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Everything posted by VBCB

  1. Looks like a serious session there !
  2. That blue nose would have given you hell ! Very very nice fishes, impressive ! Jee that thing looks prehistoric !
  3. Wow ! Catchin Jack that is scary. I don't think these viruses would resist to - 20C though, but I heard some shits can be dormant when frozen... Jewhunter or any moderator if you reckon we should turn that one down to avoid giving bad ideas to people, you're more than welcome to do ? Don't want to give bad ideas to other tight arses like me Thanks for the info anyway, I'll stir fry the bad guys, they'll reinforce my immune system ! haha
  4. Oh yeah and I just realized I posted this thing in "fishing reports", Jesus Christ I might be a bit of a retarded actually ! If you admins have the power to relocate it in fishing chat I guess it would be more appropriate...
  5. Fishraider no drama here but the post preview never looks like the post once it is posted ! Every time I look like a retarded by the way I lay these things out
  6. Hi everyone, Some ALDI store opened next to my place and I realized the bag of 500 gr frozen raw peeled tiger prawns was only $9.99. I find it quite cheap, as there is absolutely no loss on those things, it would be the equivalent of 1.2 kg of whole prawns or something like that. Well, for those who like their winter species such as trevors or pigs, I guess that is a fair deal, plenty of bait for cheap !
  7. Good to hear you chucked it back! I like to eat trevors as I reckon they're one of the best sashimi, usually keep one fish for that purpose but I remember last year, I got this 53 cm fish that gave me one of the best fight I ever had on light gear (2lb) and I couldn't keep it, couldn't kill that thing after that effort he did, I was just stunned to see how much power this little thing can produce, kissed it on the forehead and chucked back ! That watermelon colour really does the damage in estuary, once again...
  8. Trevor is a cracker ! Funny how this fish don't leave people any idea of their sizes without a scale next to them, you would have put a 25 cm ruler in the back no one would have told it is a stonker ! It would have put on a hell of a fight on 4 lb ... Well done !
  9. Yep, keitech are working alright, I have a few of them but I found that even they have a strong oily scent, fishes spit them out before u no it ! I still think they are very efficient lures and I didn't know you could buy them locally neither ! Good to know. Zaki your jig heads are as important as your lures, plenty of good products available locally, I really fancy cultiva and decoy personally. Berkley jig heads are not acceptable shore based, except if they are Berkley "nitro". Even with nitro, be careful as a lot of them are quite oriented on snapper or boat fishing, with strong thick hooks that would make a strike almost impossible on 2 / 4 lb material. Some are still good for shore as well tho.
  10. Don't you dare making such a comparison ! lol Kidding . Berkley gulp, as much as fish don't let them go because of their taste are not the best swimmers, I personally stopped using them a while ago for this reason and also because they are being slaughtered by jackets and toadies here in Australia (only use them to catch live pikes for kings). They still work well, and probably are the plastics that kill the largest number of fish every day around the globe, don't give me wrong but yeah mate no comparison possible really. Now these REINS things also taste good for fish, I tried to wait and postpone my strike many times to see how much time it takes before flathead drops it and it actually never happens most of the time, if you're fishing light enough. With breams and trevors, you often see them taking it on a pose and see your line moving sidewise before even feeling anything in your rod. Texture wise, they are the bomb, the slightest current even from the wind in a lake would make them move during a pose, which literally makes them efficient at any stage of the animation. Can't tell how high I think of these things, that are not very expensive neither. They are hard to get though, since they are not imported, I get them sent by post from my mates back home, you find them on ebay every now and then, if you select the "worldwide" search tool. I just found them cheap from that site also, never personally dealt with them, pommy site I reckon http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Reins_Bubbling_Shad/descpage-RBBS.html
  11. Not at all, but the list would be long I used a lot of different HB's trying to fing good colours and shapes, as per soft plastics, only used my all time fav' Reins bubbling shad watermelon 5.5", with a stinger on tail. That lure is not imported in Australia, it is quite a shame cause it really is a killer, got more big breams with this than with any other, not even talking about lizards that just cannot resist. If you look the bream pic you'll see the jig head popping out the mouth, that fish swallowed a 5.5" whole, and that happens soooooooo often. This is not the only deadly lure of the brand, many are, including the rock vib' and others.
  12. A bit of fun down Botany bay on light tackle, plastics and little HB's. Wasn't targeting anything in particular but lizards were on the chew, pulled 7 between 45 and 58 cm in about an hour and half, as well as a nice little 34 cm bream that went hard as usual, and quantities of just legal choppers after sunset, on poppers. All 1.5 h before sunset, I found the bite to be quite hot for winter, everything went back in the water unharmed !
  13. We can feel all the excitement ! Well done for the first one, there will be plenty more for sure !
  14. Good one ! If you care a little for them I have to tell you they don't really like to be held like that, it might be fatal for them as their head represents 2/3 of their body weight and it stretches their cartilaginous spine. Not blaming you at all, just let you know for the next ones as they are not so occasional, especially in winter
  15. Jesus Christ, I haven't seen a pike in an esky for more than a decade ! Anyway I guess they can taste good if prepared adequately. Looks like a good session well done!
  16. Dunno whether the red net is for something or not but htat is a good squid score mate ! Well done
  17. Haha ! The mighty stingray ! Glad to hear about that enjoyment ! When you say "catching tailors to use as live bait", be careful as they have a legal size (just saying this in case you don't know) Would be disappointing to get fined for a stingray I guess !
  18. Squids are good for everything really, if you can keep them in the fridge even for 4 / 5 days it is always better than freezing them, they are still good after being frozen properly tho. For the rigs, it depends on the size of your squid, the places you intend to fish and the species would like to target. i.e. a whole 300 gr squid would be a jewfish lollie but could also be cut in strips and result in the catch of mix bag like breams, LJ's, trevors, pigs, etc. So if you give a bit more details on your intentions I'm sure some will be keen to help.
  19. OMG !!!!! More pictures of trophy fishes in that thread than in the entire life's album of an average fisho !!!!! Looks like it was insane over there
  20. Plenty of fish cakes here !!!!
  21. Very nice session indeed ! turbidity is a sign of richness don't get fooled, lot of plankton (phyto + zoo). In addition fishes cannot really see how shitty your rig looks, which is a good help !
  22. That rainbow is a real beauty mate ... Old male rainbow ! That is an amazing catch, well done.
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