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Kiwi Dan

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Posts posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. Nice fish mate, both the king and the flattie.

    I fished Middle harbor yesterday as well, and went into the harbor for a little bit. Im pretty sure I saw you and your young bloke he had is life jacket on. And then again when use came back into the harbor.



  2. You are a legend mate.. that is a good effort after such crappy weather.

    Didn't lose any rods eh?? :thumbup:

    nearly did, drag was to tight fish dam near pulled the holder right off the rail!!

    A last minute grab for the rod saved the day.



  3. Even better having a similar result the next day!! Almost unbelievable! I am usually disappointed when I try to duplicate the previous day!

    Hi Roberta

    Because ive got a fair size line up of mates and family wanting to get onto the boat I had to go out both days. I didnt think I would get another 2 solid fish on Sunday thats for sure. I ended up smoking the king and Jew on Saturday night and it was unreal. The jew fillets got the top gong but the King was a whisker for 2nd.

    the :wife: told me to smoke the jew tonight because she didnt get to eat much with all the people getting into it at mine on Saturday.

    Hopefully the AB's can wrap up the Bledisloe this weekend down in Melb, filthy there not playing in Sydney,



  4. Gday

    Headed into middle harbor Saturday and Sunday with a few mates. Saturday conditions were great and the water had cleared up a lot since the previous week. With no luck trying to catch any fresh squid we headed straight over to the moorings and dropped down some pillies. After 30 minutes we landed around 6 small reds a rather large trumpeter a big eel fowl hooked and a STARFISH!!

    Soon after that I was into something solid, it didnt strike like the kings that I have caught lately but it was still fighting real hard. After a couple minutes I had color and I was stoked because it was my first Jewie. I nearly chucked my mate over when he tried to net it for me, he accidentaly head butted the fish with the rim of the net. After a couple more fumbles it was in the boat and my first Jew at 75cm. Unfortunately there was no more action for the next few hours but we were not bothered as we had beers, food, lines in the water and the racing channel on the radio - HEAVEN!!

    At about 130 my line buckled over and actually dipped the left side of the boat down. I grabbed the rod before it went into the drink and began the pump and wind. After negotiating a yacht that was turning on its mooring and with a clean net attempt a nice 70cm King was brought on board. We hung around for another hour or so with no more keepers landed. Sadly for my mates no big fish but for me I was stoked, first Jew and a extra $20 in the pocket. So we headed to mine for beers bragging and to watch all the footy with other mates and partners.



    I headed out with 2 other mates and fished the same spot at around 10ish. Again we started by only pulling in a few small fish after an hour or so. At around 11am I pulled in a small yakka which I quickly readjusted the hooks in and sent it straight back down. 20 minutes went by and I said to the boys “ive never caught anything on a live yakka” no more then 5 minutes after saying it my rod headed south and I was into something. There was only a couple runs but still a lot of weight to it. I called it for another Jewie but when we finally made it out it was a thumper flattie which went 69cm. It was still in the net on the floor and all of a sudden it spits another whole yakka out, and then it spitted out my one which was still whole. The stupid fish wasn’t even hooked, it just wouldn’t let go.

    I ran a fillet off the yakka and sent it back down, after 20 minutes I was in again. This one provided a good fight, with a few decent runs and some good weight as well. A couple minutes later another nice Jew was on board, I cant remember its exact size but it was a little bigger then the flattie. There were no more legal’s landed although one of my mates hooked into another under water sub which pelt line with ease and then after about 20 seconds it spat the hooks!! :1badmood::1badmood:


    The water has cleared up alot since last weeks coffee color, and there wasnt much floating rubbish in it either. So for me it was 2 good days on the water with mates, a few cans, the racing station and a whole heap of bragging power until 1 of the 4 mates out fishes me next time!!


    Kiwi Dan


  5. Mate , depends on what your chasing.

    I often use a balloon attached to the line at whatever depth I want to keep the fish at.(Relatively high though)

    The handy thing is you can allways see where your fish/balloon is swimming.

