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Posts posted by Lasty

  1. Do people know that you can direct your own preferences. If you only use the number 1 on either ballot paper the preference will be distributed to the party that the party you voted for wants.

    However, if you number every box you can distribute your own preference. For example in the upper house (the Legislative Council) if you vote one for the Fishing Party and then 2, 3 4 5 etc and the Fishing Party do not get enough votes to get a seat your vote will go to whover you put the number 2 against.

    Sure this takes longer but you can ensure that your vote goes where you want it.

    My recommendation would be to vote 1 for the Fishing Party in the Legislative Council and then 2 for the party of your choice.

  2. I am after some advice on what to use as a leader as I was broken off twice in Botany Bay today.

    The first time I was using 10lb Diawia sea-line (pretty old I must admit) as a leader and got the biggest flathead I have ever seen. I got it to the boat and my 12 year old son actually got it into the environet but it was too heavy for him to lift and it jumped out and guess what, the leader broke. Now I admit this probably wasn't the line's fault, as i was using old line and it was a very big fish.

    The second time I was using some 12lb JW mono that my Dad had and I hooked something which took lots of line and swam up and down the side of the boat several times and then swam under the boat. It didn't have the heavy dead weight of a flathead but it had plenty of weight and power. When I dragged it out from under the boat this leader broke as well (or I was bitten off). It was not my knots because the leaders broke about 1/3 of the way from the hook.

    I was I was using 8lb mono as my mainline and was wondering what you guys use or would recommend that I use a leader as I don't want this to happen again (although i admit it is all part of fishing)?

  3. The increased State taxes have gone to fill the $3 billion GST shortfall caused by the Federal Government giving the GST paid by the people of NSW to other states primarily QLD and WA. The people of NSW pay $13 billion in GST but the Federal Government only returns $10 billion hence the NSW Government has to maintain the State taxes and charges to make up this shortfall otherwise it will have to cut services.

  4. Dave

    What sort of radio did you get and how much did it set you back as I am thinking of doing similar. My boat has a mounting for an antenna on the front port side.

  5. If I can't leave the hooks in their original sealed plastic containers I put them into the little plastic film cannisters. You used to be able to heaps of these from photo processing places, but I don't know what their availability is like since the digital revolution.

  6. I usually take my plates off the bbq and spray them with degreaser, wait 10 minutes and then scrub with hot soapy water and steel wool. I then thoroughly wash in hot soapy water a couple of times and they are like new.

  7. We got some stuff from the supermarket called 'oomph glue remover' and it is deadly on stickers. Simply spray it on the sticker and wait a few minutes and then the sticker comes off with your fingers. It comes in a little 250ml spray for about $4.00 and hasn't damaged any of the painted surfaces we have used it on.

  8. Maybe look at a roof mounted option. I recently moved all my rods to a roof mounted roof rack. Free's up a heap of room in the garage and also gets them well away from prying eyes.

    Made from a bit of ally angle and some pine.


    I have been thinking of doing something like that for some time now. Any chance you could post a photo of your 'invention'?

  9. If the Libs are cutting 20,000 jobs it will effect more than just fisheries inspectors.

    It must have some effect on waterways, waterpolice etc etc

    Thats before you look at the wider areas outside of fishing



    They are my concerns. They have announced this policy which most of us think will have wide ranging impacts, not just on fishing, and then seem to be reluctant to discuss it.

  10. Lasty

    The culling of the 20,000 deadwood beurocrats is a federal issue ie Kevin Rudd , Duncan Gaye is state , and im pretty sure i heard him say they were going to recruit another 15 fisheries officers if they get in power.



    NO, the NSW Liberal party policy is to partly fund its election promises by sacking 20,000-25,000 NSW state public servants. This has nothing to do with the Federal Government or Kevin Rudd.

    What Duncan Gay said was that there was a report handed to the NSW Government last year that recommended, amongst other things, that another 15 fisheries officers be employed, but that the government did not implement that aspect of the report. He did not give an undertaking to recruit those 15 inspectors.

    I have a real concern that if Peter Debnam wins the election and sacks this many people that Fisheries inspectors will be included in those sacked.

    Also not all people employed in the public sector are "deadwood beurocrats"!

  11. Ste and I are fanatical Wests Tigers fans. We go to all the home games and as many away games as we can.

    Perhaps at the first game at telstra this year we should all get together for a drink at the Novotel before the game!!!!!

  12. Duncan Gay was on Hi-Tide this morning and I asked Keiran and Bruce to ask him how many Fisheries Officers would be sacked as part of the Liberal policy of sacking 20,000-25,000 NSW public servants and they refused to put the question to him.

    This really concerns me as no one from the Liberal party is prepared to answer this question. It will be no good if all the Marine Parks are revoked but there is no-one to police the undersize and excess fish taking.

  13. Guys,

    I have recently taken up catching poddy mullet in the georges river to use as live bait, though the poddy mullet i have been catching seem pretty small (about 5-6cm). What size poddy mullet should i be using as live bait, and what size hook should i be using??? I am used to using yellow tail, so the poddy mullet look really small.

    THanks for the help.


    Where abouts in the Georges are you getting them. I have had a couple of goes lately for no luck.

  14. Nel When licences were first released many tackle stores had them available partly as a service , even though there was no revenue to the store but it did bring in potential customers who may purchase other products.

    But what many experienced , it takes the same time to write out a 3 year licence as a 5 day. In my view that is a fault of the system . 3 day & perhaps 1 month licences should be available like a train ticket. Pay the money & fill in the issue date. All done in 15 seconds

    If writing out licences especially if there were a group of 3 or 4 then other customers wishing to purchase gear were being neglected.

    The other aspect , there were stories of pilfering. Store owner , perhaps by himself whilst writing licences was not able to keep an eye on what others in the shop were doing.

    At the end of the day most considered it just not worth while so decided to no longer carry licences


    Spot on Geoff. The fishing stores asked Fisheries for some form of commission or compensation for selling the licences and when fisheries refused a lot of them stopped selling the licences, particularly the hand written ones!

  15. Possibly correct lasty and that is of course vendor's choice.

    That is the way things are going isn't it. Very soon it will be a cashless society.

    Cheers mrsswordfisherman

    I think it has more to do with who covers the bank charges for EFTPOS!

  16. What you can do is get the name of the particular houseboat and the name of the hire company and report that to Fisheries. They will then go to the hire company get the name of the people who hired it on that particular day and they've got 'em

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