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Everything posted by wildfish

  1. yeah nice trev! bet your wife had fun pullin that in eh!
  2. hey netic how are ya. nice catch mate. im just curious as to what the tags are for?
  3. nice boat kingy very impressive! can u list some of the extras? (bait tank,floor,lights,ect) &whats she worth? thanx mate
  4. yes and the house dont look too shaby either!
  5. well done on the kingy! i like tryin new methods on flatties may have to give that one a go!!!
  6. i have a broshure here somewere on snap back lures they reckon their tougher than other sp's n they look good too. anyone tried em?
  7. that was actually my face when i read the post, hope u have a speedy recovery pete! best wishes!
  8. hey dave have the fish ur catchin got a pinkish tinge to them i keep catchin tonnes of em squire or young snapper. theres a lot of em in port hacking!
  9. lol i love it when im on the beach fishin standin where the wet n dry sand meet and every one who walks past goes water side then freeks n almost fals over backwards when the line hits their face, then they turn around n have a go at me! unbelievable cant they see me im standin there with a 12' rod.
  10. your at THE fishing club!!!
  11. there is a few posts about on posting pics. i think you have to make the files smaller with infraview ect.
  12. dude thats a cool piercing! bit extreme 4 my liking tho i would have put it a bit further to the side. thou i guess its all personal preferance. nah good to see youll live though!
  13. nice fish there mate well done!
  14. im in . some one let us know if were planin to stay in a particular park or let me know a park i can stay at, so i can book, thanks!
  15. but im still trying to get the goldie flakes on the hook!
  16. wildfish

    Free Lure

    i sent modern fishing an email told em i want a refund and why! they never said anything about the lures and just said ok heres your money! oh well!
  17. thanks yeeros, ill give it a try next, (out in front of wedding cake house? or thurter up where it drops off into deep water?) and im not necisarally after the big ones just tryin to learn how to fish, any flatties would do!
  18. oh well done on ur catch! well worth the money spent!
  19. also i have found try the same hole 4/5 times going deeper down catch lots more 3rd/4th pump. and ive caught em at high tide in over 1m of water use a siv & bike tube, tho u lose a few getting them up through water.
  20. ok someone could have told me they were good eatin before i threw em back no actually thought they might have been estury cod so they went straight back. thanks for all the coments and advice raiders i will try chromies but i know theres a lot of toads i many areas of hacking, must be fair size. oh well i keep tryin for me flattie, and ive dusted off a couple of bricks from the yard for next week!
  21. wildfish

    Free Lure

    thank you very much mrsswordie! im like a little kid cant wait to see what my little suprise is gonna be, ill be upset if i dont get it!
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