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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. Two to be true! Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
  2. Early cheap pot shots! And it's only Autumn still haha.
  3. Thanks mate, those are 2.5" ones. Thanks Luc, good to just get out there and get a few fish. Cheers, will do. Cheers Stuey.
  4. It's been a relatively slower month with the onset of significant rain which is affecting a lot of spots that I frequent. Had some donut sessions which isn't too good but part and parcel of fishing. Besides getting my butt kicked on several occasions fishing with other raiders, it's been good in the way that it has allowed me to recognise some deficiencies in my approach and techniques and hopefully I can improve on them and these slow sessions can become a thing of the past. Best session was in the Georges at my local during the first bit of rain where I nailed 6 bream (5 of which within a whisker of 30cm) and a respectable flathead in the 70s all in the space of an hr and a half. It was pleasing to back up the effort of the twin crocs I got on the boat last month with a good one from the land. The flatty was hungry and waiting for the baitfish to flush past during a warm afternoon only to be deceived by my Zman wafting through. After a 5 minute tussle, I was able to coax the fish into the flats and jump down off the boardwalk to reach it. As I jumped down onto the mud, I ended up with my right leg plunging through about 30cm into the mud (yuck!) ...the things we do for fish. To wrap up, fish of the day (figuratively speaking of course) was this unidentified monster. Almost did me around the pylons did she.
  5. Thanks mate! They always seem to turn up at the time one leasts expect it.
  6. Well done, it looks like you had an enjoyable and productive session.
  7. Wonderful report. Sounds like a lot of decent kingie action but I really like the photos of the trout streams, especially the second photo. It looks sublime.
  8. Well done, that record looks as good as yours. Looking forward to your next report.
  9. Looks like it was tough going Jeff but still a good weekend to be out and about. Love the picture of the sunrise and good to hear you got stuck into a number of dollies and striped tunas.
  10. Cheers mate! Like they say, a jew is a jew but still it's always good to dream of a big one. Thanks Luke, your help has improved my techniques and understanding immensely and I have no doubt a big(ger) one is around the corner (no thanks to Ben =p)! Haha just kidding Ben
  11. No idea about the fella, just that he's some crazed lure-jew fisho maniac that's got it down to a science!
  12. Much appreciated guys. Always good to get some of the bigger mummas and even better to see them swim off.
  13. IIRC, Paul Watson was a part of Greenpeace during its inception. His hardline stance and 'get out there into their faces' approach by intercepting whaling ships was not supported by Greenpeace so thus came about Sea Shepherd. Greenpeace probably operates in the way he says they do - informing the public with brochures, petititions rather than physical action which is what Sea Shepherd thrives on. Taking physical action has legal implications so Greenpeace has distanced themselves from Sea Shepherd. In a way, it's a bad approach to be breaking laws in the middle of the ocean combating whaling ships e.g. jumping on board anothers vessel, spray painting, tear gas, water guns etc. but a lot of people prefer this hardline approach so thus, donate to Sea Shepherd. Watson obviously feels hard done by Greenpeace taking all the credit when it is him and his ships out there taking all the physical and legal risks. Another interesting point Watson brings up is the whaling of other nations such as Norway and Iceland. To give an estimate, Norway hunt over 500 Minke whales a year, maybe one of these groups could do something about that too.
  14. If those are your only choices, I recommend getting the Generation Black rod as your first priority and then whatever reel between the two you can afford. Good luck.
  15. Well done, you'll sleep well tonight. However, might be too sore to get out of bed in the morning. Cracker fish and pictures.
  16. Minor mention last night in this article. http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/22140712/man-dies-in-stormwater-drain-during-flash-flooding-in-sydney/
  17. Yep, it's been doing the rounds on social media all night. Will be surprised if we don't hear about it on the TV news tomorrow. Although anglers aren't perfect, the majority do the right thing and clean up after themselves. This kind of environmental disaster however is just a kick in the guts to anglers, waterway and wildlife. I'm interested to find out exactly how this spill happened there's gonna be a lot of unimpressed people if the source of it is negligence.
  18. Amazing fish, it would make a lot of people's dreams.
  19. Nice fish, setup and conditions. Looked a good flat morning.
  20. Well done mate, that is a prized catch. You'll never forget this one ever.
  21. Good stuff, looks like an eventful and interesting session.
  22. Well done to the youngster. You must be proud as punch.
  23. Cheers Stan, but not as awesome as your beast of a bream.
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