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Posts posted by fish-aholic

  1. On 12/3/2022 at 12:39 PM, Larkin said:

    Hi Reel’em you sure got a great fish - 1.5m Jew is a fish if a lifetime!

    well done 👍

    I’m curious with worms as bait, what size hook you were using?

    Sorry for late reply mate. I was using 6/0 size hooks in a paternoster rig. One long sand worm was used in one hook. Other hook had a soft plastic lure.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Bluebenbomb said:

    Well done on the massive jew, what a monster! More than 1 hour of fighting that jew would have really tested your skill.

    I think your jew (at 1.5m) is the fishraider record for bait, but I'm not sure about the site regulations, so it is probably best to check.



    Ohh wow! Seriously? Who do I check with? My mate told me it should be “ a light tackle” record in the Nelson Bay LGA. But I have no clue, where / whom to contact.

  3. 2 hours ago, Keflapod said:

    Mate it was the REEL.

    vintage reel vintage fish

    if you want to catch a bigger Jew use an older reel lol. Well done on a spectacular fish. Some people dedicate huge amounts of time and money to get a fish half that size. You did it with one bait, one rod in one evening renting by a bnb. Buy a lottery ticket so you can retire 😆

    In my workplace I have a guy who’s been working for 10 yrs on that same job ( but 4hrs each day / 3 days a week);

    I got more experience than him giving more time and effort in 1 year. On my 3rd year I became his boss and he still believes I’m a lucky person. 


  4. 26th November

    Three of my mates and me went to Nelson Bay for a weekend fishing trip. We started little bit late , around 1:30pm we found a nice local bait shop <name removed>. Matt from the bait shop is a guy with full of local knowledge and humour. We got few beach worms, salted pillies and prawns from him. We checked in to our Airbnb house around 3:30pm and was busy preparing dinner. Around 6:30-7pm just after dinner we thought to walk towards the beach and have some fun. 


    While I was fixing my 9ft long 6-8kg beach rod, one of my mate started fishing with salted pilchard. I was still busy with my pre rigged paternoster rig where the top hook had a Zman Grubz 2.5inch lure, and got a live sand worm bait in the bottom hook and then at the very end 85g sinker. Approximately 350 meters of 20lb braided line were spool in a DAIWA EMCAST 4500 reel ( don’t laugh ; I know it’s a vintage reel). 


    Just before I cast I saw another mate of mine is also using salted pillie. But he got a tiny little sinker, so I moved a little bit away from them to avoid tangled lines. It was hard to find gutter in the dark, kinda guessed looking at some wave breaking whitish looking areas and cast a bit further. 


    Within a minute my reel started making the sweetest music that we all eagerly wait to hear. That ‘zzzzmmmm’ was a long one, approximately 250-300 metres line is already gone. I know I have set my drag close to 8-10kg; I shouldn’t go more than that. Dilemma ; heart beating like a drum, reel screaming like it’s never going to end, I’m screaming like I’m in a roller coaster. 


    Then it stopped for a minute or two and I had a chance to reel back probably 30-40 meters only and it goes again. But this time not a long one. Only a small run; reel back again and run again… can’t remember how long that fight lasted. Last time I saw my watch to check that all live worms were still alive @7:12pm just before my set that worm in the hook and later I realised the first pic of the fish were clicked @9:10pm. So I definitely finished more than an hour of intense gym session with a 1.5 meters Jew. 


    We had a measuring scale and it went exactly 1.5 but we couldn’t weigh. Later Matt from <name removed> told us it should weigh 34kg as per Jew fish growth rate. After gutting, bleeding we cut the beast into 3 big pieces to bring it home. Once we reached home , it placed in a scale to show 30.4kg. 

    Many thanks to Matt from <name removed> and my mate @dlvbw Dunc who always pushed and helped me to understand fishing and write a fishing report. This one for you mate. 




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  5. Well written Dunc and thanks again for the opportunity. I really had a great day. As it was my first time fishing for dollies, I was looking forward to catch at least one but what an awesome day I think I got 3/4. Even though none keeper, I had one of the best fishing day. They are such a beautiful looking and powerful fish, even those smaller ones made my day a colourful day. Great company like yourself @dlvbwand Bruce @The Rev made the day event full with ideas and knowledge. 

    Looking forward to head back out soon for some big ones.



    P.S- that stripey was not a bad thing, I would rate them 4 out of 5.


  6. Easter Saturday I took my family for a day trip to Soldiers Beach near Norah Head. A beautiful sunny day for beach. While my 3 yrs old Son and my wife was playing with waves and making sand castle I thought to cast a line in the water, but I only had a 6 ft long Rod setup with an old Abu Garcia reel (12yrs old) that I kind of use to catch live baits with a small long shank hook and a tiny little sinker. I thought to myself I won’t get anything with this setup as it’ll be absolutely impossible to cast any farther then a meter or two from where I was standing. I had few sand worm in a zip lock bag and a small bucket in the car. I didn’t have anything else with me ( left my tackle box at home , this is what happen when you don’t wanna upset your partner with your fishing plan but you still have a plan with a small ‘incase’)


    Looking at the beach and there’s people everywhere but not a single beach fisho. But I still wanted to just have some fun time. So I started , 1st cast I couldn’t feel anything as my line was pushed towards me with the wind and waves, so I started reeling and bang! I feel a little tension and a nice little whiting. Let it live another day. 2nd cast almost the same thing and got a 28cm whiting, now I was super pumped as 2 cast 2 fish only happened in my dream before. Filled up the bucket with water and kept the fish in the bucket. My 3yrs old son was super excited to see a fish and ran to me screaming “ pishinggg daddy ; I wam (want) pishingg”. So I cast again and gave him the rod to hold and to my surprise he started reeling the line like a pro. ( I guess he saw me watching plenty of YouTube videos) and then the biggest surprise he actually got a 32cm whiting ,probably the biggest one of the day. Rest of the day he was busy with his fish in the bucket and let me fish. We end up 8 legal size whiting and let go plenty almost legal sizes. A great day with my Son’s first ever catch.


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