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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. you should flush every motor well   seem to be hearing lots of people having salt buildup probs lately...5 mins of your time makes a big difference to engine longetivity..rick

  2. good day by the sounds of it..bass pt is great place dived there many years ago....speared a lot of fish on the southern side  but it can be hard to fish..keep the reports comin tash..I cant hit the water till next week  too much work..rick...ps wheres the hat

  3. spot on jeff  the water pressure from hose is pushing water out telltale....change the pump housing and impellor with that much salt buildup showing....you can try a product called saltaway for flushing motor...I havnt seen it for a while but think its still available...rick

  4. you can buy small fiberglass repair kits..resin and mat inc...cut up mat splash resin in there wit brush and shove some mat in..it may take three or four fills  thelast coat mix white paint in resin then sand back when done..you can buy fiberglass bog in small tins an fill hole with that first..rick

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