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Posts posted by Lasty

  1. Bob

    As you are advocating that people direct their preferences away from Labour at the upcoming NSW election, to help me make up my mind could you answer the following questions:

    Have the Liberals guaranteed that the money from fishing licenses will be quarantined for spending on fishing facilities as it is now or will it be consumed into consolidated revenue; and

    How many fisheries officers will lose their jobs as part of the 20,000 public servants that Peter Debnam says he will sack?

  2. What I want to know is,what the bloody hell IS marine paint ????What is the difference that has you paying premium prices for the stuff?

    I don't know. It says Marine Paint on the outside. I will be at the paint shop in the next week (my long weekend will be spent painting the laundry) and I will ask the guys the difference and the price!

  3. After being told by the dealer that there was nothing wrong with the motor and I just hadn't loosened the fuel cap it happened again.

    I went out today and ensured that the fuel tank cap was very loose. The motor went fine early in the morning without being pushed but when the wind and waves came up every time I went over 3000 rpm the motor seemed to rev but we lost power. When I throttled it back the power came back. It was fine below 3000rpm but when I tried to take it over 3000rpm the motor increased to 4500 to 5000rpm and once it went from 3000rpm to 6000rpm wiothout any increase in power.

    When this happened I checked the fuel lines and it all seemed OK. However I have noticed that the connection between the hose and tank seems a little loose and after it clicks in there seems to be about a 5mm gap. Also I connected the hose to the tank at home but when we reached the ramp it had come off. This happens regularly and I was wondering if that is where the air maybe getting into the system and starving the motor of fuel?

    Anyone else got any other ideas as I don't want to take it back to the dealer again if it is something stupid that I am doing.

  4. My local paint shop, Australia's Paint Discounters at Regents Park (they have other branches) has cans of Marine Paint in sizes ranging from little touch up cans to 4 litre cans. They are very competetive on other paints so I would not see why they wouldn't be competetive on these as well.

  5. Aron

    I am looking at building a shelf/shelves like yours for my shed. I noticed that it does not seem to have cross pieces of frame but is tied together with the shelves. Do you find this to be stable enough?

  6. It has been back to the dealer who says he tested the motor and there is nothing wrong with it. He said that the pertol tank cap prrobably has a really good seal and that I didn't loosen it enough. I am a bit sceptical as the time the fuel line was accidentially disconnected while flushing the motor it just purred until it stopped. I will be going out again later this week and time will tell, however I might flush it again before I go and see how it starts and idles from cold!

  7. There was also a story on the weekend about a jet ski that hit a guy sitting in the back of a boat (I can't remember where). Apparently the jet ski rider tried to launch off the boats wake but misjudged it and hit the guy in the shoulder and then head. The guy in the boat is in a bad way and typically the jet ski pi##ed off.

    Geeze I hate those things!!!!

  8. My dealer told me that you only needed to use to 50:1 mix for the first tank. After that just rely on the oil injection and don't take it over 3,500 rpm for the first 10 hours.

  9. Some idot with no idea of the concept of a no wash zone raced past me as I was just pulling in to the Kyeemagh pontoon on last Wednesday. His wake slammed my boat into the corner of the pontoon and now I have a nice dent. One foot more and I would have hit it side on.

    It is worse during the holidays but I reckon I see at least one idiot every time we go out!

  10. We had a late start at 7.00am due to a bit of a barbeque the night and as I was approaching the pontoon to pick up my Dad some hero who doesn't know what a no wash zone is zoomed past and his wave slammed the boat into the pontoon and now my boat has its first dent. Not a good start. :05:

    We started drifting off Brighton where I picked up a 49cm flattie and my Dad dropped a bigger specimen on his handline as the line broke as he was trying to drag it round from the back of the boat. The number of rods and reels I have given him over the years and he still defaults to his hand lines. We also picked up a number of small whiting and tailer.

    We then went to the third runway where amoungst hundreds of small bream I picked up a shovelnose which might have gone close to the record but I didn't measure it (the red esky in the picture is 30cm long). We will never know. Due to a few motor problems and the wind picking up we moved back to Brighton and I jagged the 56cm flattie and then we all got heaps of small bream so we called it a day at 11.30am.

    All in all a lot of fish caught with a couple of solid flatties for the barbeque.



  11. I have a 40hp Johnson (2 stroke) which only has 4 hours on it. When we were out today it started reving and racing like it had dropped out of gear and we lost power and then the power would return and we would surge ahead. When we got home and were flushing it it was idling really rough and then stalled.

    I will be calling the dealer tomorrow but was wondering if anyone had any ideas what might be the problem?

  12. Try just inside St Georges Basin near the green channel marker, you can anchor there and get flathead and bream on both the run in and run out tide. On the run in tide you can start there and drift into the middle of the basin.

    The drift between the entrance and Kangaroo Point which is the first point on your left hand side going into the Basin is usually pretty good and also the drift either into or out of (depending on the wind) the little bay between the entrance and Kangaroo Point is also normally pretty good.

    We go to Sussex at least once a year and have rarely come away disappointed. At this time year there should be plenty of flatties.

    I can also recommend having a beer or two on the balcony of the Sailfish Club.

    Let us know how you go.

  13. It's just about time to add more oil to my oil injection tank and the dealer said that I should not mix brands of oils as I will get a build up of "sludge'. Is this true or is the dealer just trying to get me to buy his overpriced oil?

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