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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Thanks mate. My daughter enjoyed playing her iPod too because the boys wouldn't let her fish. Only because she embarrasses them every time! She can live with that!
  2. That's a great read mate! Congrats on your PB and persevering with SP's. Your right, it's very addictive and now forms a big part of my tackle box! Well done. Cheers scratchie!!! P.s nice rod choice. Bought one on the weekend and my son slammed it in the car door without even a cast to its name!
  3. Looks like a great day on the water considering the conditions. You got amongst the fish and some nice ones at that. Are you sure the king wasn't 65cm? With its throat cut like the sambo it would have been. Lol. Oh well, gives you an excuse to get back out there! Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Thanks linc, it was a nice day! And yes, I'm well and truly over this wind. It was predicted to blow up from 2pm but cut short our trip by 3hrs and I missed the best part of the tide. Grrrrr
  5. Thanks spotie. Was really hoping a Jew would hit the livies because I've just set up my new gopro on the boat.
  6. Always! Just the tangles and loss of jigs/lures can be very frustrating. But we didn't lose a rod this time! So all good!
  7. G'day raiders, Decided to take the whole family on Sunday fishing in the bay! The plan was to get up early and pack lunch, boat and iPods for the little ones. Well, everything went to plan and we hit the water about 7am. I'd rigged up 4 rods for SP's and hard bodies and we managed a few smallish fish in the first couple of hours. I decided to change it up and use a few nippers I'd got the day before and managed a trumpeter whiting at 27cm that I used for live baiting along with the tailor we caught. It was very difficult to manage so many people on the boat throwing SP's and the constant tangles, so we all wound up, set out the livies and threw a big squid bait out the back while we had a bit of morning tea. Nothing touched the live baits but I could see the squid baited rod slowly sneaking off and I knew what is was, so I got my son to grab hold of it and wind it in. At least we got a rod bent! The wind then decided to rear it's ugly head again (getting sick of the wind) and it was time to head home. Not the most productive day in the bay for me but a day on the water with the family is always a great day out! Thanks for reading! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. We'll done on the fish mate and the compassion you showed for your father! As for the retrieve, I bet you were pretty freaked out by the prospect of a solo job and who comes to the rescue??? Another raider!!! We'll done guys, it just shows the spirit of the members on this site! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Great work David. Those bass sure are aggressive little buggers. You seem to be really getting some good use out of that yak! I notice the smoke still about but it is a great stretch of water to paddle on! Cheers scratchie!!! P.s what is that conduit off the side of your yak for?
  10. Great stuff. Bring on the king season! They will be my main target this year when I get the chance! Looks like a lot of fun Damian!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Congrats in the PB. That is a stonker of a fish and good on you for helping out a fellow raider. Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Hey dean, great effort and some really healthy big fish there! Where abouts were you fishing??? Looks an awesome spot to go yakking! Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Cheers spotie! Haven't posted all my seshs. But getting fair bit of practice in. Just wish this wind would p&@s off!
  14. Great work! I just wouldn't admit what your targeting. Lol or you need to tell the fish!!! Nice Jew there and great photo to go with it. Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Hey bretto, firstly you wear your jacket. The compartment at the rear holds all tackle and gear needed. The keeper net I tie off to the side. I normally take two rods as there are 5 holders. The lockable compartments I use mainly for my valuables, wallet keys etc. I clip my knife, pliers, bogg crips and net on one side within reach. Plenty of room for everything! I also put my electric motor on when I'm feeling lazy too! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. I was driving on Stockton beach yesterday afternoon and there was literally thousands of them dead on the beach. We found one on our front yard last week and took it to the vet. It was the tenth one she received that morning and explained that they are just exhausted. They cannot take off once they are on land as there feet and legs aren't designed for solid surfaces. Anyway, we saved at least one! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Gatts, your method is spot on! The app will basically show you depths, markers etc however it may not be mapped for some rivers, creeks or estuaries. It's really a gps you can use on your on the water. But it works really well and I use it for everything! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Get navionics app on your phone and it has the depths on it. Your location is pin pointed by satellite, so you should be there abouts. You could also mark the spots you caught fish or if you have drifted to far from the mark! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Well done fama, as I said only too happy to help. Yes, the monkey is now off your back and I bet those flathead fillets went down a treat! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Hi mate, Wanda Wanda headland on great for kids and yourself. You can pump nippers at corlette on low tide and make the short drive around there. Hope that helps! Cheers scratchie!!! P.s do a search in this section, many have put great info on the bay here!
  21. Quality fish there mate! Looks like a pretty smooth day out there! Well done! Chewers scratchie!!!
  22. I think your tag name says it all...... Commited. Thanks for filling in your story and well done on the fish. It can be really rewarding flying solo, you have no one to second guess you and if you fail no one knows! Haha. Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. That's some weird stuff right there simmo! I have no idea. No2 looks like a bloody caterpillar! Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. I would love to see that silver slab coming up the top water! I'd have a few choice words, none of which I can write. What a beast of a fish. 72kg?? Yeah I'd believe that. Cheers scratchie!!!
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