the yellow Penn line which is about $10.00 for 1,000 metres and hasn't let me down yet.

  5. We went out on Friday and fished along the beach at Brighton and off the runways for only 1 small bream in the boat. Although I did miss a really good flattie went it swam around my other line. We did have a late start as my brand new motor didn't want to suck fuel and we were bounced around. I also have this week off as I promised to paint my son's room but we will see what happens!

  6. hi guys

    I am new to the this site. I have fished BB for a number of years now, usually along the beach at Sans Souci in my Dad's old tinny for flathead. Now I have bought myself something bigger and will be able to travel further out. Any suggestions as to where I should try and what tackle and baits etc to use?

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