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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. The boys were catching them from the mothership over the weekend! They were just using bread as bait and swordies burley slick of chook pellets brought every fish in from miles around! They were getting them on unweighted sabikis and a float with a small hook! Burley and they will come! Bread, pellets, it doesn't matter! Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Thought I would add a few photos of our awesome social. The kids have not stopped raving about it and want me to take them again these school holidays! I might just have too! I would love to see the photos from the pirate ship??? Especially all the fish they caught!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Also Chantelle, I'm not sure how much you know about Fishraider, but if you use the search function on this site, and type "hairtail" it will give you many reports from our members over the years that may help with your paper! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. It was our pleasure to help you guys out! Fishing is our passion and if there is any other species or info you need then just ask! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. I was there moored up all Friday night smashing them! There was plenty about! If you had of signed up and caught a big hairy, I could have been worth $500 to you! Ouch!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. No worries Nathan! It was great to see you catch your first! That's just awesome! I'd also like to thank sasha for the extra bait and also congratulate him on the biggest hairtail. Even though it was sown together! Lol Well done champ! You fish as hard as anyone out there and deserve the title! Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Welcome young man. This is a great site for young and old. I hope you enjoy reading and learning as there are many topics on here to help improve your fishing! Cheers scratchie mod team
  8. Darwin for sure! I'll be there in October! It's not fishing up there, it's catching! I ticked a lot of species off my last trip there! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Home safe and sound, boat cleaned and thank god there was hot water for a shower! Thanks swordies for organising an awesome event! Geoff and Lyn for all there help especially with my kids! And this year it was mark and mels turn to help scratchie out with a flat battery! Mark I guarantee you, next year you will get that elusive hairy! My kids had a ball and just loved everything about the whole event and for me, that's what it's all about! Great to meet everyone! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Hope you don't mind the doof doof music! It's coming from every boat! Grrrrrrr
  11. I think it's 20????No peace here! Every houseboat in hawksebo here! We chasing jew now!
  12. We reached our possession limit! Some crackers in there too! Will post tomorrow. Good luck raiders! Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Not a bad pre-fish! I will not be weighing the hairtail in obviously and will donate them to fisheries. But the Flatty will be lunch today We let about 4 or so go as well. They were biting all through the night up to 730am. We also caught 3 jew which were released. There's some big hairies out there I got dusted twice on 30lb! Look forward to meeting you all. Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. True Sam! But Reynolds is a grub and built for origin! Take out Chad Townsend then, move Maloney to half, Reynolds to five eight and ok I'll let Gallen play!
  15. Gees, that's a bit deflating from other reports! Maybe they are just waiting for our social!!! Thanks for the heads up! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Sorry shakey, just realised I edited your post not quoted it! That's my team anyway!
  17. Good to see you getting amongst a few Steve! I hope for your sake that opening lets a few of the silver beasts in for you to play with! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. I would read that as yes it is! Don't forget fish move and movement creates that streaking pattern especially if you are stationary or drifting slowly! When travelling they come up as more of a pattern like photo3. Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Good stuff Tag! You've got me excited! That is one fat sambo! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Good first report wellzy! Thanks for the feedback on the area. I'm sure there'll be a few interested raiders with the upcoming social this weekend! The social will also give you feedback as to whats biting! Cheers scratchie!!!
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