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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. a few years ago I tagged 58 marlin in three weeks on boardroom  .our best day was12 fish..no close calls  we treat each fish carefully and a few years experience gives you a feel for them...we have tended to go with wind ons and seldom trace fish any more..we tag them off the rod..once the double and windon are on you thumblock the fish and walk backwards..tag fish grab trace and hang on motor forward,the light gauge circles usually straighten or the knot breaks..1 in 15 you may have to trace to the side and cut trace...saying that s#@t happens and you hope your ok..rick

  2. hey traily its all good fun till someone gets hurt...I gamefished for years and have traced hundreds of marlin..imo the skipper wasn't idling forward fast enough  the marlin overran them turned under then done a loop..ive seen it happen before..you cant let them get in front of you if they turn out its not so bad if they turn in they usually go under boat and get cut off...rick

  3. im earing you baz  now im eyeing off the wind predictions for next week as big neil is comin up my way and im gunna try an take him for a flattie bash.....hope these westerlies piss off..rick

  4. mate we used to go up and pro fish out of Minnie..we had 4 days of bad southerly so we borrowed a tinnie and fished coldstream..we got bream flatties fingermark  big eye trevally and mud crabs..was about 6 yrs ago but I don't think its changed..rick

  5. not the sort of conditions to be out there in an open tinny...people need to look at the vast array of technology available..even still I was 10 mile from the heads on fri arvo and got hit by 20knot southeaster that wasn't forecast..i had the luxury of heading home with a following sea...rick

  6. been there done that no more fly for me..caught bream bass and most things up to a 50kg black marlin on a 12weight...stickin with normal now..thanks guys I put some hrs miles and effort in..even if I don't get much ive had good time doin what I luv..cheers rick

  7. dora has good bream  few bass  the creeks don't go that far up before dying..i had thread bout one of them not long ago..they don't have any length of freshwater to support good bass there is also good flatties year round as well as muddies..no traps only witches hats as part of lake mac..rick

  8. mate kingies aren't there all the time..read my report from weekend..there is always something to target  as weather gets warmer its gunna get better  if your from coffs you have better fishing up there  il let you know when we are comin up..i normally go Minnie but coffs is good...I wouldn't come down here for the kings cause normally they are undersize  your better off hittin nth solitary...rick

  9. well the wind killed me again...spent two hrs struggling to catch some yakkas at blackies reef fri arvo..went down coast to anchor on a jew mark when wind died from west then abruptly turned sth east at 20 knots with2.5/3 knots current runnin downhill I couldn't fish..so travelled 8 mile back to Swansea heads  ..caught two striped tuna spinning from 100 casts  1 salmon from 100 casts  they are feedin on 1inch glassies and you cant match the hatch..went back into the channel and there was salmon everywhere..they are feeding on tiny glassies and wont touch a lure...the fly guys are getting them but I gave up..i then fished all night at two of my fave jew spots in the lake with livies and squid for nada..not a touch..sat morn caught two bream 1 tarwhine 1 flattie at 50cm..lost an unseen flattie on plastic  then lost a flattie boatside that was genuine 1mtr long..shattered..twice this year  so sick of jig heads losing fish..im goin to start using stingers on my placcies....all in all sad amount of fish for 24hrs and 40 naut mile  still managed to win local comp..couple of squid and a few blue swimmers helped but not what I was hopin for...next comp maybe..i can hear broughton callin me....rick

  10. make sure they state two stroke outboard motor oil.tcw3 rating..not just two stroke oil  that is for mowers and brushcutters n chainsaws...tcw3 oil is cleaner burning  less emissions less oiling up of plugs...rick

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