    Or , if your running multiple rigs at night, run a heavy bottom sinker and a decent trace a couple of metres up of a swivel so he can swim around without going too far.At night I will set him up off an outrigger so he's even that little bit further out !


    Or, you could call a mate in NZ for advise, I believe you've talked to them before :biggrin2:



    Dam it Stump you didnt have to reveal my secret to everyone!!

    Last time I call they mentioned your account was over due. Can you fix it up before you get baaaaaaaaaaaarrreeeeed (bad joke i know)


  6. Hello lads and lasses

    Can some one tell me the best way to put out Yakkas?

    At the moment I just throw them out and let them swim around all over the place tangling up all the lines. I was wondering if there is a better way of doing it. Should I be using a sinker above the swivel and putting them down a longer trace?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Kiwi Dan

  7. Hi Robbie

    Mate ive got nothing to offer on what there doing but i was wondering myself what they were doing down there with all that.

    There are a heap of bags of gravel down there on the right hand side of the ramp so it is reduced to a single ramp at the moment - lucky it hasnt been busy.


    Kiwi Dan

  8. Hi Kiwi Dan

    The first smoked fish I ever really enjoyed was when we were living in NZ & used to go to the Coromandel via Kaiaua! The best fish & chip shop in NZ! They used to smoke their own kawhai (Australian Salmon) in the method you described (a large shed) & used thin Manuka branches that still had their leaves on, tossed onto smouldering coals. Can't remember if they butterflied them from the belly to the backbone & from the backbone to the belly! Beeee-utiful! So smooth you could literally 'spread' the flesh on bickies & eat it. I used to make a mean smoked fish pie out of it! Which way did you butterfly them & how did you hang them in the shed? I assume you leave the head on & split it in half, too?

    I made a deeper smoker that I could hang fish in (using a metal drum) to try that method, but all the bloody fish fell of into the chips & got all dirty & overcooked! :1badmood::(:mad3: Not sure what I did wrong! Have gone back to 'flat fillets' style again!

    Re using a fridge - modern ones wouldn't be any good - too much foam & stuff in the construction that could release harmful bits upon being heated up! :wacko: If you ever find an old 'stand up' clothes dryer (and I mean about 30years old now, they are all metal) or an old metal anything ..... some have been known to use a metal work box & stand it on its end, add shelves & Voila! Smoker with full sized door!

    Hi Roberta,

    I thought of calling them Kahwai but didnt think anyone would understand. When i butterfly them i drive the knife straight down alongside the back bone into the stomach and then bring the knife down through its head, then go backwards towards the tail. You can easily get the guts out once open.

    We use to hang them from a whole heap of hooks we made out of thick fence wire. We used manuka/tea tree as well, i think you can get it here but im not sure what you call it. I have a tree outside my apartment that looks exactly the same.

    All this talking of smoked fish is making me hungry now!!


    Kiwi Dan

  9. I have brought a lot of gear from ebay, my boat, a few rods and reels sports equip etc. Ive been a member for years and always check sellers details and history. I purchased a few finder for $200 2 weeks ago paid for on the 5th they confirmed they got my money but i still havent received the fishfinder. Wasnt until today Ebay notified me that they had been removed from ebay so looks like ive got an uphill battle to try get my money back @##%@#.

    After over a 100 transactions ive finally been burned. From now on for anything over $75 ill be paying by paypal.


    Kiwi Dan

  10. Nice work on the blacks Roberta.

    I have not tried smoked blackfish yet cant wait to give it a go. I have done a fair bit of smoking in my time and as you describe is exactly how my father showed 20 years ago back in NZ. I currenty use one of those little camping smokers about the size of a case of beer. I just put that over the top of the bbq instead of the Metho, it does the trick.

    Hey Waynie

    When I was back in NZ we use to have a smoke house about the size of a portaloo toilet. We use to do about 50 fish at a time in there. If you were looking at making one here a good way is to rip the inside out of a small bar fridge and putting a burner under chips inside that, or by making a small fire in there and let it burn to the embers then chuck in the fish and shut the door.

