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Posts posted by krause

  1. This is my mystery fish. I have been very lazy and have done no research, so i have no ideas. Wrong shape for a mackrel i thought, then i thought a bonnie of sorts, but that yellow fin has me stumped? It has angry looking teeth... Thoughts?

    And i figured that these fish were following bait, but i just have never heard of this bycatch before, i was very suprised


  2. Hi all,

    Yesterday i went for a fish off the beach. I thought to my self, hey ill catch some salmon for good friday because every one likes that.

    So i had great fun catching some pelagics!? Yup. Managed to catch a rat king and the thing in the attatched photo. On a side note what is that? But yes, so i caught them of a beach, and i find it a bit weird. Is this something that happens often-ish? I also got a nice salmon

    Cheers guys

  3. I can agree. When i started fishing, when i was younger, i used some heavy stuff! Like i would fish for bream with 20lb gear. But ive since worked out that is much more fun in light gear.

    There are some environments where you need some power, like the rocks or heavy surf beaches, where you can't control light lures. But in the harbor or an estuary you can get away with some super light gear. Im with teflon, ive got a 3lb outfit, and even if you can't land the fish, it's damn good fun to get munted!

  4. Its the luck of the draw, all part of the game. And we all swear at the cost involved, but again, its just part of the game.

    Just remember not to get caught up in rating your trip on the size of the fish, or the amount you can take home. I personally just enjoy being out by the water, socializing with other fishos and letting a few go


  5. Haha The secret is out! Nah I did consider maybe that im crazy, but i don't think so. I must admit that i seem to see nicer fish with out him though, and it kinda sucks cause im normally alone and have no one to celebrate with. Excluding the random people that might be there with me

    Im going to say the curse doesnt affect beach fishing.... as much :P

  6. So how superstitious are we all. I believe i have a curse, or more precisely my mate has a curse, and i wish to know how to remove it!

    To give you all context, my fishing buddy is fellow fishraider anthfm (not that you'd know of him because he just silently watches us all...!). And whenever he comes fishing the net result of the trip seems to decrease. If i fish alone im catching this and that, but with good ol' anthfm there's not much at all.

    So, are fishy curses a real thing, what's yours, and how did you over come it?

    Cheers guys (and anthfm this is your cue to finally make a post)

  7. Yer, newcastle is a big trek though, just wondering if they're in the Georges or hacking. I might do some research and see what goes. As well as how to cook them!

  8. Cool. Id be keen to hit the water for them. Just as something interesting. I know the hawksburry had them, where else? Ive only caught them off the stones at night

  9. Hairtail are something ive only caught a few times as by catch. Id be interested to target them more, do you chase them with floats, i only ask because thats how we have caught them in the past?

  10. Hi all,

    Super quick question. I snapped the tip off an old Timber Wolf 3pc 9ft 6-10kg rod yesterday fighting a nice salmon. I caught the rod of the bottom of the ocean and rebuilt it, and then fell in love with the thing. Neddless to say i want to replace it, and soon as i have a trip on the weekend. Ive found one for 90 bucks, but have been recommended the Simano Bushy Classic 9ft 6-10kg (very similar feel, though 140 bucks) and a Shimano Balistix Gold 4pc 9ft (havent held it, but it came highly recommended , but i dont think its as heavy. $150). So what are th opinions? I assume theyll all be good, but are the other two better than the Timber Wolf, especially in regards to casting weight, whixh is up to 90g. Looking at using bait, slugs and poppers, beach fishing and small live baits, so just a general alrounder. Any opinions appreciated guys


    Also a quick note, do mak tuna equal frigates? Either way theyre good fun on 3lb :)

  11. Yep, im i fan of single hooks and snap swivels on spinners. I was told and have found that salmon throw single less often than trebles. Ill throw a snap on these lure but because they have a very balanced action im afrain the snap will cause it to not perform quite as well. Still really godd advice though! Cheers

  12. I guess, but im a little paranoid of losing the really small lures to bigger tailor that are capable of inhaling the entire thing. But in such a case nothing much will stop them chewing through the line, unless you use wire.... which would likely affect the lures performance

  13. That knot.... jeeeze haha. I have no doubt its worth the effort though. Do you reckon its doable without the bobbin. I mean it would be damn anoying and hard, but possible? I think for the short term ill go with the fg knot and see how it goes.

    Cheers guys

  14. Hi all,

    Been a while since ive appeared online... been a while since ive been for a real fish. But now im back in the game! I was down at port hacking the other day and had a good session, but lost many lures to nice salmon. My rig kept snapping at my braid to leader knot, which was a double uni. I normally use this knot off the beach or rocks, but for 30lb braid. In the hacking i was using some new gear, 6 and 3lb braid tied to 20, 10, and 4 pound leader, and I believe the fine braid is shearing the much thicker mono. I realised this for my last lure, and switched to the knot where the mono makes a double and you wrap the braid around it 20 odd times (i cant remember the name of it)

    The double uni knot was breaking as soon as i hooked up to anything that took line. But the new knot lasted many a good fight against salmon up to around the 70-80cm mark. Yet after about an hour the braid snapped somewhere near theknot, but i think that may have been a fault in the braid. Sooo whats a good knot for this application? Any help is appreciated.

    Cheers guys

    (Also the 20lb leader is to help survive the tailor that were around, if youre wondering why so heavy. And might i ad when youre casting a 40g slug amongst expensive boats and the line snaps, you reeeaally do hold your breath as to where that projectile lands. Luckily it made a sploosh sound and didnt break anything....)

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