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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. Hey there,

    Was wondering if there are any fellow raiders that live in port stephens???

    I'm really looking to chase some kingies this season but the only place I know up here is around broughton island and V, m21 & Air Force reef.

    Are there any other spots in the bay or not far from the headlands?

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  2. Hi fellow raiders,

    My name is Jeff, aka scratchie and I have been using this site for about three months now. Wow what a website for tragic fishos like me. I live in port stephens but originally come from the blue mountains. The mtns were just to far away from the water. I've loved fishing ever since I can remember but only really got into it when I was 27. I am now 38yo. Over the past year living up here in gods country I've really put some hours on the boat. (680 engine hrs)

    It's a fantastic place to fish from whiting to marlin!

    I have 4 kids aged between 3-12 and my two eldest boys are my deckys. They can tell you what fish is coming on board by the way it fights. I love sharing my passion for fishing with them and the experiences we encounter on our journeys!!! My wife also enjoys fishing, boating etc, although often looks after our 3yo so we can go. She's very understanding.

    I really really enjoy reading everyone's posts and yes I read everyone's.

    So thanks for having me and hope you look forward to reading my posts too!!!

    Tight lines,

    Jeff aka scratchie

  3. To be honest, it is a fantastic site for all types of fishos. The content is improving in reports which helps us all learn a bit more about the sport we all love.

    My wife hates it because I'm always on it. However I wish I had have joined years ago!

    Tight lines,

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  4. I'm no expert at all but after listening, reading,researching and chasing these beautiful fish for the last year, I have learnt may things. Everytime I go out targeting jewfish I learn something new.

    From my experiences, they are as elusive as everyone has mentioned but I have studied the area I fish and it does improve your chances.

    My last 4 outings has yealed 5 Jews ranging from 4kg to one monster weighing in at 26kg.

    My tactics to add to this forum are:

    Tide: all my fish were caught on the ebb tide 2hrs before low during the day or night.

    Gear: big fish= big gear.... If u do catch that monster you don't want to loose it!

    Area: most common report is that big Jew live in deep holes. All mine were caught in 12m of water. However it was the deepest point but near structure. So find structure, find fish.

    Bait: the size of the bait doesn't appear to matter. Squid seems to work the most consistant.But I would agree that fresh is best. I have caught 1 with a hole squid that went 5kg and the latest 26kg on just a squid head about 5cm long.

    So for me, I apply the 7 P theory!

    Proper preparation prevents poor performance as long as you have patience and persistence!

    Tight lines,

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  5. Yeah mate I do. One of my eldest son laying beside it and its bigger than him and another with my hand in its mouth up to my elbow. However I am having trouble uploading them from my ipad. Any ideas?

    Hey!!! I've added some new photos I think you might like!

  6. Hi Scratchie,

    Congrats on a solid fish mate, well done. Any other pics, i love seeing pics of jews that have heads as big as human heads.

    Again congrats


    Yeah mate I do. One of my eldest son laying beside it and its bigger than him and another with my hand in its mouth up to my elbow. However I am having trouble uploading them from my ipad. Any ideas?

  7. post-24974-087879200 1357722988_thumb.jpgpost-24974-090221700 1357722900_thumb.jpg

    Hi raiders,

    After a trip to Coffs Harbour that provided donuts, I was keen to get home and get amongst the fish. So last last I headed out with my two eldest boys and thought we'd drop some crap pots and spend a bit of time fishing for jewy in between. Trouble was the wind didn't play ball and was blowing gusts upto 50km an hour. So we decided to drop the pots, head home and return in the morning. Knowing the tide was pretty good in the morning, we headed out, checked our pots for 1 nice blue swimmer, rebaited and went to my favourite jewy spot and play the tide. What a good decision that was. Within 10mins zzzzzzz the line peeling off. After a 15min fight, up comes a 1.5m school shark, damn it! In the next 20mins my wife and two boys also sharked. Then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz probably a run of 150m, wow, now this was a big shark. The fight goes on for another 25mins every now and then a 50m run or so. Then we see it, OMG! It's not a shark but the biggest jewy we have ever seen. Not wanting to lose it, out came the gaff and with adrenalin pumping, the gaff did its job and I did mine on to the deck!!

    The feeling was overwhelming for us all and a big family hug was in order!!

    What an awesome way to spend a Sunday morning!!!

    Jewy: 142cm and 26kg

    Location: port stephens

    Rod: 24kg penn

    Line: 50lb braid 80lb leader single 4/0

    Bait: sorry but servo squid very small

    Tide: 2hrs before low

    Time: 9:15am

    Cheers scratchie!!!!

  8. Yeah mate. Live there in gods country!!! The warm water still hasn't pushed down just yet! If you stuck to the headlands or reefs around fingal on the 20m mark plenty of snapper and kings around. Surprised about broughton cause I've never not come back without a feed. The sisters there are the best bet. Just means you'll have to come back up againand give it another go. Next time drop me a line. Regards scratchie

  9. If your looking for squid, you can't go past shoal bay. As for Jew, middle rock is the best place at the moment on the ebb to low tide. The breakwall at Nelson fishes well on this part of the tide too. And if you can pick up a boat, the wreck at corlette is worth a go! Wanda Wanda headland is good for whiting and bream and you can pump nippers at corlette beach.

    Happy fishing,

    Cheers scratchie

  10. G'day fellow raiders. Heading to coffs today for a week for hols and looking to get amongst the fish up there. I have a boat that will take me offshore and I have been there once before. However, I only know of 1 spot around split solitary that is good for fishing. I am wanting to know if any raider can point me in the right direction?? Within say 10pm of the boat ramp!

    Cheers scracthie!!

  11. I'm actually in the blue Mtns on Friday/Saturday, sorry.

    But if you looking for squid, you can't go past the kelt beds in shoal bay and around tomaree headland. Not that familiar with fly point but as the warmer water pushes down there are lots about!!! Good luck and let me know how u go!

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