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Everything posted by savit

  1. Yes lagoon is open. Hopefully it will be open for a while. The 'traffic' in the lake can be very busy on weekend - racing kayaks, hire kayaks, SUPs, kids on small sail boats, even motor boats - unless you start and finish rather early. Had enough those looks while fishing too. Though it is a fun to sight-fish with lures in the shallow lake.
  2. Check paulusjustfishing website for braid test results - actual thickness and breaking strain.
  3. a. Try Youtube for techniques. Plenty of info. After 10 videos you will feel like tournament angler b. Usually - no. Consider replacing if the trebles catch each other; if they became rusty/cr@p quality; if you want to reduce snag rate. Options - other trebles, doubles, inline singles or short singles with extra split ring, assist hooks. c. Some people buy expensive blades, some people buy cheap blades and upgrade the hooks/rings. If you are new to fishing with blades - consider well known fishing brands from specialized stores.
  4. Did you try small clear floating lures? I caught 30cm mullet last night on it and it did not have yellow eyes.
  5. Try searching "Little Manly" on the forum.
  6. I tried those glowing from bait vending machine in estuary full whiting and bream - no bites at all even from pickers. May be fresh earthworms are better bait.
  7. Fresh bread, dough, corn, chicken, fish, prawns(from bait/tackle shop only!), worms, nippers, squid... Take a few different baits without much expense, and see what works for the day. Avoid frozen servo bait.
  8. My suggestion , if you are new to fishing, get a short light rod and try creek with fresh bait. I used to fish the river there from 2012 a few times per year on weekends and it was real fun in the beginning even with zero local fishing knowledge. Recent years it was like fishing flooded road - noise , mud and boat wake. Creek would be more productive, however access and casting can be challenging due to bushes and tree branches. If you are not confident at casting - leave all expensive lures at home.
  9. Not sure about manufacturers, though I would probably use more Gulp if it did not have such odour. However some overseas fisheries already work "a bit harder", and fine people who fish too light for the targeted species - so less damaged fish with lures and jigs get away.
  10. If the braid/leader were wrapped or tangled- you would unlikely feel the bites through the running sinker even if you were happy with the rig. Did you consider to try small fixed sinker/1-2 split shots somewherr on leader instead of running sinker - to see if there are any differences? Otherwise i would try a small running sinker + 1or2float stopers on a leader, so no extra knots.
  11. It should be better fishing as the water should be cleaner and fish can travel in and out. How was the channel opened? Is it deep? I presume there will be plenty of competition (and rubbish) near the lake mouth on the weekend again.
  12. I used slim red tubes so they hold/cover part of the hook when I targeted whiting on bait. And also used to make red "beads worms"+ float stopper - they looked very nice however all that "art" usually quickly gone into the water when fish chew a leader. May be because fish liked them more than bait LOL.
  13. Come on thursday before they catch all the fish on friday night There is Pier 2 page somewhere on FB with updates what/whether the spot produces at the moment.
  14. I think the major benefit is for the fish. It will not have to survive with 20m of mono behind it - if the line breaks on knot between leader and mainline.
  15. Rick, a few questions please. - do you mind to show (photo) how you rig the gulp worm on the jig? -how lightest is enough as there is no need to cast a mile from kayak - would be 1/32 , weightless/small weedless jig OK for gulp worm for sand flats ? - why Tuggerah lake whiting taste so funny at least near The Entrance? Thanks.
  16. Rods may have one or several ratings. They are usually in ranges e.g. 2-4 kg. If the rating is in lb or kg - it is suggested line rating for the rod. If the rating in g (gram) - it is suggested lure/casting(bait+sinker) weight. If the rating in PE - it is suggested line thickness rating. If you multiply stated PE rating by 10 you will get aproximate line rating in lb. Usually all the available info is on a rod and rod manufacturer website. Sometimes full information is on tackle shop website.
  17. Bream. I would consider making Ukrainian taranka (air-dried salted fish) though it will take time. Drummer. I cook whole cleaned drummer with a bit of garlic/pepper/salt in a foil in oven, and prefer drummer to bream. Never had issues with drummer stomaches though likely it depends where they lived and what they usually ate. Kelpfish. Never kept kelpfish , though I believe Chinese eat it, so presumably it is not so bad if cooked properly.
  18. Like Rick mentioned - rather broad question. Most of large online fishing tackle shops have their lures products section organized by lure types now. So, usually plenty of info with lure type pictures, prices, brands, sizes, action etc. to start. Have a look at Dinga's tackle website.
  19. savit

    Jig heads !

    @flatheadluke , no matter what flathead thinks or likes, tackle shops will be selling every year new lures . @Kaneo, have a look at fishing article section of the forum. There are 4 articles that cover Flathead fishing on SP in details. I do not have a favorite SP lure for Flathead, jig weight is enough to cast to the spot and to bring the lure slowly to the bottom. Hook size probably 1/0.
  20. Neil, just click on a heart sign in the corner and you will see further 4 options/signs with explanation including FA Cup .
  21. Which store is that one? I cannot find these hooks on website. I felt once very connected to impatient flathead by a lure with 2 trebles. We became blood brothers.
  22. savit

    Jig heads !

    A few more notes based on personal experience. - 1 bag should be enough unless the SP bags comes with some liquid. - it is easier just to wash and dry the lures that you used, rather than all those exposed to the salty environment. Metal lures in the box may get wet (condensate) and sticky just due to difference in temperature as those plano trays are not air tight. - Some soft plastic may destroy fully lead on jigheads if stored for long time in a full bag of SP
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