    My all time fav smoked fish is Australia Salmon butterflied with brown sugar and salt and left covered overnight before cooking - YUM!!


    Kiwi Dan

    ps - Just in case anyone didnt know, you dont have to scale the fish when smoking.

  11. Very probably...

    So, you freeze your pilies three times then use them?

    I will buy some today so they will be ready for the weekend... :thumbup:


    Na mate,

    I brought a few bags a couple weeks ago, as i like to have enough to berley up. I didnt end up using them all and so i chuck them back in the bait fridge and have done this after the last couple times ive been out.



  12. I am very excited. And to think I thought it was all over in May...... :(

    So, the servo pillies are the go!! :biggrin2:

    I am surprised that the brown hasn't put the fish right off.



    Maybe the waters so brown they cant tell the difference between squid and pillie. :074::074:



  13. Hello raiders,

    managed to get a few hours in at middle harbor today. the :wife: couldnt stand watching any more football on TV and I couldnt cope with reading, sleeping, talking and watching fishing but not actually doing it. Launched at Tunks at about 9 and made my way to spot X. With all my deckies tied up or pulling out at the last minute I was flying solo on this flight. The weather wasnt all that bad it had its moments but after days of constant rain this rain was nothing.

    Put out an underwater buffet of baits consisting of 1 x yakka fillet, 1 x fresh squid, a piece of mullet and a servo pillie which had been refrozen about 3 times. Nothing much was doing and after an hour I only had 2 small snapper landed. A little while later I watched as one of the Maritime boats pulled up to one of the yachts next to me and pump some of the water out that was sinking it. This thing was sitting real low in the water and had there been another big rain she could have gone under.

    I should have been paying more attention to my rod though, while I wasnt watching something hit my line and went straight around my anchor rope then back around another one of the moorings. Luckily for me it was on my heavier gear, I cleared my anchor and started on the next. It didnt give me any line back so must have looped around the mooring once or twice. After a minute of what the f @#$ do I do now I decided to back off the drag and let more line out. A couple seconds later it was out some how and shortly after a nice 65cm king was landed. And you guessed it Zenman it was the servo pillie getting the cash.


    After getting that one on ice the light rod goes off and after a good little tussle on light gear a nice 35cm Snapper came aboard on a slice of mullet. I finally thought to myself now its all worthwhile and I was stoked I got my butt off the couch!!

    It was 12oclock on the dot when the sweet sound of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz came about. After negotiating floating sticks, plastic bags and empty bottles streaming past a nice 72cm King was landed on yet another servo pillie.


    This was the last of the legals for the day but definitley not the last surprise. With baits down and nothing to do I started cleaning the kings, after slicing the bigger king up the guts I placed my hand inside to pull it all out where I was greeted by this little bugger mixed up in its guts.


    So if you lost this set up recently, I found your fish!!

    These are a couple shots of the weather wasnt this bad all the time. At some stages it was clear blue skies until the rain rolled in again. Didnt phase me though, there were a few other boats around as well dropping a line.

    post-4176-1182077662_thumb.jpg post-4176-1182077678_thumb.jpg

    The water was still very brown and full of rubbish, but there are still fish around to be caught if you are patient enought.


    Kiwi Dan

  14. Hello mate

    Im taking the boat out in the morning, providing there is no rain about at about 6am ill be putting in at tunks and taking it from there. Probably only stay in midddle harbor but who knows once the feeling of being back on the water kicks in anything could happen,


    Kiwi Dan

    tight lines

  15. hey roberta! that sounds like a pretty tasty idea!

    fish hunter try keep em as close to the weed as you can with out snaging up! really slow retrieve! i also had sucess last week using a padernosta rig with 2 jigs above the sinker! good luck! dont know what effect this weather has had on em but maybe try some sheltered bays with weed in em!

    Hey Wildfish,

    I have used the paternoster rig for squid before unfortunately with no luck. Should i leave it straight down and drift or cast it out and retreive it? Im probably asking a stupid question but just trying to perfect my technique.



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