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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. I wouldn't head out. I live on the ocean door step and it is pumping right now! Forecast not real good either! They'll be better days to head out than tomorrow. Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Lol......there are a million of them up here around broughton island and big bastards too! I've tried using them as bait and the fish won't eat them either!
  3. I agree with swordy! If the baits in their big mouth, then so is the hook! However, if live baiting is a bit different. A quick count to ten, then set the hook. Just my opinion! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. From the dpi website: only 2 and boat trip limit of 10http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/saltwater-bag-and-size-limits
  5. My son has some unbelievable footage of the same thing up here! It must be created by a spawning period. Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. No worries craig! See you then. Let me know when your up and I'll try organise something. Reports are the snapper have started moving to the inshore reefs!
  7. Isn't it funny when expectations are low is when fishing can surprise us the most. I would put my money on a horse bream that you lost. Plenty about atm. I also bet that you can't repeat that next time as you expectations are now far greater! Hope you do though! Good luck! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. The wind is fine but the swell looks pretty ordinary at this stage. Good luck if you do get out!
  9. As I said before, any time fellow raiders! Don't mind either session but it's better when you combine the two!
  10. Throwbacks: Rock cod Wrasse of any sort Bream not a fan. Trevally Bonito Aussie salmon Sgt baker And some people have said they eat sweep? What the???
  11. Yowie- two of his bream were absolute horses. And for those interested, he said with the mullet run, he fillets a whole mullet and puts the guts, frames and chook pellets in a burley bucket and fishes lightly weighted pieces of mullet into the oyster racks! Jim- I'm the poorest bloke I know! Don't know what would give him that impression. Although, with a family like mine and the place I live, I couldn't be happier!
  12. Never caught a gamefish before 9am. I always ask myself why I leave so early. I think it's the nastouga of watching the sun rise! Also think by time you collect live bait and travel miles offshore, that takes some time. Each to their own! Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Cheers! There a few "pinnacles" up here. If you mean the one out the front between big island and fingal lighthouse, that spot there can be good for snapper early morning!
  14. Your welcome anytime! Always need an excuse to go fishing!
  15. Don't be silly. Time on the water = fish! I try to get as much time fishing as I can especially with beautiful weather
  16. Well there you go baz. Face ache is good for something! Lol. Yes mate those cuttlefish are about in numbers and rather annoying!
  17. I'm a new born compared to you swordy! Lol But everyday I can see my youth slipping away!
  18. Cheers Neil. I generally don't target flatty this time of year as they are more productive between nov-mar due to their breeding patterns. Yes, it does make a difference as they become more dormant and less likely to entice. But the good weather has kept them chewing for a bit longer.
  19. Burley is anything you can mash up that attracts fish! Some people use cubes of pillies, others use bread or chook pellets. It doesn't really matter what you use IMO as long as you are not actively feeding this fish. Action creates action! The key is a constant stream of burley! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. It was an incoming tide and all fish were caught in 2.5m or less of water. I was using a 1/8 jig and most of the damage was done on a 100mm bloodworm wriggler and a 4inch minnow in pilchard. 6lb braid and 9lb leader. The fish today were very aggressive and swallowed the sp on a few occasions, meaning a few leader changes. I also noted that the eastern side of the bay was 1 degree warmer than the western side were I didn't land a fish! Hmmmmmm
  21. G'day raiders, I just couldn't get any housework done today with the gorgeous weather we are having. So when jnr got home from his rugby trials, I said let's go mate and we'll try for a few more flatties. Well he had the boat packed before I could find a fishing shirt. Hit the ramp at 2pm and off to find our target. The bay was a complete glass out and we got to our spot in no time at all...... First spot on the south side of Wanda headland saw a lot of bust ups of tailor, so I cast to the school and let the sp sink and sure enough, a nice flatty sitting underneath and was soon boated. We both cast for a while but no more fish to add. So we moved to the northern side of Wanda and first cast bang on and another nice flattie to the box. Well what proceeded was a flattie for me every cast for the next 30 mins. Poor jnr was persisting but to no avail and even after much coaching he just couldn't get one to stick today but he never gave up and just kept on casting. To be honest, I think he spent a lot of time netting for me which may have detracted from his fishing time! We then tried another spot which had yielded a heap the other day but no joy this time. We made our way back to the ramp by 430 with 6 good Flatty ranging between 40-55cm and I let at least that many go. Whilst at the cleaning tables I ran into an elderly gentleman that had 5 absolutely stonking bream with the biggest just on 50cm. I asked him if he was local and he said he was. He asked me if that was my boat there as he sees it all the time, then he asked if I was retired too? I laughed and thought shit, do I look that old? Anyway, we exchange fishing spots and techniques and both agreed that it was a great afternoon to be on the water. Thanks all for reading, Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Probably enough lead to build a "Collins class submarine"
  23. First of all, nice catch finin! Bottom bashing in 90m of water is a fair wind. Hairtail in Newcastle harbour is not uncommon. They are as prolific there as the hawkesbury from what the locals have told me up here. One of my mates said he was catching them there 30 years ago. But I think your right about the cycle, some years they are really thick. I haven't heard of them being caught in that deep of water though! Not a frost fish finin? Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Up here your at the mercy of the wind and tide, not rain and water levels. Yesterday was perfect for drifting in shallow water chasing the humble flathead. And didn't they whack our lures. Nearly got chaffed off a few times. Good netting skills by jnr though!
  25. Cheers guys! Perfect day to go back to basics and flick for flatty. I forgot how relaxing that type of fishing is. I was using 1/8 2/0# jig and 100mm bloodworm wriggler and 80 fish/drop bear. Looking forward to tonight's dinner!
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