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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Hodgey, If anyone can catch new species and PBs its you...I've sent you a pm!
  2. Go Roberta! Looks like good signs for the weekend
  3. That is stonker town boys well done on a great trip
  4. Roberta, That's a great post and I envy you so much travelling around the coast and hititng all the gun spots. Keep it up and don't stop the reports!
  5. Hit the Georges at 7am with a flukey south easterly blowing and fished with some chunky Poddies I had collected yesterday . No joy for the first hour or so. The tide turned and I tried a drift at the beginning of the run out, picking up a 57cm flatty on a poddy. Returned to the same drift and scored another 40cm model. Same drift broght a 48cm flatty and the 4th got a different kind of hit. This fish took some spirited runs on 3lb gelspun with a 10lb leader and after a few minutes a 59cm king came up. I was hoping for my first yak jew but pleased with the result. Didn't have a camera with me so snapped one on my phone and will add a pic tomorrow. Set my drift again and lost a corker of a flatty before picking up another couple and finishing on the last bait of the day with a healthy 59cm specimen. Didn't open the lure box all day and was off the water by 10:30am with six prime flatties for the table this week. It was good to go back to baits for a change. The mojo has returned after a few weeks of limited fishing opportunities.
  6. Top fish On a livey?
  7. Mumma! Well done on a magnificent fish!
  8. When I eventually get down there Hodgey I would love you to give me a closer look at Spot X! It's a magical part of the world alright
  9. Top feed and some fat fish there ...well done!
  10. A beautiful fish there Zenman!
  11. As usual a s brilliant post Hodgey with some supreme fish.....The mojo is within you!
  12. Talk about noteworthy! Double hook up in a 30m hotspot.....that is good fishing Hodgey.....I haven't had any good size about my fish on the last few outings and need to hit my big model spots again soon for a fix!
  13. Roberta, When I changed to lhw it only took an hour or two of casting to get used to it. Now I have one rod left and one rod right (because it doesn't reverse). My rod for sps is lh so I can get a better wiggle with the rod in my dominant hand.
  14. Hodgey I run 10lb fluro on one rod and 14 on the other....needless to say that the lighter leader caught 6 of the 7 flatties all on a gold SX40. A few bream started coming on as the sun set too so I might hang out there an hour longer next time:)
  15. Rh has the midas touch Keep the reports coming!
  16. Top jew Camel and sounds like a great night.....good thinking too!
  17. Go Rob and Mr Rob You guys always find the fish and that 75 is a great first jew .....must head up there in the yak sometime soon
  18. After my first father/son yak trip on Saturday, I hit the harbour for a quick runout session yesterday arvo. The fish were about 30 minutes apart but I got 4 within 20 minutes all on one colour of SX40. My usual livewell ( 6" plumbers pipe with end caps was siezed shut so I had to keep the fish in the yak around the mirage drive! My mate stood fishless casting from the deck of his cruiser so I threw him a couple of fish for dinner. All up 7 keepers from 38-48cm and I just finished some dioxin-flavoured fillets for dinner My mates famous last words...'Gotta bring that kayak down from my inlaws holiday house!'
  19. That is one XOS collection Hodgey! Let's hope February is even better
  20. I think the poddies are deadly on the bigger models.....no feed today but major enthusiasm generated for your next trip!
  21. I love reading reports as fresh as the fish you are going to eat Top catch!
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