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Kiwi Dan

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Posts posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. I agree eel is quite nice smoked, but again im from europe so that probably explains it..

    bloody Pols :1prop:

    in nz for big occasions maoris go out and specifically target eels (tuna in maori) Normally come back with the real big ones which get smoked and feed tonnes of people.

  2. Hi Dan & Waynie

    I'd be in that - first catch your fish!!!! I actually smoked my 'winning' fish at the blackie social & quite a few had a taste (tiny tho it was!), but I rushed it a bit & he didn't turn out as good as he could have!! Also better smoking more than 2 fillets!!!!

    I tried smoking flatties once, but it was a failure .... a waste of 4 good flatties!! I had tried the brine method & it didn't work for me (or the fish!) unfortunately!

    Mullet, tailor and blackie are the best, I reckon - however, in NZ they do aussie salmon (smaller ones), eels, snapper, and just about anything else that swims!!



    Hi Roberta,

    Havent tried the brine method and probably wont, not saying it wont work but as the saying goes if it aint broke dont fix it.

    If i am smoking smaller fish i open out the fish, in NZ we call it butterfly by running the knife through the top of the fish to 1 side of the backbone all the way to the stomach and straight through the head and back through to the tail and smoke it back bone and all. That way you get all the meat inside the frame, a bit of extra work i know but its enjoyable.


  3. Thanks guy's. I'll try that Dan. Blonde just happens to be my weapon of choice as i'm starting to lose sight of my feet. Not a bad drop. What kind of percentage ratio of each ingredient?



    Yeah im on the Pure Blondes band wagon as well.

    Like all my cooking i dont measure i just poor it in till it looks the goods. Just poor in your beer and a bit of water until you get a nice smooth batter. You can always add more flour water or beer if it gets to runny or thick.



  4. Ive had Kingy 4 ways now.

    1 smoked covered in brown sugar and salt for a couple hours first.

    2 like Zenman said, coconut milk, lime corriander chilli served on rice with a couple steam baby bak choy leaves

    3 chuck the fillets in a roasting dish, in a bowl combine a bit of soy, spoon of sugar, processed or finely chopped ginger bit of water and a heap of thinly sliced shallots. Chuck it all together wack some tin foil over the top of roasting dish and cook on about 200 for 10 minutes or so. Peel back the foil to check how its coming along. You can do any whole small fish this way too. Just like in the chinese restaurants but doesnt cost you $40.

    4 last but definitley not least was beer battered. Cut the fillets in decent cocktail sizes, make the normal beer flour salt and water batter but throw a tray of ice cubes into the batter as well to slightly chill the batter lets set for a little bit. Flour the fish and then run through the batter and half cook in clean oil. By putting the ice in the batter it makes it nice light and crunch/crispy. Cant go wrong.



  5. Hey Roberta,

    I reckon you, me and kiwi dan should get together at one of the socials and have a smoke off. Dont think we'd get to many complaints from a bunch off raiders asked to be judges.

    Lata Raida.


    Id be up for this for sure.

    We could even go one better and have the judges go out and catch the fish while we drink beers!!

    Or set up a table at a social with smoking equipment and let everyone have a crack at doing it.



  6. Geez im checking my gaff as soon as i get home!!

    I was fishing for squid down the spit Wednesday night and a couple blokes were sitting in there boat Seaforth side of the bridge. After a couple hours of nothing for them all i heard was a massive wack i turned back and this bloke was spewin a massive Jew either snapped his rod or got it pulled from the holder into the water. I couldnt see as i my boat had drifted away. There were a few massive head shakes and then hands on head before he lit a smoke and a couple drags started the engine and drove away in disgust i would imagine.

    Might have to give Jews a shot.



  7. I dont think ive caught 82 fish in total let alone one day.

    Well done fellas, fresh fish and Salad. You should have motored to Watsons Bay and cooked that up in front of them. They would have been paying around $25 bucks each for a feed like that over there :074::074:


    kiwi Dan

  8. I dont mind a count down, in a month i head off to Airlie Beach for 4 days with 25 mates for my bucks weekend. I say there wont be much fishing going on though unfortunately.

    The countdown gives me 4 weeks to fine tune my drinking standards before the massive weekend!!



  9. I fished there a couple years ago with a mate and didnt know about taking your own ropes. Getting down was fine becasue there were a heap of people there but we ended up being the last people there and when the group before us left they took there rope. We ended up having to free climb up the face of the rocks and then use our fishing line to pull up our gear. It was a bit fricken scary.

    We didnt have enough big floats when we fished there so always got caught up in the rocks and losing gear. We didnt get anything ourselves but the asian family that was there cleaned up and another group had a few good snapper from memory.

    Good luck mate, and like the rest said be careful.



    ps - there are some great views from there!!

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