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    Lake Maquarie

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  1. Hey fish raiders, a Mate and I are heading down to port hacking on Friday to fish until Sunday hopefully getting some nice fish on the flats and maybe even a king or two. I’ve just got some questions about the hacking… 1. Where are the best spots to get squid to use as some live bait 2. best places to drift for Jew/kingfish Other then that hopefully we will pump nippers and use some bread under a float to get some mullet and gar if we don’t get any squid! thank you, and I hope all of you had a great new year and tight lines for 2023!
  2. G'day fishraiders, After visiting a local fishing store in toronto (i don't think i can give out names due to site rules....) i purchased an Abu Garcia KRK salty elite rod in an 2-5kg size due to it being 60% off and selling for $80 instead of $200! Now i have got the issue of finding a reel to suit this rod, ill being chasing species like flathead, bread, bass and even small jew on this set up so am looking for a reel around the 2000-4000 size to match the rod. My price range is up to $140, if i can't find anything good i will just go back to the sedona which i have fished hard for a year and hasn't shown any signs of wear. Thank you for the help!
  3. Far out thats a nice looking boat, lets hope we get some fishing reports out of that beast over the summer!
  4. In estuary systems baitfish and other small fish get flushed to the mouth of the river so might be worth going to any river mouth is possible. Usually jewfish or large flatties will wait for these baitfish to get flushed past. Don't know about the actual fishing futher up the river though
  5. Me and my mate get heaps of flattie sometimes 70+ near where you are and bream over 38cm good report and flattie well done
  6. G'day Raiders, been a while since ive posted so thought id give you guys an update from a recent fishing trip in Lake Macquarie. Over the last couple of weeks salmon of good size +65cm have been around the lake busting up on the whitebait i think. So a mate of mine and i decided to have a good crack on catching a salmon. I had previously Never caught a salmon and had only heard of the fights they give. I went into battle thinking they would give an decent fight but boy was i wrong. I was using my 2500 sedona with 6lb braid and 10lb leader on a 3-5 raider rod. Catching these salmon in the bust up was the most fun ive had in ages. We started our trip launching from out local boat ramp at bolton point at around 3:30. after getting some horoundes conditions on the lake (we only saw 2 other boats the whole day) and getting dreadfully soaked we reached the Channel and the sand flats. at this point it was around 4 and we couldn't see and birds or salmon so we decided to go for a flick for flathead. This eventuated in nothing and we decided to head over to dora creek where my mate had caught some nice flatties the day before. but as soon as we packed up my mate shouted "BUST UP" and all eyes turned to around 100 birds and god knows how much salmon all in a feeding frenzy. This bust up lasted around 2 and a half hours till it finally stopped. By the time we finished we had caught around 20 salmon all around 55-75cm, solid fish. These fish were caught on light flattie and bream setups using metals, big plastics and a rip off daiwa double clutch. Overall it was a great days fishing full of excitement, thanks for reading👍
  7. I'm think im wrong but i think they have a migrational movement over the winter/autem where they travel along the coast offshore. this is my best guess hopefully someone else has some better knowledge then me in this topic....
