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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. G'day raiders, Had to make the most of the beautiful weather today. So after sporting commitments, hooked up the boat and straight to soldiers point ramp. I found a spot close to the ramp as I was waiting for fellow raider (crazed@bonito) to meet up. Whilst I waited, scratchie jnr and I threw around some sp's and I managed a few nice flatties. We met up and chris had hired a boat and wanted to get his first flatty on a sp. so I got him to follow me to a new spot around the other side but the wind was affecting our drift, so we went back to the place I started at. I scored another nice flatty as I showed chris what drift to take and prove they were about. After a while I left him to it and went to chase some jew but no luck there. With the sun fading, jnr wanted to get a flatty himself, so we went back to that spot and sure enough he managed to land a nice one! All up, caught 7 and kept 4 for a feed. Beautiful afternoon out there and great to meet up with yet another raider! Thanks for reading, Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Great write up recurve! It is a general consensus that this information pertains to many, if not every boat ramp. In a nutshell, common courtesy, common sense and common decency! Thanks for taking the time to point out the etiquette that SHOULD happen at every ramp! Regards scratchie!!!
  3. Definately a good variety there yowie! The bream and tailor are crackers. You can keep the leather jacket though! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Watch this space! I may be going Saturday arvo if I get the chance. Happy to take to along LB if I can. I won't know until Saturday morning, so check in when you can! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. I seen the concept a while back. It's sort of like long lining except the sliding. It has merit. Although I've never tried it. Interesting to see the results! Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Just a reminder to all those raiders that watch "wicked tuna" that the new season starts tonight! And there's actually 2 episodes. I'm hoping the "Hard Merch" can go back to back!
  7. Great video! A good way to put together a report. Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Wow!!! Now that's what I call raising revenue. We all spend quite a bit of money on our gear etc. a common sense approach is to secure it properly to prevent injury to others but also not to lose or damage things in our haste to get to that boat ramp!
  9. Just thought I would add to this thread. Long tail and mac tuna are prolific in the bay and surrounding headlands between mid March until mid May. Either slowly trolling live slimies or floating them under a balloon or float is the main way for capture. Salmon and tailor also start to turn up in great numbers at the start of May around the rock outcrops from Anna bay to Tomaree head. Either spinning, floating livies or dead baits is your best options. Squid are another option especially during low light periods and there are some monsters about this time of year!
  10. The tynos is a great reel. I think your on the money with 50lb and 80lb leader. 6-8kg of drag should be good for that set up. As for a rod to match, I'm with swordy! He loves his jigging setups! Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Generally I don't mind two rods going but not off the stones. Too many things to deal with at once.There were a heap of sambos about though. Seen a school of about 100 come through, big fat ones! A shame they were'nt snapper!
  12. No mate. I have used for fish cakes before but too much effort required.
  13. G'day raiders, Managed to get out with fellow raider dom on Saturday arvo for a quick flick. We were going to chase some longtail but the bait was hard to find and the wind was against us so with no bait we decided to throw around a few sp's and try and find a few snapper. It was hard going but we boated one pannie each and I picked up a nice flatty too. Then dom seen some birds working and plotted us on that drift. Well, to say I got smoked by what was probably a good mac on snapper gear was an understatement. Almost spooled and the fish found some structure and pop the leader went. Oh well, I came home with a feed. (Sorry no pics) Today, I went for a quick fish off the stones as the mrs was doing some study. It was lightly raining but I didn't care. A fresh squid strip out on a float while I threw around a vibe for no joy! Then all of a sudden the floated bait goes off. I'm winding my vibe in like mad and it's been chased by a few salmon. I really didn't want a double as I was solo. So I lift the vibe out the water and attend to the other rod. A good fight but a bit of over kill with the gear I was using. Anyway landed one big fat sambo that was returned to the deep and home in time for a shower and some lunch! Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Lol...... Some people have too much time on their hands!
  15. Scratchie

    Be careful guys

    This is not the forum to name and shame businesses. Fab, good on you for helping out. As said previous, good karma to you!
  16. Hey Chris, I'm not familiar with that spot, I'm expressing what works for me up here and I would apply the same method there. If people are also catching flatty at the same spot. It tells me that the bottom is either sandy or with weed patches. Perfect for the technique I described. 2/0 means the size of hook and gang is 2 or more hooks. A 3 gang 2/0 hook unweighted with full pillie, cast out, let sink and if a salmon doesn't hit it on the drop, slowly roll it back when it hits the bottom and your a chance of a flatty as well.
  17. Mid June there are a lot of tailor, trevally and salmon about. The snapper fish well early morning on the inshore reefs. I'll be happy to take you out if time off aligns but if not, pm me and I'll recommend a charter for you! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Hey Chris, I catch them all the time off the rocks! A 7ft rod and 4000/5000 reel 20lb line, perfect! Just use an unweighted pillie on a 2/0 gang hook and you won't miss if they are there. A little bit of burley goes a long way too! Hope that helps. Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. To the best of my knowledge, YES it is. However, dropping a large bait off a beach is not targeting them. This rules pertains to enticing a sighted great white from my understanding.
  20. Nice work Jim. Sometimes you need to move around to find the fish because there on the move too! At least you picked up a good one. Enjoy Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Great work mate! Plenty around at the moment. It's always a torment whether to try and upgrade to a nice fish or take them home for a feed! I would've used at least one to find a fish! Enjoy! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Great work Tara! Once you get the hang of sp's, it becomes quiet addictive. It's also a great way to cover a large area LB. Look forward to the report of your first jew! Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Epic mate! Certainly one on my must do list! Thanks for sharing. Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Well done Tag on both accounts of a good report and getting a mate onto some good fish! Oh, I just love the cold nights of hawkesbury chasing hairtail. Bring on the social. Cheers scratchie!!!
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