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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. I found this at the tip buyback for $5. With the sand spike it’s just on 16 ft long. It had a long binding as a fore grip which I removed to reveal B4507, it’s a SPORTEX!!!!!
  2. No that's it's cousin Black Drummer. Good fighter, good eating.
  3. Hi Raiders A mate of mine is going surfing in the Maldives for two weeks. He staying onboard a slow boat which takes them to different breaks. Last time they trolled lures and came up with fish like tuna and Spaniards. He’s asked me which lures should he take. I thought X raps and maybe some skirts. Anymore suggestion would be appreciated Cheers
  4. Great bag mate. Mmmm fish tacos. Fishraider at work.
  5. Yep, fish light!!! light sinker, light line 6lb or lower, you will feel the bite, and it makes better sport. Heaps of people add the biggest lead on the longest rod and cast out to the horizon when are under the wharf.
  6. A mate caught this on a prawn in the harbour today.
  7. Great weekend, well done. Congrats for the Jewies.
  8. Hi Raiders, l took Neil out last year to go for his first Blackfish, it ended in a big donut. This time round I couldn't make it with the others Raiders on Friday so I offered Sunday. Picked at Central and whisked him 5 minute away to the harbour. Got the berley going, then sorted out the setups, depth and a refresher on baiting up... The fish were there from the start, definite signs of life, the floats just dipping and bobbing back up, same as last weekend, it wasn't going to be easy. After a couple of misses Neil hooked up to a good fish, it tried to take him around structure, then back under the Wharf, but he played it to the net. Hi 5's, his first was in the bag. Must have been close to 40cm The touches kept coming with no solid takes, then we were approached by a tall dark stranger. He asked if one of us was Big Neil. Enter fellow Raider Blackfish. I invited Gordon because I read he missed the boys on Friday at Cremorne and wanted to meet the big guy. After intros, I handed him my rig while I setup another. Who knew the man cut his teeth on Luderick, he added the next to the bag. I went for the Butterworth I just got restored hoping to Christen it. The rain came down, the guys were getting wet when another stranger shows up with a couple of garbage bags for them to fashion into wet weather gear. It worked, we kept fishing, and finally added 1 to the bag. Good banter, shared fishing stories, FISHRAIDER!!!! Gordon had to leave, Neil and I moved to another spot nearby when thing went took cold. It turned out they were colder in the new spot so we came back. We got a few more, and I think we called it with 9 or 10 in the bag. Neil has the photo . Thanks for a fun session.
  9. Sure Frank, No problem
  10. Hi Raiders, It's been a while since Ive had a crack at the blackfish, but with Big Neil's visit coming up I thought I should have a look. Very difficult conditions with wind up to 30 knots, that put any exposed spots out, severely limiting options. I chose a sheltered little corner but it was still a bit windy. Not much happened for the first hour, fiddling with the depth to find the fish. My first touch came at the same time I was chucking berley, typical, I missed it. That was followed by a good take and a pulled hook. The touches kept coming, but the solid downs didn't. It was really hit and miss. A passerby took an interest, he didn't speak any English but he could see what was going on. Finally I hooked up to a decent fish, my new friend manned the net, we had the first in the bag. Over the next hour the fish kept coming without solid downs. The float would just dip and come back up or start moving sideways. Strike and hope for the best. The more fish I caught the more excited my mate got, he was just nodding his head laughing. I called time with 8 in the bag, could have easily bagged out, and gave the guy 3 to take home, the rest were released. Some good fish amongst them, a few over 40cm. Looking forward to next weekend.w
  11. This was $80. New ferrule and all original guides rebound and epoxied and full varnish. $10 for a new tip.
  12. It's Habitat Protection Zone along the beach. Landbased fishing is OK.
  13. It's a rod I had built from an old rod I found in Huskisson.http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/topic/87129-old-and-new/
  14. Hi Raiders I was really keen to give the new rod a go, I matched it with with a little Shimano 2500 with 4lb braid. Simple rig size 1 ball sinker, swivel, 30cm 6lb fluro to a no.4 longshank hoping for whiting. A little disappointed there were no live worms left at Narrabeen Bait and Tackle, I settled for dead and added a bit of S factor. There is a nice gutter formed at the north end of the beach, running just north of the Pines up to the car park. Even at low tide it is very obvious. The lagoon itself is well and truly closed. No kidding, I was on first cast. Nice little dart about 20cm. I could see the take just watching the rod, it's really sensitive. 3 more darts followed in the hour, missed a few and dropped what was most likely a flattie.
  15. Ryder

    Old and new

    Very happy with the result. Cheers
  16. Ryder

    Old and new

    We used single foot Fuji guides starting at 30mm to give some casting distance. All the guides were underbound to protect the old bank and give the colour contrast. 8 guides plus the tip
  17. Ryder

    Old and new

    Hi Raiders When I took the old Glassmaster to the rod builder I took along another old blank I'd been sitting on for a while. I found it in an antique/ junk shop in Huskisson last year. All the bindings were shot, the grips were gone, but the action grabbed my attention. It's a real noodle, light and whippy as can be. I showed it to some mates who reckon it's a very early Sportex in wood grain finish. Jim, the rod builder was pretty excited when he saw it, he loves Sportex rods and from the pattern in the glass he's 90% sure. I wanted to have it made into a rod I could use for Blackfish in the estuary and Whiting and Bream on the beach. We kept the original wooden butt cap, added cork grips and reused the original bind on reel seat. The seat was reversed so not to interfere with a sidecast reel
  18. The ferrule took a bit of fiddling, then I decided to go for the full resto. Turned out nice.
  19. Sorry guys the net has been down the last few days. I haven't fished cremorne, just old cremorne but sounds good. Got my opal card if we need to move.
  20. I can bring the weed, mate I owe you a fish. And Waza I'd like to try for John Dory.
  21. After heaps of research ( funny how much leads back to fishraider) I think the ferrule has gone missing. Ive booked it in for a trip to the rod doctor. The pattern in the glass is really cool, I know it's early and Butterworth used other fibreglass blanks before producing their own.
  22. Hi Raiders Im looking for some advice. I picked up this rod today from the tip buy back center for $5 It's 11ft long 2 piece labeled 'Estuary'. The first guide has a ceramic insert, the next 4 and tip are all metal. It has a whipping action and I'm thinking it might be a Bream/ Blackfish rod. It's the older style brown sanded blank. Although its old and two piece it doesn't have a ferrule. As it is the top section sides inside the bottom section only about 4 cm. Is this normal or does it need to be repaired. Any advice appreciated. Cheers
  23. Plano do a great rod tube that extends to over 8 ft. Sturdy and lockable, I ve been using mine for over 15 years. Beware which airline you use, eg Jetstar has no bulk hold so nothing over 2 meters, everything has to fit into baggage containers. Smaller planes can be difficult, it depends how cooperative the pilot is. I've had my tube lying on the floor under seats in a twin Otter to the outer Solomon Islands. Rods made it OK but my luggage didn't show up.
  24. A bit of good news. https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/claim-ctp-green-slip-refund We've been paying more and more since Green slips were introduced. Now we can get a little back.
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