  8. Hello raiders, during the holidays i was fortunate to go out to fiji with my family. We ended up going on a fishing charter where we went reef fishing and trolling. along with the charter we had made a friend in the village in we traded our old rugby boots for her son for a fishing spot, a win win. Reef action - We woke up at 6:30 as departual time from the jetty was 7. But the captain was 40 min late which i will talk about later so we ended up leaving at 7:40. so we headed out and ended up finding a reef to fish. we where on the boat along with the captain, deckhand, a husband a wife and another father and son. the son got a nice fish first drop i forget speices but it was 40 odd cm. nothing much happened over the next hour. we where using bontio fillet i remember fishing in 60m water. i wanted to use a jig but the captin insisted i stayed with bait. My dad eneded up bringing up a 60cm emperor which i wont show photo for privacy reason. Game Fishing - Then after seeing birds and an unanimous decision we all decided to go for a trawl as the other day the other boat had caught 6 mahi mahi. After not long trolling we drove into some birds. then out of nowhere a big mahi mahi jumps out of the water..... then it hits the lure and the reel screams for 5 seconds before i goes silent. im guessing it hit the lure and not the hooks. after another hit we got nothing for a while. during this period i climbed up into the flypit and holy, it was a beautiful sight. this was my first time fishing offshore and i felt at home. i absolutely loved it. After looking for birds in the flypit we noticed a bunch of birds coming towards us all of us get exited and eyes are glued to the wash from the boat. Watching from the flu=ypit was the best. i saw a big black shape follow the left outrigger. i screamed out fish behind left outrigger thinking to myself this aint a mahi mahi this is something big. then zzzzzzzz the reel goes off. then a jump. it was the first time other then a flattie jump that i had seen a fish jump in person, and the rush of adrenaline was amazing. sadly it wasnt my dedicated rod so all i could do was offer encouragement to the angler. i thought it was a marlin but as the fish got closer it was obvious it was a sailfish, also the fight wasn't as good it only lasted 10 or so minutes. After the fish was gaffed we steamed back home to the resort, where we each took a fillet the the rest was given the the local village. Estuary - After making the trade with to lady from the village we headed away from the resort as it had a no fishing policy. we ended up fishing a little creek where i got my first Gt on a mmd splash prawn, also my first on topwater and a moses perch which was taken on a hardbody deep diver. Overall, it was an amazing trip and i am sad to come back to this miserable weather 🤣 BTW the captin i think was etheir high, drunk or on fiji time and luckly none of us got hurt so all good!
  9. ill be stay at the shangri la and using the hotels fishing charter, it was both bottom bashing and game fishing.
  10. Solid trev mate,well done 👍
  11. Hey raiders, My family and i are travelling to fiji in these holidays and i am wanting to take a rod so i can flick around the resort. we already have a game/bottom fishing charter booked, but i know i will want to fish more. I was wondering what sort of smaller game will i be able to catch landbased? Thanks
  12. sounds like a decent session, wind was non stop all day!
  13. The whole point of this fishing trip for my mate and I was to grab a 2 fish so a food technology assessment tomorrow so we would have fresh fish. But then i found out the assessment was due in 2 weeks so that plan went out the window..... But as always we decided to head out still as as "everydays a good day for fishing." so after walking to my mates house, which included him loosing his jumper and us having to run round to find it we eventually reached the water by 3:50. We first tried horseshoe beach and didn't get any hits. I tried a 2.5 gulp grabby and a Zman 2.5 grub in motor oil. by mate was usign a 3 inch nuc chicken shrimp. After getting poured on while fishing horseshoe we decided to move up the breakwall. This is where the flatties started coming in. After changing my lure to my now favourite Zman 2.5" bloodworm slim swim i hooked up to my PB flattie. i have to admit some words did come out of my mouth directed to my mate to lift the flattie up as there where rock all around him and i was worried about loosing him,but my mate true as always lifted him up like a champ and soon we had a 61cm flattie flapping about. I was ment to keep some fish for dinner but i felt bad as it was a beautiful flattie and realised the beautiful flathead. My mate who had been getting some good success here lately, 40cm to 50cm was bummed and i offered to trade combos, then first cast on his i was on. This fish unlike the first one out up a good fight, admitaldy my first proprer fish fight and proboly lasted 2-5 minutes. I was pumped, but saw my mate complaing how i was catching the fish, so i offered him the rod to have a little fight and ill try to land the fish. So after giving my mate the rod and letting him fight it a little bit we had the fish just over a rock. there were waves washing over it so i knew i had to move quickly, so grabbing the leader..... and then it snapped and this fish probabally bigger then the first one takes of. But im not going to let it go that easily, so i dive in hat and all to see if i could somehow grab it. but no and i all i come out the water is is a wet hat shirt and pair of shorts (and a couple of good scratches.) After hooking up to another flattie on his combo 49cm which we decided to take home for dinner, I was shivering and freezing to death but we still had 10 more minutes of fishing to go. So the famous "last cast" came out and bamm i was on agagin this one judging but its fighting style was a decent bream, but in the transfer to my mate who wanted to "claim" a fish it got off. So walking up the breakwall, i was cold and happy and my mate was warm but sad. It was a great day fishing, Thank you for reading Tides/weather: High tide, overcast lures: all fish cauht on 2.5" zman slim swim and 3" shrimp nuc chicken
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