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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Ok, so after a few days to reflect and a few at work, I got up this morning and headed out to chase them damn kings again! Armed with all the knowledge from feedback, bait, lures, hardies the works, I went back to the same spot and similar tide, baitfish everywhere and what do you know! They didn't bloody show up! Now I'm even more frustrated than the first time. Spoke to a local fisho while I was there and he said there were hundreds of them yesterday! So I hung around throwing unweighted prawns around the wall looking for bream but only managed about 10 sweep, that filled the cormorant up that was occompioning me! There's always next time! Very frustrated......scratchie!!!
  2. I agree Roberta, the wind is playing havoc here too! And there's only very small windows of opportunity to get out there! Hopefully it will all p$&s off soon, so we can make a plan! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Oh devo Roberta, a 1m plus flatty and no photo! Nooooooooooooooo
  4. All shoes should fit comfortable the first time you put them on, no matter what shoe you try! I'm assuming the same goes for rock fishing boots! If they are tight they are no good! Change then for a pair that fits right! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Hey ruebs! The northern end of palmy is more productive especially off the rocks. But it's a fair walk in I think. I mostly troll that area with good results but while doing so, see many fishos off the rocks there. With all rock fishing safety first though. Well done on the flatty, always a good result off the beach. Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Each to there own! Well done on this fish though mate. Trying new techniques and catching something is what it's all about. I only eat certain fish I catch and I'm not one for picking out bones! As Days said, those yakkas make for great king candy or for Jews as well. Next time you catch them, try finding a nice hole and sending them down as live bait. You might just come home with some big slabs of meat! Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. That's insane! I need to get myself a trip to weipa! Well done! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Great stuff alluring! I agree with slinky, if you got it on the grips, it's a catch! Lost gear is part of every fishos experience but doesn't mean it hurts any less. I hate losing gear, especially a favourite lure! Keep at it mate and I'm sure we'll see a pic of those cod soon! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. No I haven't but I'll be looking out for them next time I'm shopping! If got a few things to try first but waiting for this bloody wind to p$&s off!
  10. Will keep an eye out in the port Stephens area! Bloody low life's!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Yep and much better to look at than my usual deckies too! And more competent!
  12. Great effort. That wind is annoying! Jews are always a great target when throwing plastics. Did you catch anything else? Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Thank you to all raiders for your input! It goes to show how valuable for knowledge this site is. Everyone has a different technique or choice of bait/lure that works for them and are happy to share that info. It doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work for me but it can be something that I try or something that I haven't thought to try, hence increasing my knowledge and chance of catching that fish. I hope everyone that has read this thread has got something out of it, thanks again for all your feedback! Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Sorry, I did have a jig head..... As for what they were feeding on were about 3inch size live bait in their thousands.
  15. Thanks for that yowie! I'll will be sure to try some of those techniques when I'm there with bait!
  16. Yep tried dead sticking too! These bloody things must have graduated from college!
  17. Two things..... First, when you up this way, give me a bell for sure! Second, if you can catch that many pannies in one session, go back to bait! I would. Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Just keep persevering! Doesn't matter if you don't catch fish every time. It's about learning to keep your lure in the strike zone! Think of where you put a baited hook and try and work your lures in that area! That's the best advise I have, then try different SP's, weights etc...... Depending on tides currents and species! Youll work it out! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Thanks ving!!! But don't tell her it's a pinky! It's a SNAPPER!
  20. Frustrating???? It's like playing a game of rugby league and every time you touch the ball you make 90m but get tackled just before the line. I've had many of great sessions on that wall, especially bream and blackfish. Although you only generally have a certain window around tide changes! But this was for 2hrs!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hey mate, Yes I threw stick baits at them too! I was land based so no trolling involved. I've caught many while trolling, lures and livies. It was just this one instance for 2 whole friggin hours that I couldn't get a hook up no matter what I did. The worst part was I had time to think of everything I could do to get a hook up but no joy!
  22. Hey mike, Never had that problem with sambos ever! With them if you match the hatch you'll always pick one up! Barra???? Sorry never caught one, seen plenty in tanks though. It's on my bucket list! Just these bastards today were doing my head in! I'll work it out, don't worry! I'm still frustrated!
  23. Your a lucky man. Will send pm! Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Cheers Brian! Agree about the warm weather!
  25. P.s. The weather better be good tomorrow morning, because I don't think they'll be any sleeping tonight!
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