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Everything posted by rickmarlin62

  1. wirrah cod...boil with a brick when soft eat brick hahaha
  2. long handle gaffs make landing the fish of a lifetime possible...try washing out a 30kg cobia....also depending on where u r fishing cleats are not always practical..a lot of central and north coast ledges are conglomerate and cleats are a no.no...we always carry a long length of rope..we are very careful but as they say sh@t happens and a rope may save you or someone else in the worst case scenario....I have personally fished lbg since I was 16..i have saved three people in38 yrs and have been in the drink once myself..im a spearo so getting out was easy for me but some may injure themselves or worse ..if u can fish with an experienced lbg guy a few times you will soon learn easy rules of survival...I will be keen to have a fish next summer season so maybe a trip chasin longtails may be on the cards ??????..rick
  3. without having a book to look in my guess would be a variant of stargazer...I have never seen this colour or skin texture though ....rick
  4. I spoke to a waterways guy at one of our comps a couple of weeks ago..buy new cartridges and replace them yourself then write date on tag on pfd....you don't need to be a rocket scientist neil ive done mine lol...hope this helps..rick
  5. hi neil are your pfds inflatables..do they need replacing or just the gas bottle ..which you can do yourself...rick
  6. doesn't matter how much drag you put on a tiagra they have complete freespool...rick
  7. all good bro theres plenty of racks and plenty of flats....a good burley trail along the outside of the racks works wonders too...rick
  8. plenty of options offshore if boat big enough ?????....if not some big bream round the oyster racks on corrie island...even though its winter don't discount very big flatties along winda woppa or up along jimmies beach to yacaaba..sps work brilliant on the weedbeds and sand flats of jimmies...the boulders at the eastern end of jimmies is one of the best bream spots on the coast..fish lightly weighted mullet strips and hang on...any questions just ask if I cant help scratchie prob can...rick
  9. silly question did they go thru Swansea bridge or not...if not its still in the lake daaahh
  10. im with u overdraft...4 yrs and many trips .no sbts ..unfortunately im going to inflict some revenge on mr stickface come summer...bring on the beakies....rick
  11. cheers mate will look into it as we havnt had much luck in new England yet..caught heaps of small fish in gummi..little manning..barrington and a few others closer to us but would like to find sme better streams for quality,,,rick
  12. haha you've caught the disease now...just remember that a large proportion of lures are designed to catch fisherman not fish......gee that reminds me I seen a nice lookin cod lure online...bahahaha
  14. just thought I would chuck one in...rick
  15. I suppose I could target fish for yellas and cross my fingers I don't catch a cod bahahaha
  16. trout are ok but I luv cod fishing...seeing an 80cm cod charge out and smack a lure in clear running gorge water is primo...il just have to smak some nice reds instead for a few months
  17. well the weather gods have struck again with heavy rain coming down from the northwest again..ive been watching river levels on bom and my fave cod river was nearly down to a fishable level for the last weekend of the season then mother nature tells me NO you can now wait till December...luckily im buying back my old vsea so I guess il just have to terrorize all the salt species I love....rick
  18. have a rope tied to the bow and another long rope tied to the rear corner of boat that the wind or current is coming from and you can pull boat in or around to suit...I launched and rtrvd 6.0 mtr solo all the time ...cheers rick
  19. all you need to do now is leave the bungs out next time and you have just about everything covered ...hahahaha...rick
  20. some south Australia beaches have little or no swell and they catch blueys there...nsw blue swimmers are mainly caught in estuaries...lake Macquarie.botany.broken .Sydney harbor.most rivers have them..ive fished all my life..im 54 and have never caught a bluey in ocean waters nor seen one and I dive all the time...they can be caught on handlines with panty hose or fine mesh next to the bait for them to get tangled in..or just use bait and slowly bring them up then scoop before they let go...hope this helps...rick
  21. airmar make a tm258 with blue connector which elites and hds both use..the tm258bl is a 1kw trans with 50/200 but you wont have downscan capability.hope this helps...rick
  22. I have a hds5 it has a list of transducers in settings that you choose which trans you are using and the unit sets itself to said transducer ..I would assume the elite7 would be the same..look in your handbook for the unit and you should find it....rick
  23. recurve all you need is to learn preparation of luderick for eating and you may be surprised at how good they are..i bleed the fish by cutting throat latch..let them bleed out for a few mins then fillet..then turn fillet over and skin..i then cut straight above the bone and blood line in centre of fillet and below said line and up to the last rib bone..you now have a long and a short piece of boneless prime eating fish...no weed flavor .mud or any otherbad taste....I cook up these pieces at bbqs and no one can pik what it is..but they all come back for more...rick
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