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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. is your cavitation plate level with the bottom of your hull ?.is your motor leg throwing up spray both sides ?..this subject has been brought up twice recently..raising your motor wont increase your revs .going down a pitch size on your prop will..when travelling go back and check if your new foil is sitting on top of the water or going thru it...rick

  2. went for a paddle on the weekend with a mate in one of our local creeks..we only caught two bass so I think they have been pressured over the holiday season..no fotos as I left fone in car,,only hits we got were on hardbody divers..the water was a bit muddy so im giving another creek a go next weekend..water dragons.kingfishers.pheasants.lure chasing eels all make for an enjoyable day..rick

  3. I fished out of port stephens a few times in one and found it to be a very nice boat to game fish out of...you can spin them quik with the twins..and they travel very comfortably...havnt had much to do with etecs but there are thousands of them around...everyone has favourites but they all can breakdown...price would be the determining factor..rick

  4. when we make quik rigs for deep dropping I use a three turn spider hitch  then cut snood length to your choice..then tie another spider hitch.....I use three hooks for gemmies in 200lb jinkai and 4 hooks in 100lb for smaller targets ..you can tie a perfection loop at the top to clip to....rick

  5. spot on noel   I run to the shelf in a 4.8 vsea with confidence in mine and the boats ability but we have some members in our fishing club that wont go outside in 5.8 mtr plate boats...being able to read weather conditions and know there are no surprise fronts coming helps...its called learning and everyone has to do it..rick

  6. the hardest part with this discussion is not the size of vessel but the experience needed to operate in anything other than flat seas..many larger boats come to grief just as easy as smaller vessels..myself and I imagine plenty of other raiders have long hrs racked up at sea..this experience tells us when to turn round and not go to sea..for new boaters this is harder with a mixture of bravado and not being able to read the sea or know their boats capabilities in a bad sea..if in any doubt watch other boats if possible or radio coastal patrol or the nearest marine rescue to you and ASK if conditions are favourable..its better to sit inside the heads and wish you were out at sea than be in the sea wishing you were inside the heads...let common sense prevail and don't risk your life or anyone with you or the poor bastards that have to try and rescue you..sorry for the rant but I have helped save too many people over the years and you don't forget the bad endings...rick

  7. I hav a yak but havnt used an anchor..but..we saved a guy a few months ago who was sideways in a 5 knot current in Swansea channel..he had it tied to his handle midships..the water was pushing that hard that he couldn't paddle to save himself from being sideways and near being flipped...be careful  s@#t happens...I would suggest using a bridle off the bow then you can paddle upcurrent and retrieve said anchor..i have mine setup now but havnt used it..rick

  8. ive used the float and clip system for years and wouldn't be without it..we fish 90 mtrs sometimes and use a fairly substansial length of chain with short solid anchors similar to a moloolaba pick..i would hate to pull it up by hand..as for jon s comment about hard to use on the bow that's why we do it from inside the boat..i have not lost an anchor in 15 yrs using our style of anchor with cable tie breakaways.the only time we pull the anchor by hand is in shallow water with short lengths..float system is just unbeatable..rick

  9. congrats on helping the muppets ..its hard to drive past and ignore them..i poked my nose out the heads at Swansea fri arvo..it was big and ugly and I only done a lap of the island and came back in..it was too rough to be out there but as I came back in the bar two muppets were goin out in a 4.0 mtr rear steer tinnie..im in a vsea and have thousands of hrs sea time under my belt and I pulled the pin these guys were asking for trouble..i havnt heard anything on the news so hopefully they came back in straight away...idiots in boats are everywhere..there is no education for them.i saved an elderly lady and her grandsons from washing up on moon isl Swansea a few yrs ago she spun her seat around and knocked the pigtail off her ignition..nearly died in 8ft seas on the bommie that's how easy it is her motor wouldn't start and she didn't know why..unfortunately we cant teach people basic education on water and ocean basics...im not bagging any race or culture but a lot of people hit the water with no experience,, some cant swim and most have never dealt with water that moves or has current..the saddest part is we cant save the majority of them because they don't want to aknowledge that they have no idea what they are doin so sadly these muppets will keep drowning and killing other people they take with them who are also oblivious to the dangers of the ocean...just makes you feel helpless sometimes...rick

  10. we use a funnel shape drogue for flattie spinning when it gets too windy..attached to the bow it slows our drift and lets us fish out the back of the boat towards the direction we are drifting..if hanging off the transom you are trying to fish in front of the boat...same for snapper on sps..our drogue opens up to about 1.5 mtr and slows a 6mtr Bahia mar very well..rick

  11. I have a vsea and the easiest way of anchoring is to use a bridle attached to your tie off bollard on bow that is long enough to come round and into your boat..then tie your anchor rope to this and leave slack to hang off bow..when retrieving just drive forward to the left of the rope and pikup bridle and anchor rope and retrieve from inside boat..that way you can anchor and retrieve by yourself and never get wet out on a bow..if in deeper water attach a float with anchor clip and just drive forward over anchor till float hits end of rope then pull in floating rope and anchor..no struggling to pull heavy anchor from depths..rick

  12. a boat  off port stephens this arvo was calling other boats over to a large amount of net floating in the water in 250mtrs outside the carpark..apparently surrounded by hundreds of large dollies of 15/ 20kgs..there were large marlin chasing dollies..over the next day or two it will be off Sydney..for anyone interested at 3.00pm it was at 33.05 .200 /152.25.200..i spoke to the boat on ch80 and the skipper said there was only a 1/2 knot current to the south so if you can guess the drift or want to go looking..my guess is it will be in between middle and southern canyons out of Swansea or norah in the morning..im not able to go looking tmrw so im devoed...hopefully someone can find them in the next day or two..rick

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