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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Great bag mate. 43 to the fork, now we're takin. Well done
  2. Some big ones amongst them. Did I used to mow that grass? See ya soon.
  3. I'm pissing myself Steve. Cheers.
  4. This is no secret You can find it herehttp://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=23679
  5. Hi Raiders, I've been out of action fishing wise, due to some pretty scary back pain. What started as a crick soon became spasms which would last 30 seconds. I had to be driven home from work, laid up and drugged up for the weekend. I could walk a bit, sort of looked a bit like this. I knew the boys would be going off the rocks but I just couldn't risk it. Then my wife came down with exactly the same thing. Doctor thought it could be related to a rib injury she sustained in Fiji, but now we think it's viral. I chose a secluded little spot and fished with the wind to my back. It started slow but then the odd down. It would go down and come back up. I was using weed as bait and thought ' cabbage eaters ' I made the switch and ended up with 4 in the bag, 2 dropped at my feet, and a heap of misses. So the fish are coming back into the harbour, but they are a little selective about the bait. Sent from my iPad
  6. At least you're getting the odd one or two. I couldn't catch a cold at the moment. August is the toughest in the harbour, then September. But some beautiful mornings.. Coming down Mona Vale Rd, sun just rising, water looking glassy. Who invented work?
  7. They have blocked the entrance while they are dredging. Something like 50,000 cubic metres of sand is being removed. Much of the sand is being trucked back down to the Collaroy beachfront which was devastated in the recent storms.
  8. Well done guys. I recognise Wayne.
  9. WOW!, It looks fantastic.
  10. I went with a shimano exage 4000, spooled with 10lb Braid and a raider travel 703 rod. Plus a half dozen metals, slices, knights and raiders.25-40 g This wasn't a fishing holiday so I kept the gear to a minimum. Dived to retrieve a couple of lures and caught fish on the local chook feather jigs.
  11. Hi Raiders, Just home from 'not another fishing holiday' in Fiji. We stayed at a small Eco resort in the north east islands. It was devistated in February by Cyclone Winston. Rather remote. No phone, no hot water and no fishing in front of the resort. Marine Reserve. I found a small bay where I could fish the flats and drop off nearby. Casting metals on 10lb gear I picked up some variety. Trevally, Coral Trout, Queenies, Snapper, etc. The largest Trev went 65cm to the fork, great fun on light gear. I kept anything I thought was plate worthy and handed it over to the kitchen. Saving the small group of guests from Death By Chicken.
  12. There has been a bit of surface action in the harbour. Schools of legal kings working the shoreline. Maybe his target. Most of the bread and butter species in the harbour will take a fly. Blackfish included. Passion and persistence pays off.
  13. Great stuff. It's fun when they're on in numbers. Funny, I was just talking to a mate about Yamba on Saturday. I've only been a couple of times, and back then I didn't know what a blackfish was.
  14. Nice going for mid winter. Good to hear the lake is firing after the big wet.
  15. MMMMMM.... They were donated to the Ryder Marine Research Institute.
  16. Nice catch mate, That bottom one looks Fat On around the Spit too.
  17. Thanks guys. I can remember getting help when I was young. It made me a better fisherman. I'm still getting help from Fishraider. JD, I don't know anything about obsessive compulsive, must have behaviour....hahahahah
  18. Hi Raiders, It's been a bit quiet in the upper harbour lately, still getting a few but nothing worth noting. The theory was that the fish have moved downstream. Today that theory proved to be right. It was never going to be an early start for me, so it had to be a solo mission. My wife has me committed to making cupcakes for an RSPCA fundraiser. I as allowed out for a few hours this afternoon. I took up my position around 1pm, the tide was on the way out. The downs began from the second drift and continued pretty consistently for the next few hours. I'm happy to say I'm not using braid anymore, still pulling a few hooks, but nothing like a few weeks ago. I had a few in the bag when some young fishos took an interest. I put one on my setup, and converted the others spin setup with the help of a clip on float. Happy to say they each got a decent fish. I kept fishing and added a few more to the bag. The largest going 43 cm. One of the young fellas went 35 but the average was around 30 cm. I took 3 for dinner, and gave the rest to the boys to take home for tea. Some new Fishraiders in the making. No fishing tomorrow, I'm icing 6 dozen cupcakes. Ryder
  19. Yes, I do own a few rods, each has a purpose. Yes, I do own a few reels, again, they have their purpose. I find rods, repair rods and reels and give them away. This kind of thing goes on constantly amongst Fishraiders. I know some collectors and introduced other Raiders to them. It interests me... but Im more Use it or Lose it. So, I've made a few good scores recently, the Alvey made Image reel. Made for the British market. The Hank Newman rod And the book Sydneys' Top Fishing Spots. Last week I found another, later edition. Highly sort after, and promised to a good mate and Raider. My dilemma, If I give it to him I'll only have one!! Hmmmmm??? Just Kidding its yours Trevor.
  20. Great fish mate. School holidays, snapper off the rocks, hairtail social.... Living the dream. Well done.
  21. I received this email today from http://www.stopthetrawler.net/ Andrew -- We targeted four of the biggest supporters of the super trawler this election – and they all got booted out! That’s a massive win for our alliance. It shows all politicians that if they abandon their community and allow massive corporations to plunder Australia’s oceans, then we will vote them out. Monster trawler supporters who lost their seats on Saturday include Peter Hendy in Eden-Monaro, Andrew Nikolic in Bass, Eric Hutchinson in Lyons and Brett Whiteley in Braddon. Compare this to the results for politicians who actually stood up for their people and against the super trawler, and kept their seat; politicians like the Liberal’s Sarah Henderson in Victoria, Tasmanian Independent Andrew Wilkie and Labor’s Julie Collins. Click here to like and share this post on Facebook! It's pinned to the top of our page - please share it to let all politicians know what happens when they sell out our oceans and regional communities. We still need to get whoever forms government to put in place a full super trawler ban. We have a commitment from Labor to do this, but nothing from Malcolm Turnbull, who has been shifty and evasive at every turn. But for now, a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all of you who signed petitions, shared our updates on facebook, wrote to your members of parliament, or organised events in your town – this is your win. Now, any politician with half a brain will think twice before doing over their people and supporting monster trawlers that threaten our regional communities, kill our protected marine animals and steal our bait fish. Respect and thanks to all of you, Bec, Ginny, Laura and the Stop the Trawler crew. P.s. All FOUR of the key super trawler supporters we targeted lost their seat on saturday. Please share the message on Facebook so that all politicians hear that when they don't stand up to super trawlers, they lose. -=-=- Environment Tasmania · Level 1 100 Elizabeth St, Hobart, TAS 7000, Australia This email was sent to jackandrew@aapt.net.au. To stop receiving emails, click here. You can also keep up with Stop The Trawler Crew on Facebook. -=-=- Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.
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