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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Nice job Adrian. One thing you might add is a sieve or gauze over the overflow pipe inside the tank. Squid can be quite clever, smaller ones could escape.
  2. Paihia is a good base for the Bay of Islands. Snapper you can clean up. Double check any charter booking, it gets a bit laid back.
  3. Nice to meet you Josh. It was a good day. Mate the first one isn't easy. Different technique, foreign gear and questionable company. Well done. More to come.
  4. That's great. A very fishy weekend. Some very happy crew too. Well done.
  5. Watch out for the Numb Rays. Schools of kings love to trap and smash bait right up against the wall this time of year. Could be great fun on the light gear. Lots of options in Rose Bay. A few raiders haunt the place. I'm sure you will meet one soon. Good luck.
  6. Ahh Crescent......... Probably my favourite fishing, camping, surfing destination. No words necessary. Need to get the sand between my toes. Well Done
  7. Haha, Hi Raiders, Headed out early this morning to fish the runout. It seems the fish are upstream, so we concentrated on a couple of spots west of the bridge. From first drift there were signs of life, down after down, no hookup. On about the 4th drift, I got a good down, felt weight and POP goes the leader. I re-rig and Trevor is on to a fish, turned out to be a 10cm Tahwine. Woo hoo. Throughout the morning we got a few, but the fish were very touchy. Your float would go down for 20 seconds, strike, nothing. Or it would go down, come up, down again, strike nothing. Very challenging day. But this is how we learn. Try different things, move and be persistent. Cheers Ryder
  8. Ryder

    Have you tried?

    I have done most of these, even on still water they can be very challenging. Rowing, pain in the bum. Changing plugs, what if water gets in? Pull start, could I use the cord from my tracks dacks? I lost the prop once, sheared off. I had a coke can and some wire. Maybe I could... Idiot, call for help.
  9. Hi Raiders, I got this email today, Andrew You are making a difference! Click here to boost your impact on facebook Over 14,000 people sent a message to the Senate Inquiry into super trawlers, making it loud and clear that Australians don’t support these industrial factory ships plundering our fisheries and marine life. THANK YOU! MP’s are listening Your actions prompted Liberal MP Bob Baldwin and Labor MP Melissa Parke to take a stand in the Federal Parliament against the super trawler. We know MP’s are increasingly worried about the deaths of protected species, AFMA hiding information from the public, and impacts on local fishers. They are seeking expert advice, meeting with community members, and looking into ways to stop these foreign factory vessels. This is so important in the lead up to the Federal Election. Thank you for making this happen! Super trawler law-breakers – spread the message Seafish - who operates the monster trawler Geelong Star - has just received a $40,000 fine for illegally dumping 1,000 truckloads of wastewater from their old fish processing plant. Do you really think Seafish is going to stick by the laws managing our fisheries and protecting our marine life or do you think they will do everything they can to make a buck before moving on? Like and share our facebook post here so people know the truth about these law-breakers. If you don’t have facebook, forward this email onto 5 friends. Picture from EPA newsletter February 2016 Whale shark investigation We’re really worried about the impacts of the super trawler on the whale shark because experts say that these animals are vulnerable and should not be lifted out of the water. AFMA still won’t provide details, so we’ve put in requests through Freedom of Information to get the real truth. We’ll keep you posted. We won’t give up This was never going to be easy and we aren’t there yet, but we must not give up. The world’s fisheries are suffering - 29% are overfished and 61% are fully exploited* - so these foreign factory vessels need new fishing grounds. We must make sure that the Australian small pelagic fishery doesn’t go down the industrial path that has been so devastating elsewhere. Thanks so much for everything you’re doing to help stop this tragedy unravelling on our shores. Bec and the Stop the Trawler crew, Environment Tasmania Ps. Help boost your impact against the super trawler by liking our facebook page and sharing our latest post about the dodgy operators law-breaking shenanigans here or forward this email to 5 friends. *FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2014, The State Of World Fisheries And Aquaculture -=-=- Environment Tasmania · Level 1 100 Elizabeth St, Hobart, TAS 7000, Australia This email was sent to jackandrew@aapt.net.au. To stop receiving emails, click here. You can also keep up with Stop The Trawler Crew on Facebook. -=-=- Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.
  10. Haha Steve. Some nice flounder in amongst the flatties too.
  11. The kittens are chowing down on 1 right now. It ended up a pretty good day. A few bite offs and more pulled hooks. A school of marauding kings. Christened the combo I scored last week. I'm happy we made the move when we did. Thanks for the company
  12. Great catch. I see you wife is wearing her calamari outfit Good on her.
  13. Cheers guys, Always on the lookout. 2 weeks ago, I drove past a council cleanup pile. Quick scan, is that a rod? BINGO!!! 6-7wt fly rod, shrink wrap still on the cork.
  14. You shouldn't have much trouble fitting 2 rods in one tube. Get some Velcro wraps so they don't move, And like Boatart said pack some clothes around them so they don't rattle. I took a Shimano Raider 6-10 ktravel rod as hand luggage last trip. The good thing about travel rods is you know you have your gear. Some airlines are notorious baggage losers. Not naming any names Solomon Airlines.
  15. Well done Adrian. Great to see you getting amongst the fish.
  16. Hi Raiders, Saturday morning I found this in an online auction. $20 Buy it now. SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've owned 2 copies before and lost them loaning them. This one is staying with me. Sunday wandering around the market, I find this rod/ reel combo. The reel is in great condition, identical to an Alvey 475B luderick special. It was made for the UK market. The rod is good too. At 9 ft it will be great of a boat. Again $20. SOLD!!!!!!!!! So happy I nearly posted in the Brag Board. Bargains are out there. Some people don't know what they've got. It might seem mean, but I do my research. So should they.
  17. Mate I just watched the video. That jump at 3:14 was massive. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=em-subs_digest&v=WnoOBAKuHgo
  18. Sounds like a good session mate. Nice going. Good to go early, before the wind gets up. It could have blown a dog off its chain in the arvo.
  19. Definitely a Keeper. My wife broke a couple of ribs netting a fish for me last year. Its not only hard on us.
  20. Tendinitis in my left elbow, on the inside. Often called golfers elbow as opposed to tennis elbow, which I think is on the outside. It's from holding a rod too long, up to 6 hours.
  21. Nice work mate, you know your gear and your trade. I love the respect we Fishraiders have for these big girls.
  22. HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES. Congratulations mate. You're a freakishly good fisherman. Bigger and better fish to come I'm sure. Andrew
  23. Hey Adam, The Doctor is a tongue eating parasite. It consumes and replaces the fishes own tongue. I understand its a symbiotic relationship, mutual benefit. But it freaks me out.
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