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Kiwi Dan

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Posts posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. I'm guessing the little ramp is actually the one the barge is supposed to be using!!! What is going on down there?? All that blue metal and rubish and yet if you park your trailer in the wrong way you get a fine. bloody hyprocracy as it is one of the only steep ramps in Syd that makes for an easy protected launch.

    Is there a fine for not parking the right way?

    Dam i never new that, i take it its a reverse park. When i put my boat in and get things sorted and i take mates who cant reverse i always tell them just drive it in front first and ill reverse when we get back.

    wont be doing that again.



  2. As much as it pains me to say it I dont think my Mighty Manly will have what it takes to win the GF. I do agree with the rest of you in saying that MM is up there as one of the best for us if not the best but you can go past "snake" Brett Stewart. He is a class above, speed to burn and can sniff out a try on any field. I just dont think we have enough up front to combat a fully fit Melb or Bulldogs side.

    Melbourne is whitout a doubt the front runner there backline is the best by far no matter what comnination they field but for me the thing that works against them is that they have to play the GF in Sydney. So in saying that I think that the dogs have what it takes and that they are building up to something big for the finals series. SBW, Reni and Ryan are playing some top footy and then you know you can chuck in Haz for a cool 8 or 10 points per game.

    Its all going to depend on who makes the 8 and where they finish.



    ps - I got $600 riding on the dogs in a free bet from an agency. PM me if you want info on the free bet

  3. Dam i gotta get into the harbor more. We've been going out and not landing any after hours of trying. Managed to land 6 cuttle fish this morning.

    Were you fishing the wharves at night or during the day?



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