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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. I'm a little north of Newcastle. With that report, looks like I'm pulling out the DVDs! Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Well done Trevor, a smorgasbord of massive proportions! Awesome! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. .. It will change but sometimes in winter it is everyone waiting for someone to tell them the fish have turned up.. I prefer to take the view that u have to go to have a chance!!! Thanks burnsy, I'm of your view too! Just get out there but I'm not sure when they head up this way. I'm finally kitted out for them this year! So first report and I'm there! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Silly me..... After 10 years, I'm sure he'd know what a squid is! I normally catch the arrow head and use it for Jew bait!Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Very inspiring Andrew! They are some cracking fish there! That is what I dream of most nights, the reels screaming and we're all on! Soon matey, soon!!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Thanks Leo, I get that report weekly and I'm mates with him, but there's been nothing in numbers as yet! I'm so keen to get amongst it, that's why I've put this post out there! Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Your right! The funny thing was, I said to the mrs "this ain't a bad fish I've got here. Oh no, I dropped it"A shame it didn't swallow the whole thing! Btw, I did release it to try and fight another day! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Here here! But I must admit, she is my good luck charm! Every trophy fish I seem to bring on board, she's there! So I'm happy to give and take especially on a couple of bream! Lol Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. G'day raiders, I really hate when the game fishing reports dry up. There hasn't been a post of a catch of anything for a while now! What's happening out there??? Surely the yft and bft are out there somewhere??? Do they venture up port stephens??? I haven't heard of anyone catching any up here lately! There's heaps of whales but they just don't take the bait? Please someone post something???? Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Yarraone, mate awesome report! Glad you had a good trip and experienced it with your son! There's some nice looking fish there despite the bad weather! Congrats! Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Congrats! But by the looks of that, isn't that a cuddle fish? Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Oh damn it luc, I changed my mind. Sounded good cos the wind up here is about 30knots! Oh well maybe next time. Lol.... Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. No, but thanks for the offer! Lol Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Hi jani, I just lo love your reports. It is funny that obviously English is your second language but I understand every word you write! It makes me smile while reading and you catch some really nice fish! Keep reporting and good luck with your record! Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Agree with the spots fishingscent has mentioned. But why not take your boat out front?? Same size as mine and I take it everywhere! Just need to pick your days! The more you drive it the more your confidence will grow. Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Great read. Nice work on the fish! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Great report! That looks like a banjo ray to me! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Your not wrong on all accounts diesel. But trout fishing reminds me of skeet shooting, where you ski miles to shoot a target! But we did the kms with nothing to aim at, no matter what angle you look at it!!! (Angling???) Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Lol.... As I said, after further discussions it was agreed we were even!
  20. Thanks guys! Was great fun and awesome to get back out on the boat! For all the trout fishos out the my hat goes of to you, for your patience, ability and willingness to walk a marathon! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. G'day raiders, After a fruitless weekend chasing trout with fellow raiders trout scarer and fish less again, I really needed to restore my credibility and get myself back onto some tight lines! So about 10am this morning after a quick team meeting with the wife, I convinced her that we should go out on the boat for a leisurely drive in the bay! So we cruised out to my spot, dropped anchor and baited up! (Didn't think I could throw another lure, too sore) So first drop, tap tap tap and I'm on, pulled up a nice 26cm bream! released but good to see!! Then the wife is on too, not the biggest but good to see a fish come up We then picked up a few chompers that went straight out on my live rods. They both got disfigured to some sort but didn't hook anything. I'm guessing larger tailor. Not even the small squire we pulled in escaped a peppering! Then the weather turned sour as predicted and it was time to pack up and head home. All in all, we caught 14 bream (9 for me and 5 for wife) but after further discussions we agreed it was 7 each and countless tailor. All fish were released but it was just great to see them tight lines again! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Scratchie

    Members Boats.

    I thought I'd share the boat I do all my fishing in! My boat like most is my pride and joy. In the last 12 months I've put in about 700 engine hours and its never let me down! It's a Haines hunter 470 breeze 2007. I would like it to be a bit bigger, but don't tell her that! She's goes anywhere and at a rate of knots. Very reliable and easy to load and off load at the ramp! Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Nice work jani, the conditions in the last photo looked like a fantastic day to be on the water! Enjoy your feed! Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Nice hairy! Can't wait for the social. Cheers scratchie!!!
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