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Everything posted by Blackfish

  1. Geat photos there Johno, especially the first photo. Looks lkes everyone is having a good time ......... well ....... maybe not if you were a Roosters suporter. B.F.
  2. Ray we only had servo prawns and the just a few pilchards in the bread , certainly not the best but we scored a feed, had fun and the weather was quite mild this morning.......... for Winter. Cheers.
  3. With the weather being as it has, it was nice to just get out today. The Maltese Falcon and I went up to Palmy hoping for a few Bream. Got a bit lazy on the time and it creeped away.... well maybe I was just out of the swing of things because we finally started to walk down the cliff at ten past seven, bit too late but as they say better late than never. Quickly made up a bit of burley and the first bait went in at 7.30 , couple of minutes later the Falcon had a nice Bream and all I could get were little Drummer, then we started to land and loose a few Trev's which were fun, mind you the Falcon did most of the damage as I kept catching little drummer Ended up with a feed anyway Went down to Long reef to clean our catch as the "Locals" looked on. Topped of a nice little morning. B.F. PS. How good was the Falcons wife, he gave her a ring and she bought down a cup of Tea for us to drink as we cleaned the fish.
  4. Have heard very good good reports on the Fujitsu F30 in its housing for underwater photos and Video. http://flickr.com/cameras/fujifilm/finepix_f30/ http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilmf30/ http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/fuji/finepix_f30-review/ For the housing http://cameras.pricegrabber.com/underwater...ngs/m/22720929/ As for the 770 http://flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=770S...ater&m=text Try also http://www.dpreview.com/ I've got a old Sony Cybershot and have taken some great photos with that and found the camera outperforms me . I've got a housing with this and some of the underwater stuff i've taken is surprisingly good, there's better Cameras now. Good luck, B.F.
  5. Tracked them down. http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.ph...39&hl=rough B.F.
  6. Thats so funny, couldn't offer a excuse to your mates that you have no room in your boat. B.F.
  7. Surname is Black....... and.......... well you can guess the rest B.F.
  8. I believe its a Sea Sweep, caught them at Eden and I know of one caught near Maroubra(very rare this far north) Try http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/fishfacts/fish/saequip.htm Glad someone came up with the other, had me stumped B.F.
  9. 8 and 9 are my favorites, but they're all funny.
  10. Try http://www.treacherycamp.com.au/moreinfo.htm As for fires not sure but give them a ring....... really nice people. B.F.
  11. After further consultation where no expense was spared I'm led to believe that the tassels around the mouth wont be obvious out of the water, they stick to the skin. so me-thinks its Ol "Batrachomoeus dubius" B.F.
  12. It looks like the head is to flat to be a Wirrah. Very similar to a Jawfish, caught a few up Cape York and we called them Cookie Monster fish But its not one of those, wrong area. B.F.
  13. Eastern Frogfish as a bit of a guess...... Not that uncommon in Sydney Harbour B.F.
  14. Nathen, you most certainly can eat them but finding them big enough to make them worthwhile is the hard part. Crimson Banded Wrasse, Blue Throat, Purple you will commonly see in live fish tanks in Chinese Restraunts Yep there good tucker. B.F.
  15. Great work guys. Nice fish. B.F.
  16. Blackfish

    Puffer Fish

    The small Toadfish is a Common Toadfish http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/fishfact.../thamiltoni.htm The bigger is a 3 Bar Porcupine http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/fishfact.../dpunctulat.htm and theres heaps of others encounted in Sydney, cool little colourful dudes as well(Boxfish) Could you imagine bridling one and it puffs up, be like trolling a Soccer Ball B.F.
  17. Hi Sammy, not sure if they are the same. What I did was save both to my desk top,open them and have them side by side to compare. Look at the Pec fins,tail and dorsal. Regards B.F.
  18. Cracker of a Blue Eye, great catch there. Here's a photo of a Ocean Pearch Sure looks like one, though not sure of the other. B.F.
  19. Great report there MGibbo.....just love reading and looking at photos like that The kids love it now but latter they will be able to look back and have such great memories of those times and appreciate it even more. B.F.
  20. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as I fall on my sword. Contacted a mate of mine who works for the Museum in Sydney and say's its no Rock Flathead , he reckons its a ........................ Tassel-snouted Flathead. But thats already been mentioned, DOH. B.F.
  21. Try "Coastal Fishes of South- Eastern Australia" Rudie H Kuiter I still think it could be Rock or Tasselsnout Flathead (Thysanophrys cirronasa) they both seem to be the same Tec name, whereabouts theCrocodilefish (Cymbacephalus beauforti) seems to occur from the Philippines to New Caledonia. I am more than happy to be wrong , I find this interesting. Regards B.F.
  22. See a couple caught in Sydney and called them a Rock Flathead as well. Thysanophrys cirronasus. Got a photo of my Mates one somewhere as well .. now where is it ?? B.F.
  23. Good Bream there Mate, congrats. B.F.
  24. Good on ya Mrs Stumpy for getting back into it . Looking foward to more reports. B.F.
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