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Everything posted by fibbo

  1. Well bloody done yet again bass_beginner! Very decent feed there.
  2. Well done Simmo! I was going to blackfish this arvo around the Georges River except the tackle store ran out of weed when I got there It's funny because there were many times when I tried to find weed with no luck, only to find out that I could buy it from the tackle store for $1 hehe
  3. When I was up in Port Stephens all I caught were those sharks off the rocks, it was damn annoying. Those sharks make a barking sort of sound like a puppy it was freaky
  4. Woah nice catch! People pay to see whales like that!
  5. That's very noble of you Dave, I tip my hat to you!
  6. A stupid question but what does shark taste like?
  7. Top job on the jewie, less roofing and more fishing!
  8. Nice catch! Thanks for sharing your bait tips with us, chicken parmesan!
  9. What a lovely day and nice haul gents!
  10. I have never picked up a washed up cunjevoi before
  11. Puppy doesn't look too impressed with being on the water hehe >:|
  12. Nice catch! That is one smart flattie, plays dead and then poof he's gone!
  13. Wow ray nice pics. I have enjoyed looking at every one of your pics at Avoca, including all the beautiful sunsets. Thanks for posting! Cheers, fibbo
  14. Well done Miss Slinky! You've learnt from the best and did better than most if not all of us
  15. Nice catch Ray! Is that really weed? I have never seen it in the wild
  16. Good work there richard! Save some of the tough head bits for bait
  17. Look at the guns on that! Oh and nice king
  18. I gave up on CG, it's just too crowded
  19. Those squid look delicious, hope you enjoy them.
  20. Awesome bonnies, they look very tasty!
  21. fibbo

    Shock Leader

    All very valid points! The rig is a float on the 20lb mono main line. Sinker not sure the size it's 2cm diameter, under the sinker is a bead, then swivel. 40lb suffix leader about 50cm. Either ganghooks or a circle hook. 4500 shimano baitrunner, medium-heavy daiwa sensor 12" (i think this may be a bit too heavy). I'm pretty sure my casting action is too fast as well causing a lot of strain on the main line. The problem with casting a float is that it gets to how should I say it, terminal velocity then just stops dead at a certain distance. That causes me to try to cast harder and harder each time and then I end up breaking the main line Also line getting belted onto the rocks by waves is like a bad habit Maybe a cigar shaped float might help hehe
  22. Eels are so disgusting I hated handling them when we caught a tonne at the Georges.
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