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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. Top colours for bream btw. Lots of peoples go to lure. Flatties can't resist them either.
  2. Ben, I have a theory for it, plus that is one of my secrets to getting more bream! Thanks, but it's all you Jeff! Looking forward to more of your reports once the fires get soughted. Here's hoping that our sunburnt country can pull through with minimal damage.
  3. nbdshroom


    This intrigues me since I know the place like the back of my hand. Where abouts in the Pan did you catch it? Looks to be downstream of Henry Lawson Drive. Thanks.
  4. Hope things start improving soon. Stay safe everyone.
  5. Top fish, drag woulda been singing on 4lb.
  6. http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/477807/new-rules-for-mulloway.pdf Mulloway stocks are now classed as overfished. Min legal length bumped from 45 to 70 cm. 2 fish limit. Makes sense Fish for the future.
  7. Ok, I'll add a tip of mine : 14) Casting. Accuracy is vital. Casts which 'deserve a fish' are those that land within 10 cm of the snag/structure (or even closer). For an even better cast, try to land the lure softly without creating a huge splash and spooking every bream out of that snag. The only time I try to add commotion and energy to the cast is when I try to skip the lure to imitate a fleeing prawn.
  8. Top tips! Thoroughly enjoyed reading that and I'm sure everyone can learn something here.
  9. Well done on getting four of the best.
  10. What kind of fishing are you into? e.g. target species, lure, fly, bait etc.
  11. Good work Jeff. There's no keeping you away from the big ones., racks or no racks. Good photos too. If tailor are chopping off too many tails, throw down some Z-mans.
  12. Good stuff Ian, definitely a few quality fish there. Well done on the blurter, they do go hard! In terms of what pulls hardest, I'm not quite sure how far up estuaries trevs go (but not that far from my experience) but if they go far upstream, it would come down to either the trev, yellowfin bream, mullet or salmon. BTW, any particular reason why you are using the curly tail streaks on 1/0 hooks? Might get a better hookup on flathead but those places are teeming with bream. P.s. Good idea to bring a net there!
  13. Haha yes, you must be itching to come down again.
  14. Haha Jeff, yeah I've never tried eating it before.
  15. Welcome to FR, first is a shovel nose shark (or ray whatever you want to call it) and the second is a Port Jackson shark. PJ sharks apparently are not protected (if someone can confirm that would be good). Both don't put up much of a fight and feel like a tonne of bricks.
  16. Fantastic report. Good stuff guys, sounds like a heck of a good time.
  17. Good on you for rescuing those kids. Sets a good example and I'm sure their parents are extremely appreciative.
  18. Good luck, and hope you get stuck into a zander or two as well.
  19. Haha Jeff, they must have got wind of you coming! Thanks Roberta, it was very satisfying after putting in time and doing the hard yards. I hope you'll have an easier time getting that ticked off the 'to catch' list when you get around to it. I definitely have a score to settle with that bigger jew. The upside from that encounter was that it made me seriously sit down and think about what I would do differently next time. I spent two days practicing and testing (with water in a bucket) knots which I thought I had perfected. I think I have it down now
  20. Well done dhype, a commendable effort.
  21. Cheers guys, thanks for the supporting comments! Thanks Luc, fingers crossed more on the way sometime this year. Still stoked over it. Sounds like freshwater lure and fly is just as intense, will have to try it one day. Might have to show Jeff that freshwater fish do exist! Cheers Pete, it was from the Harbour. Thanks Poddy Trapper, just a lot of patience and persistence and that jew will come. Good luck.
  22. Haha well done Jeff and mini Jeff, and score on the GoPro! That's a decent jew for jr, he must be proud! Just comparing the picture of him holding that prize in front of the boat with your avatar, he is a splitting image of ya. Looking forward to some of the first person footage that you get. Cheers Pete
  23. Happy bday Donna, Stewie needs to treat you extra special today. P.s. You are turning 21 this year aren't you?
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