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Posts posted by Lasty

  1. Nah mate, they were fishermen.

    We were at the top of the ramp in a big red truck (watching the fireworks) and when these guys had their station wagon in the water half way up the rear wheels we thought we might have had a rescue situation on our hands.

    The thing that shits me is that they probably did alright!

  2. I have been given a 6' 2-4kg spin rod and was wondering what size reel would be best suited to it.

    It will probably use 6lb mono and use it with for SP and was wondering whether I should get either a 1000 or 2000/2500 series reel?

  3. I need to get a tow bar bike carrier and have noticed that there are two types, the black single bar non-removeable type and the gold twin bar removable type. I waqs wondering if anyone could recommend which type is the best and most stable?

  4. We were out on the Bay yesterday and my sounder said the temperature ranged between 13.2 and 14.5 degrees. As Russ said it was a beautiful day but very quiet fish wise, one flathead (40cms) and a flounder that was bigger than a dinner plate (my first fish on SP).

  5. I've got pretty much the same problem as I just lay them along the floor. I was thinking about attaching a rocket launcher type holder the the outside of one of the side pockets. However, this would mean that I would still have to lay any unused rods down and I am pretty sure that someone will eventually gash their shins on it. Has anyone else tried this?

  6. Hey Quinfish was that you (in the very distinctive Fishraider cap!) in tne Wyong Fire Control centre this morning? I only saw you as we were having our briefing so couldn't come and say hello.

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