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Kiwi Dan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. Mate you've gotta do what i do. Ive got a small bream outfit in the back of the car with a couple squid jigs a small tupeware container with a couple hooks and sinkers pair of footy shirts and an old shirt that just lives in the boot. you never know when your out on the road if a oppotunity is going to present itself. well done boys couple great squid there. Hope to get into some myself this week in the harbor. cheers kiwi dan
  2. Well done on the fish mate, ive been fishing for years and come home empty handed many a time. Doesnt matter though its just great being out there. Once you get your first boat you'll never look back. When i got my first boat it was a s@#$ heap and i ended up rowing back the first 3 times. Slowly upgrading my boats from time to time gaining confidence and experience. Im on my 4th boat now!! cheers kiwi Dan
  3. cant beat the kids getting into fish! well done mate
  4. nice work Ceph, you just love soft plastic session dont ya!! Im not hooked on em yet, I prefer to just bait up and sit there Maybe come summer ill give it a bit more focus. cheers Dan
  5. Unlucky mate, i would have loved a run like that yesterday myself. Took a mate into Middle Harbor as well anchored up and after 20 minutes he got the run for about20 seconds then gone spat the hooks!! Maybe it was time for new sunnies anyway!! Cheers Dan
  6. nice work guys. How do you cook the flounder? Just fry them in butter?
  7. nice work Ray, couldnt even tell you had the rod in the other hand as well.
  8. Good looking fish mate, how do they go in the plate?
  9. good work fellas, couple nice bream there
  10. well done mate, cracker session on the kings boys!!
  11. Hey mate, ill be out there on a couple mid week session but mainly before work for an hour or 2 and then after work unfortunately. ive got the centre console dehaviland 4.6m with splash guards say gday if your around. cheers Dan
  12. Unreal fish mate thats a weapon
  13. nice write up Ross. I can imagine youd be the one sitting around the camp fire telling some cracking stories.
  14. Nice work Greg, I headed up there this arvo, must have just missed you. Was to windy to anchor so i just cruised around looking for holes on the sounder to fish another day which was a success. BRING ON THE KINGS!! Cheers Dan
  15. Kiwi Dan

    Boat Trailer

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone new where I could get a cheap or 2nd hand boat trailer? My trailer is fairly rusty and needs a little work. Id be better off trying to trade this on the purchase of a new one if its possible. So if anyones knows anywhere good to go some advice it would be much appreicated. My boat is a 4.66m Aluminium Dehaviland. Cheers Dan
  16. well done tiger shark. I have done the hook in the finger trick yet. Ive done most other boating mishaps likes forgetting the bung, petrol etc but yet to do the hook in hand. tailor looks unreal!!
  17. never put yourself in that situation in the first place. Unless i had already caught a tonne of fish and my mate hadnt i would have yanked the rod out of B's hands.
  18. Work on the tan while fishing for kings hahaha. Also would like to team up with more raiders and fish the harbor. and lastly take my first trip out to the fads.
  19. ive had more nil trips then fingers and and toes, dont worry about it mate youll get em!! Dan
  20. Kiwi Dan

    Marine Radio

    Hi Rod, yeah its a centre console dehaviland. When i brought the boat the cables were running under the floor so i followed suit with the fish finder and did the same. Do you think i should be running them above?
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