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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. jenno64


    Good to see a decent croc in the colder months!
  2. Nice fish and would have given the 4lb a bit of a tweak!
  3. That's not bream it's a BRICK!
  4. Robee, at least it makes me feel better after an hour or 2 under CC bridge yesterday....managed a 20cm flatty and a 20 cm whiting on plastics....twas very quiet. Looks like a great day out for you and Dad despite the bag being a bit light on!
  5. 11 out of 10 for braving the rain Ray...and a good feed to reward you!
  6. Can you catch marine swine flu from those pigs?
  7. KM That is a stonker and would have gone about 3kgs at least...Those wilson rods are always good value. I replaced one that I snapped and only got the 10'6" model instead of the 12'.....big mistake as i need the extra length off the stones!
  8. 2000 is a huge contribution Hodgey! How long will it take to double it? BTW what were the school in shallows?
  9. Another great Monday feed Rob!
  10. Great bag Penguin and some stonker bream there....go the chicken in parmesan!
  11. Go Ray...a PB and a great day out. I'm hanging to get the kayak out after the reds soon!
  12. Top bag and a great three days!
  13. Top bag buster....plastics or bait?
  14. Great pig and imagine what the A spot would have turned up for you!
  15. Mate!!!!what aday.....I'm hanging to get out there now!
  16. Diver, that watewr looks bloody good...I'll have to hit the stones very soon!
  17. Now that's good fishing considering the fresh and the %^&*($ weather.... Well done!
  18. Well done Ray! Patonga was a washout. We managed a trip up the creek late yesterday and scored a couple of nice bream but the rain overnight was out of this world and the creek was tea coloured this morning. Waited til the run in and got a few flatties on blades near the mouth. Didn't get outside the creek to the spot you showed me. Great food and some cool drinks had but the fishing wasn't mindblowing.
  19. Who said the mullet was out of fashion?
  20. That's a corker of a bag and I agree it's how to fish for those species...running sinker and light gear. On bread too! Well done and enjoy the feed!
  21. Well done Ray! You seem to sniff out the fish wherever you go! Thanks forn the advice on Patonga...I'm heading up there on the weekend for what looks like more of a drinking wekend than one to fish but I'm taking the kayak so you never know!
  22. Well done Rob, I hit a spot near the entrance to Oatley Bay a couple of weeks ago and used the Squidgy pro worms for a few flatties. Does it fish better run in or out?
  23. Great session Mako, Thinking the river would have been too fresh, I hit Kurnell this arvo hoping to get some pigs close to the rocks but the swell spooked me too much. I only scored a couple of trevors and a few small flatties just inside Kurnell.
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