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Everything posted by gundi4

  1. Unfortunate on the broken steering but at least you got a feed!
  2. Good advice. Thanks. Will pass it on
  3. Hi all, Went for a quick beach session last night around the tide change with a couple of mates. Armed with some servo pillies and squid I had caught previously I was hoping for a Jew but would have settled for any sort of action. Thinking I would save the squid till close to the tide change we started off throwing some pillies into what we hoped would be a productive gutter and pulled out a couple of flathead first casts which was taken for a feed. Awesome start. Things slowed down so we decided to change to squid with about 30 mins to the top of the tide. With about 10 mins to go to the change my mate about 50m down from me starts yelling and we know he’s onto to something good. I leave my rod in the rod holder and go down to see what’s what. He fights it all the way to the sand and we can see chrome. It’s a Jew!!! A wave comes in a covers the fish and the fish turns and struggles to win his freedom and pop goes the leader. We are all devastated understandably and turns out in a panic he dialled up the drag late in the fight which I’m thinking is the cause of the leader failure. Rookie error! Banter and abuse get thrown his way immediately and he gives it straight back saying surely it was a NSW record Jew and that’s why it broke the line 😂 So with that done and dusted I go back to my rod laughing at my mate for being a dumbass but also disappointed he didn’t land it but also excited that there are jew around. Anticipation is creeping higher and 5 mins later anticipation turned to a holy shit moment when I hook up to something that is giving me the run around and head shaking all over the place. Woooohooooo!!! After a good little tussle I pull up a little Jewie that I didn’t bother measuring as I knew it was undersize but was pumped all the same. So back into the drink she went after a quick snap Quick re bait and cast and not 1 min later me and my mate have a double hookup. Yeaaaahhhhh the boyyyysss!!! We both land similar size Jew to the first one. Both go straight back into the drink and even though not massive the action was hot and we are pumped. No photo of these two as my mate (you know which one) took a terrible photo which was completely out of focus. Anyway no more bites after that but went home happy and determined to land a biggun in the not so distant future. Thanks for reading
  4. Nice one. Salted bonito strips for bait 👍🏽 Bonito sashimi is great too if you look after it properly which you seem to be all over
  5. I have a plaque on my trailer that states all the info regarding trailer speed and tyre pressure etc. I would post a pic of it but my boat is at my in-laws at the moment. Trailer is a seatrail
  6. My trailer states that 90km/h is the max recommended so I try to stick to that. I tend to leave far more time than needed to get to the boat ramp for the purpose of not feeling rushed where I’m sure mistakes could be made
  7. Yeah I understand it might be hard to see from the pics only. So first pic I have added two green lines to show that little flat section just above the lip (male). Second pic indicates the flat line all all the way to the lip (female). I will add that I’m not sure if it’s correct or if I’m now just seeing things because it’s in my head 😂. ps the first pic is from the YouTube video (not mine) but yes I should be a bit more active in posting fishing reports!
  8. Hello all, I wanted to put it out there if anyone knows how to ID if a snapper is male or female? The reason I ask is that I was watching a video on a popular fishing show on YouTube (I’ll post the link at the end if you want to watch), and the host identifies male snapper due to a band of flesh that runs horizontally just above the top lip. I underlined the “band” in green (pic 1). Now I know the snapper caught in the video is in Victoria but I’m assuming that wouldn’t make a difference in NSW as they are the same species. Also I have looked through pics of my snapper catches and can now notice the “band” in some of the specimens. Personally I also think a distinguishing feature is a rounded, flattened nose coming off that band, whereas females have more of a flat line straight to the lip(pic 2). Not sure if it’s true (or if it’s in my head) but since seeing this YouTube video I can notice these differences. Anyway I thought it was interesting and would be interested to see if anyone has any info to shed light. Cheers https://youtu.be/iM1HOEvtfSI
  9. Did anyone else get a mail demon failure? As in the email listed didn’t work? i sent it to submissions@marine.nsw.gov.au
  10. Awesome stuff!!! Hope to do that with my daughter when she gets a bit older ??
  11. Yep. I bleed and gill them straight away and get them on ice as soon as possible. Cut the fillets off at the boat ramp and remove the blood line and the flesh comes up a treat. Quite white with maybe a touch of very pale pink colour
  12. Awesome stuff as usual. After catching a few bonnies myself of late i’ve found them great eating. Had them sashimi, beer battered and on the barbie. The missus and I loved them! Didn’t consider them for the table before I read a few threads on Fishraider on how to look after them properly and I must say they turned out great.
  13. Awesome stuff!! My daughter is only six months old but fingers crossed she loves fishing as much as her dad!
  14. Nice fish! Can’t wait for the report
  15. Wow! Excellent work on the kingies. You have them dialled in ??
  16. Legal king, (caught plenty of rats), and a dolphin fish on lure
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