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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. Mate, my 20c worth after reading what you want describes my boat exactly. A haines hunter 470breeze. It has a cuddy cabin, 75hp mercury. I fish everywhere in it. Rivers, lakes and ocean and I also take the kids tubing and skiing behind it. The hull design is second to none and you wont find a more versitile boat anywhere. A second hand one about 2007 model will cost about 20k.

    Would never trade my boat for anything. Good luck deciding.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  2. Thanks for all the replys!! I have caught a 1m plus jewy but not a 1m plus kingy, so I thought id put it out there! By the sounds of it, its time for me to get me some king action.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  3. Hey scratchie,

    You know I can't complain either cos I get out virtually EVERY weekend and return home at maybe 2:00pm.

    Never a complaint do I get from her but all the relos get fresh fish out of it. Greeks never complain with a full stomach.....

    We must both be blessed with tolerant wives...


    Truthfully I think my wife just enjoys me been out the house. Most of the time I take my 2 deckys with me, my two eldest boys 12 & 8.

    But I agree, we both lucky for whatever reason!!!

    Tight lines,

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  4. Mate I'm no expert at all, but I have got a decent dollie on a skirt lure near botany fad. Deep diver about 6m, it was gold in color with trebles which was about 40m at the back of boat. I also know that if you find anything drifting out there do a couple of laps around it, dollies like floating objects!

    Hope that helps a little.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  5. Hi Scratchie,

    Well done on a good haul of fish, and under such a big load of pressure, both from the relos and the missus.

    Sounds like you must be a part-time charter fisho...

    ..and next time the wife says she'll be at the ramp to pick you up in an hour, tell her the next time she wants to go shopping, you'll be at the car park to pick her up in an hour.

    ...then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE !! :074:


    Mate I agree! But the amount of fishing she lets me do, I try my hardest to stay on her good side!!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  6. Yep agree. Awesome comp, great cause and you never no your luck. They have prizes of like $4000 for mystery size fish. It is also a great excuse to tell the mrs and get out on the water! Of course it's for charity babe! I go in it every year!!!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

  7. G'day raiders,

    Headed out this morning to my local fishing spot in port stephens with some non fisho family relatives hoping to change there mind. Wanting to get the reels zooming off, i dropped anchor, berleyed up and sat in waiting. Knowing the tides weren't in my favour, I was still hopefull that something big would present itself. Nope, the only thing worth mentioning was a 27cm bream. After an 1hr, I could sort of see the boredom on the faces so it was time for plan B.

    I went to my go to spot knowing that we would all get consistent action. Good plan. The wife rings me and says she'll be at the boat ramp in about an hour to meet us! So down go the lines and the action is constant. For a hour fishing in total, between 3 of us, we caught 38 whiting released about 13, 8 squire all released and 3 arrowhead squid (kept for bait) and was back at the ramp before I got in trouble.

    All in all, a great mornings fishing and even managed to put a smile on the relo's faces especially after the beer battered fillets were plated.

    Tight lines,

    Cheers scratchie!post-24974-0-13877100-1358229623_thumb.jpg

  8. Yes yes yes!!! Shhhhhh but it's my wife. Everytime I take her fishing I catch very little or lots of undersized fish. She catches all the big ones or target fish! :(

    She wonders why I never invite her.

    Cheers scratchie!!!

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