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Kiwi Dan

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Posts posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. Hello

    id like to jump onto this with a couple questions of my own. What size motor would be sufficient enough? I have a 4.66m Alum centre console with a 40hp mariner on it, would I be crazy getting out in that?


    Kiwi Dan

  2. thanks for the report inhlanzi :(

    i was just about to hook the boat up and fish tonights high tide for that big elusive jewie, i'll just wait another week and watch the mighty rabbits smash manly tonight instead. :thumbup:

    Better off taking the boat out, Mightly Manly will take put it all over the bunnies.


    Kiwi Dan

    (who has drummers instead of cheerleaders anyway!!)

  3. Hello raiders,

    im heading into middle harbor tonight for a couple hours fishing. I know the waters dirty full of rubbish and looks like coffee but it beats doing nothing at home!!

    Im putting the boat in at about 6, dropping a couple lines and try my luck. Might even try for squid, if I dont get any of those maybe ill drag up some of the rubbish floating around.

    If your about come over and say gday. Ill be the Kiwi in the red jacket.


    Kiwi Dan

  4. Gidday Dan,

    Well done n the Coffee king...

    Would love to know what whacked your mate later in the day.. could have been a Jew !!!

    We were inspired by your last report and bought a pack of Pillies.. we had some good hits on them.. My brother lost a King (we reckon - same fight and head thumps).. he was fishing too close to the bottom and it got him on a snag about 5 seconds after the hookup.


    C. :thumbup:

    Hey Ceph

    Couldnt beleive the fish taking the pillies over the fresh squid.

    Although I was filthy my mate got busted off in a way I was happy because I couldnt have him landing steam trains like that in my boat and not me!! :074::074::074:



  5. Hi Ceph,

    Good catch on the rod and reel, I would have been straight off to the lotto shop, RSL or TAB with luck like that.

    I think I saw use yesterday at spot X, I was in the centre console with the red jacket on. Ended up catching a good King and couple snapper there. My mate lost and absolute submarine there later on, it didnt even give him a chance.


    kiwi Dan

  6. Hello raiders,

    Well after returning from strom ravaged central coast yesterday I couldnt resist the urge to put the boat in this morning with the chilly but fine weather. Picked up a mate and we headed straight to spot X from Tunks, arrived at about 730. The water was full of rubbish, cans, bottles, plastic and a heap of big sticks to dodge. It was sooooooo dam dirty I thought we were gonna come home with all bait in tact. We dropped down 2 squid strips and 2 pillies and started reading the paper. Instantly we were into a few good hits on the pillies and after 20 minutes had pulled up about 6 small snapper around the 20-28cm mark. About 20 mintues later I get a good hit and start losing line to a slightly bigger red that ended up going 37cm.

    After burleying and using half a 2kg bag of pillies I heard the ohh soo sweet sound of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my light rod goes off at right angles and the line is headed straight for the moorings. It got there before I could gain any line back and for a moment I thought it had won but some how it swam back around and free'ed itself. Now out in the open I played it back to the boat and a nice 67cm King is landed.


    We fished Spot x for a few more hours then headed into the harbor for more small snapper and another big run on my mates rod but after 30secs he pulled the hooks. :1badmood: . We decided to head back to Spot X for one last shot on the way home. We wipped up a quick feed but there was nothing on the bite down below. There was a couple fishing off a little rock ledge about 70m away and pulled in 2 nice kings while we watched. We decided to call it quits so started the engine pulled up my rod and my mate went for the anchor. With everything packed away bar 1 rod something hit it like a train and went crazy, this thing pelt line with ease. Andrew tightend his drag and tried to gain some back but with no luck. It made it to a mooring and wedged itself in good and proper, I had a go at trying to drive it off with no luck. He eventually got busted off and we thought hmmmmm maybe 20 more minutes but decided against it.

    I have no doubt this was a thumper but unfortunately for my mate it was the one that got away!!


    Kiwi Dan

  7. Hello raiders,

    With nothing to report on the fishing front due to the weather I thought id put another question out there. Does anyone have any tips or hints on for getting rid of the fish smell from your hands after fishing? I often fish before work and rush home for a shower before heading into the office and no matter how hard I scrub and the many soaps and washers I use the smell is still there.

