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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. Great stuff Richard, you did it! Especially after trying for 4 months, you've now cracked the code. Congratulations. The confidence the first fish gives will ensure many more to come. Love the photos, you looked stoked!
  2. Well done and great report. Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
  3. Wow, any pics? That is simply amazing, I hope the fairy penguin was okay but this is a mind boggling capture, congrats haha.
  4. Great comedic value in this post! I've been lucky to not have gone all red and flustered over a fish that became an inanimate object. Still have those ones where I've called it for the wrong fish.
  5. Definitely a cool photo. Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
  6. I had a great time and I must thank the admin/organisers for the time and effort put into making the day become a success and giving me the opportunity to show my craft. Once I saw the ample amount of coffee available, I knew a disaster had been averted (@Scratchie, haha). It was good to catch up again Jeff, meet the family and it won't be long till the next adventure begins. The other demos (Trevor, Andrew and Gibodfisho) were friendly, experienced and knowledgeable and it was great to share experiences. Regarding my group and also everyone else there on the day, I hope you guys learnt a bunch of new things from the demos and look forward to seeing your future reports. Thanks Shakeel for your kind words and glad to hear and see pics of the trip to and from, of Yarraone and his son.
  7. Cheers Stan, just gotta make hay while the sun shines because fish can be scarcer than hens teeth. Definitely due for a catch up mate. Thanks Ian, very satisfying to see well-earned results after consistent application of oneself. Hope to see you at the social.
  8. Yeah sounds about right. I think they are the 120mm and 100mm ones. You get some decent bi-catch with them too.
  9. I always start off with a double rip since it requires no mental input and can be maintained for hours. If nothing seems to be happening (which is quite often), I'll try to mix it up. Triple hop, single hop and maybe throw in a pause here and there. It can't hurt to vary it up when nothing seems to be happening. If I'm using a wriggler type plastic I'll generally do the lift and drop instead of rips. Hope that helps.
  10. Cheers guys! Just typed up a long response only for it disappear when I accidently clicked on something and moved away from this page grrr. Regarding Parra river, I agree with Ben. As in don't discount areas that aren't exactly in the Harbour, plenty of potential further in the river as the fish aren't static and will move around. Line wise, I would recommend a size but I've hooked my jews on 6lb all the way through to 16lb so I can't really say. It's heart breaking to lose a jew or two (it's happened to me!) but there are pros and cons with going lighter or heavier, just choose one to suit the situation. @ Jeff - Glad to hear that, looking forward to more of your jew exploits. On another note, that Winter chill is starting to creep in @ Stewy - Cheers, I'm just stoked with the catches. @ Nibbles - Thanks, looking forward to your next jew report. @ Luke - Thanks a bunch, I couldn't have caught these fish without your continued help for the slow learner and persistent donut-er than I am haha.
  11. Sounds like an eventful couple of days Jeff. You still got quick a number of good fish and one must make use of any fishable weather that's available given the super windy and wet weather that's been around for far too long lately. Looking forward to the next report!
  12. Stoked! Just a quick report of what's been happening these past several days. With the donuts rolling in and people on Raider reminding me about it, I put sizeable time in for several sessions in the Parra river landbased and this is what I managed. Two mulloway to blow away the cobwebs. It sure hit the spot! To be exact, a soapie around 52cm and a bigger schoolie around 88cm. For both fish, i felt the bream-like tap and then on auto-pilot I struck hard and fast. The soapie made a quick dash and after a few runs, it gave up the ghost. However it was still one of the best fights I've had for one that size. The bigger jew stood its ground, and then when it realised it wasn't going to shake me off, kicked into gear. The reel screamed on four occasions, so much so that I think the drag on my reel needs new washers as it's no longer as smooth as it was. Apologies for the poor photos, I had camera/phone troubles. Lures that did the damage were squidgie fish and damiki armor shads in red. All fish released to fight another day. Got lucky on these occasions and I hope the donuts stay away.
  13. Well done Luc, one step backward two steps forward. Looks like a fun way to fly fish.
  14. Good way to come out of a hiatus. Nice pictures.
  15. Good bream Luke and that is a good photo of you.
  16. I know what you mean. It was forecast to be 10-15 knots yesterday. It certainly felt more like a gale SE/SW out there.
  17. Geez that was a painful but entertaining read at the same time. Sometimes I feel the same in that it's just not my day. Just one of those days marred by Murphy's Law. Those days just stick out like a sore thumb (pun).
  18. Nice work on getting the fish out and not getting dusted. A great haul off surface too.
  19. Thanks for the comments guys. Will keep em coming, hard and fast! Let's just hope these donut sessions stay away. grrrr
  20. Surprised no one has commented, but welcome mate. Bad luck on the bust, you'll get her another day.
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