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Kiwi Dan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. thought i posted, must have dropped off. cracker of a fish fellas. makes me wanna get out on the charters even more now. Dan T i watched your DVD mate it was a cracker!! cheers Kiwi dan
  2. hell of a story mate, well done.
  3. That is one nasty set of cuts!! Get well soon fellas.
  4. first ones the easiest one, congrats mate
  5. wells done fellas, those are some flipin thumpers!!
  6. mate my boats to long for my garage as well by about the same distance. I just put it in on an angle and then take the wheel jockey off and put it down on the ground. fits in perfectly this way, my boat is 4.66m
  7. I was against the cheeks until the waiter at a chinese restaurant put me onto them. You wont be disappointed.
  8. great work Saltrix, you are really taking it to Dee Why by the looks of all your reports. If that whale had of come up like that next to me i think i would have s@#$ myself. cheers dan
  9. youve been smashing the flatties lately mate, well done!! cheers dan
  10. Good work fellas, any pics of the kings. how wide were you? did you get them on the drift or anchored. Also what did you get them on bait/jigs/squid? Cheers Dan
  11. well done fellas, can wait to get into some YFT myself
  12. Thats the type of session you I dream of on the reds. Well done fellas. cheers dan
  13. nice catch, pitty you had to wait so long before you could get a line in
  14. Thats great now young Max has caught just as many squid as I have!! Well done, day looks great! Cheers dan
  15. Solid haul boys!! cheers Dan
  16. Nice work Humesy, I was inches from going last night but opted to put a new bait board in and chuck my battery on the charger instead. Ill be out there tonight for sure!! cheers Dan
  17. At least you got a fish mate, nice size Jew that. Unlucky about the lost jew and battery. I dont think your battery should have gone that flat that quick. I run 2 pumps an interior neon rod light, my sounder and running lights and havent charged my battery in over 12 trips. In saying that I will now put it on charge tonight. cheers dan
  18. jani top report mate. I reckon i handle the cold real well fishing just in my footy shorts and red jacket through the night in the middle of winter. But dam that s!@# looks freezing, you look like you are wearing ski suits. Congrats on the engagement to buddy. Cheers Dan
  19. mate welcome to the site, im fairly new as well - its a cracker!! good work with the pigs mate, cant wait to see the pics should you be able to get them on the pc. cheers dan
  20. yeah Ceph I got 2 there about 3 weeks ago, got a good king and a 69cm flattie same weekend. pillies again.
  21. Nice work fellas. cheers dan
  22. The rank pillie strikes again!! Nice little king there, shows you can still get them I guess. I didnt get out on Saturday like i wanted to, unfortunately the alcohol gods thought they would punish me from Friday night!! Did drop a line on Sunday though, met Dano1 and Hookem - top blokes gave me some fresh bait. I only pulled up a reasonable leatherjacket and not even 1 run. Those bags down at Tunks were split open yesterday and the gravel was over more of the ramp. I would keep an eye on this if anyone is launching there. Would hate for another bag to split and cause it all to fall while you someone was pulling in their boat. cheers Dan
  23. nice work Spanker. i eat Salmon smoked, its unreal. cheers dan
  24. you gotta be happy with that cheers dan
  25. top effort buster. where were you fishing? ill be stoked to pick up a feed like that today. cheers dan
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