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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. yeah guys..ive fished the rocks all my life..from blackfish to lbg and hs spinning..you just don't fish big seas if you have any brains but I suppose that speaks for itself with these muppets..two other guys with life jackets jumped in to help this guy that wasn't wearing one and had to be hospitalized for their trouble..makes some people wonder if your better off waving bye to them or risking your own life to try n save them..ive been in this position and its a HARD call...rick

  2. update..a mate rang me two weeks ago and said he had seen boat..police called..asked in the houses it was parked in front of but amazingly no one knew anything about it..if someone parked a 5mtr plus boat in front of my house I think I would have noticed it..both motors are cooked..don't know why..items removed ..rego numbers peeled off...now hes arguing with insurance because the insured amount wont cover two motors..they are treating him like the bad guy..the clowns where it was parked had a stolen camper in front of the house as well..cops reckon they cant prove they stole them..pretty obvious but hands tied...it was found in gwandaland 15 mins away  parked on the street without even being covered...I lived in gwando for 14yrs and cant believe the balls these clowns have...they are under scrutiny from quite a few locals now...rick

  3. weight depends on depth of water or current..all jig heads come in different size hooks for different weights....you can get a head wgt of 1/8 oz to 2oz on a 6/0 hook  many variables in hook size head weight head shape..rick

  4. that's one of the things to keep in mind..i flip my transducer up before I beach and being the only person left in the boat when I beach it it always lays to the drivers side so my bait pickup doesn't drag in the sand...normally its back in quick drive on  hookup drive out  minute and half tops...take too long start sinking trailer wheels...its worth the hassle as the fishing is primo..rick

  5. if anyone wants to launch at Minnie the main things to make it easier are to launch as close to the rocks in the southern corner as possible and BE QUICK..ive seen so many people bogged because they stuff around for that long its not funny...if the tide is up and too much swell...we beach the boat when we have the trailer lined up then attach rope off trailer and drag boat 5 or 6 mtrs up the sand away from the water then back and winch the trailer under boat..it seems scary but its quite easy..the fishing out of Minnie is unbelievable..sandon shoals  wilsons nth solitary  wide reefs  endless reefs covered in reds trag jew mackerel cobes...list goes on   I luv the place..rick

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  6. generally the current in front of gaol is 3 to 4 knots..hard paddlin against that all day..crowdy is not too bad as you can fish round the headland or beach launch southern side..small reef area out from beach holds good fish..rick

  7. ive fished Minnie for years  its a safe launch spot..the only time you have trouble is high tide with big swell ..the swells push over the front rocks of the lagoon and bang up on the beach where you launch in corner of lagoon..depends on size of your boat as well..we usually run vsea or milligan..some guys launch 6mtr plus but it depends on how good you are at beach launches..rick

  8. im aiming to go up fri 17th in the arvo depending on this weather letting me get some work done..fish arvo then all day sat and maybe a few hrs sun morn..i will know mid week and let you know we might be able to have a chat n beer..rick

  9. my hds5 was 1.8 degrees out..just changed it on calibration in sounder settings..all good since..parked next to a mate in 42 riv and checked against his two temp readings...it reads same as everyone else in same area now....put tranny in bucket of water and use your small thermo to compare then adjust...rick

  10. you can always try air pressure..force air hose wrapped in rag in bung hole then listen inside for escaping air...you should have stringers running crossways under your floor which will stop light from reaching into the compartments..rick

  11. all these style of drain plug only work when you are travelling at a speed great enough to have bung level above water level..if you cant get on the plane and let the water out at speed there is no reason to try and install these "gadgets"..rick

  12. the ramp in the river is very good..you have to contend with the bar..i can beach launch my vsea with 4x4 at gaol if river is wiped out..keep an eye on seabreeze for swell size and check conditions on surfcams..rick

  13. call me old fashion but I find it easy to flick a switch and watch the water pour from the hose..also it saves having to start and travel to get rid of water...maybe the question should be where is the water coming from ?????

  14. im trying to go to crowdy or swr in two weeks dependent on water and reports...trolling livies around mermaid reef can be awesome when the fish are there..ive caught cobes and spotties on the shoals 3 or 4 miles straight up from crowdy heading north...there is good broken reef in front of diamond head and you can troll livies in close as well..rick

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