    I even wack some deodorant on them but they still stink. I dont mind it but its a little funky for others in the office, any tips or home remedies anyone?


    Kiwi Dan

  8. Yeah tell me about it, I got some of watto's magic spray's and some lumo jigs and have been using the rigs found in the tackle talk section as well as the usual cast and retrieve method with my yozuri's and haven't been all that succesfull of late!!! I swear i would pay $50 for 5 live squid rather than get up at 2am to get one or two just for the extra sleep in time!!!!!

    Oh well practise practise and more practise makes perfect!!!!!!!

    Thanks mate and congrats again with popping the king cherrie!!!! Im a newb to only getting mine a few months ago now im hooked damn it!!!!!!

    Yeah i still suck at catching the little bugers but lucky enough my mate has better luck then i do.

    im with you on the extra sleep but have taken on board the early rise for squid and then having a sleep on the boat while waiting to hear that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound.

    Just wondering is it illegal to have 5 or 6 jigs on a line and floating them down the current with a float at the end?? Just wonderng because my stike rate aint that good having 6 in might better my chances.



  9. Nice red mate.

    Im heading down that way in a couple weeks for a weekend of snapper hunting. Hopefully we can land a few of those reds along with there bigger brothers and sister!!


    Kiwi Dan

  10. Well done mate!!!!!

    The little buggers fight like hell even at that size!!!! They are a joy to catch!

    Might i ask where the heck you were to gety 20 od fresh squid????? We are getting a few at the moment but 20???? They are the kind of numbers we needed on the weekend!!!!! If you tell me under the spit im going to cry!!!! each time lately ive got 1 or 2 arrows then nothing!!!!!! Not from lack of tryig i might add!!!!!

    yep the fight was good, great feeling and the added pressure of getting them away from the moorings first before they bust you off gives it that little extra satisfaction when you finally get it in.

    The squid were all caught under the spit a couple days ago. Squid are weird we took the boat down 2 times and only managed 3 in 3 hours, and then my mate went down the next day and went off the grass got 14 in an hour from the Balgowlah side. I guess they just have to be around or it was a fluke!!



  11. Hello raiders

    Well after a couple weeks of targeting Kings I finally cracked it yesterday and landed my first one in Australia. Me and a mate headed out yesterday on my ebay purchased boat with my ebay purchased rod and reel and had done everything possible to give ourselves the best chance at landing one. We had about 20 odd fresh squid caught a few days before and frozen as per previous raiders advice picked up in the forums.

    We left Tunks early to try and rustle up some live squid but with no luck. About 6.30am we headed over to the famous SPOT X and put down 4 baits and played the waiting game. After 2 hours of not much happening I thought what else can we do we had a solid berlying trail going, we had fresh squid and even a servo pillie on one line as noted in a previous report that thats what got hit.

    For a little while there I thought we just have the worst luck and should take up tiddly winks. Then at around 9.45 the action began, me mate took a few good hits and then he was on. After a solid fight a 71cm king was landed, he dealt with that one while I dropped the lines again and BANG I was into another one. He came up and went 63cm, while I was left dealing with him Steve dropped the baits again and was into another one of these bad boys that went 64cm. It was all action everything was going well and finally someone had shined the Kingie light on us. While I had my head down rebaiting one of the lines my 2nd line takes off zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz I thought dam the bilge pumps gone only to think S@#$ thats my line too, that ended up going 65cm. It was a solid 20minute rush which got the heart rate up.

    Unfortunately that ended up being the only action we got for the day apart from a few small reds but I can tell you it was well worth it and being persistent definitely paid off. 1 other boat was there for a half an hour and a charter bloke came through but they both had no luck and moved on. After a while we pulled up stumps and went for a quick look at the quarantine station for zilch.

    It was a good day and I was pumped about cracking into the Kingie club. Well worth taking the day off work thats for sure. And yes I know mistaking the rod for a pump is just poor form!!


    Kiwi Dan

    ps: if anyone has any cracker ideas on cooking Kingfish please let me know. I have a few but am open to change!!


  12. Nice looking fish mate, well done.

    I have a quick question for all you King Fish masters, what is the best way to cook them up? Im yet to crack my Kingie virginity so I have taken Monday off to go out and hunt one in middle harbor. If im lucky enough to bag one it'll be straight on the menu.


    Kiwi Dan

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