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Everything posted by Seagoon

  1. Geeze im glad that is all over. Ive had enough of politics for about the next 30 years... Fish are so honest, aren't they?!
  2. Um... Defence - Mike Kelly = ex-Army supremo, very well respected around the world Foreign Policy - Rudd was a foreign diplomat Treasury - well, nothing much less than the Libs had in 1996 All NSW needs is some damn $$$ from the Feds. We are the largest state by population and thus pay a lot of Fed tax, and are screaming out for better infrastucture, which costs $$$.
  3. About preferences, you can preference however you like - you can't be forced to preference a particular way. Have a look at: http://www.howshouldivote.com.au/ You do a survey on your thoughts, feelings & priorities etc, and they do a match with the candidates policy and surveys, and come up with a preference list that matches your survey as closely as possible. I can't vouch for the independence of this site, but my analysis is that it seems scientific and based on fact.
  4. Its all a load of crap isnt it? The funny thing is that when JH was treasurer under Fraser, interest rates were sky-high, and at that point in time, the treasurer actually fixed interest rates and the exchange rate. So i dont buy all this interest rate stuff - its really global effects that make the biggest impact. I just want to see visionary leadership not backward ultra conservative leadership. Can't wait toill its over, really, im totally sick of ads. Weve been bombarded with them for too damn long.
  5. Seagoon


    Hey thanks for the feedback! I really hope that we can get into some fish up there...
  6. Thats really good mate! I have done this once myself - i had to pull her hair thru a rubber thing and man my wrist was so sore after that. I retired. Now i just do eyebrows ;-)
  7. Seagoon


    We are heading up to the whitsundays this Christmas - has anyone got any opinions on which is the best island to stay on and what to do? Will try and squeeze in some fishing, but im sure there is stuff like snorkling, coral tours etc etc. What about box jelly fish? Should be great. Thanks for your ideas in advance ;-)
  8. Geeeze who woulda thunk that was lurking around Bobbo!
  9. Wow some nice ones in there! Great stuff!
  10. Yeah me' Dad got one on a yabbie on Sunday in Cowan Ck. Got him in the landing net just as he let go. You've got to keep them under the water (*just* under is best) and then strike with the landing net as soon as they are within range. Hiding behind the gunwales is probably a good idea. I dont know how good crabs vision is!!!
  11. Seagoon

    A Fairy Tale

    I have a deep suspicion that the same applies for women, but men don't talk enough to figure it out!
  12. It even behaved nicely for the photo! Would have been great fun on that rod :-)
  13. Yep he's a ledgend. What a legacy he has left!
  14. You should get there about the same time you need to turn back to return the boat. Definitely grab one from Brooky. J bay is a long haul from there even, in a houseboat. But, its beautiful, and worth it. From memory its about 2 hours to Jerusalem Bay from Brooky. Something like that. Houseboats are the best!!! Everyone should do one before they croak!
  15. Enjoyed reading that! 3 hours to prep your boat... how many bungs do you have?!!! Just joking. Has anyone got a picture of Browns looking like a carpark? Ive never been there, but im curious to see how busy it gets.
  16. No worries Pete, no offence intended, just pulling the piss, and im sure they serve a great purpose as you say. Im sure if i could get over my pride id wear them and love them! ;-)
  17. Check the size of that tail! No wonder they go like torpedos! :-)
  18. Humesy - i hooked a big jew on a bream rod & yabbie a earlier this year and yeah, the head shakes are very noticable! It almost felt like the line was getting caught on something then flicking off, over and over... the head shakes were about one or two seconds apart. I couldnt turn this fish around really, it went on a huge run, and then once i started to make a little bit of ground on it, ping... i was not patient enough... oh well the fish deserved to get away. Its not the colour mate, i just cant understand why anyone wears them at all!!! ;-) Enjoyed reading your post :-)
  19. Get this - climate change may result in Barra migrating down to Sydney!!! Id love to get into some local bucket mouth. May have some time time to wait, and i have to tell you i hope that it doesnt happen, because it would also mean that the fishing existing fishing landscape that i love so much would change... ill be bummed so badly if the Sydney yabbie population drowns...! Cut and pasted from www.abc.net.au: North Australian barramundi may be forced to migrate as far south as New South Wales as climate change impacts on sea temperatures. The prediction follows a study by scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science, who have investigated how climate change is affecting reef fish. Sea temperatures naturally fluctuate by up to 10 degrees Celsius, but the Institute's Dr Mark Meekan says larger variations may force fish to swim south. "In terms of barramundi, in the Territory they are very widespread," he said. "In other places, what it may do with them is shift them south from their normal range. So eventually we may get barramundi turning up all over New South Wales - not just in northern Queensland." Full article: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/07/08/1972788.htm
  20. Hi Guys i go to Korea fairly regularly and always buy gear there - its great value. Id say Japan would be cheaper for reels and stuff, because a lot of its made in Japan, but Koreans make heaps of rods, and i always buy a couple when im there. I have a hard rod case that fits two piece rods, and travels with luggage as an "irregular shaped luggage" or something like that, with surfboards and golf clubs. Its safe. I bought the case when i was in Korea - it was abou $50 or something. There is cheaper ones, but i went for a middle of the range type of one. Rods wont get on as cabbin luggage unfortunately, they are just a bit too long, even two piece. I have got a draw full of tackle - bags and bags of sinkers, swivels lures, everything, accept hooks. The Koreans snell there hooks and they dont have an eye, just a flatened bit. Thats a bummer. So i buy my hooks here in Oz. They also have some great tackle boxes - the ones i have are japanese, bought in Kr. Cheap and great quality, especially a little waterproof number that goes in your pocket and opens out and can store a good range of light tackle comfortably. Yeah, so go crazy!!! I do recommend looking at prices here before you go - just to compare. And shop around once you get over there.
  21. Seagoon

    Analyse This!

    In that second video, wouldnt that bloke have been better off turning around and going back in, chilling out and then having a second bite when he had his mind together. I think that first wave after he got the motor going was a shocker! Very lucky! Ive never done a bar crossing myself as a driver, but guess i will one day when i have a boat that is suitable. Real Addiction - dont worry about the homeward bar crossing - dont let it spoil your fishing mate. If you make it out, the chances are youll get back in. And if its a bit rough around the edges when you do get back in, well, im sure you be able to work something out. If youve done your homework then you can do no more. Im a hypocrite, i have to tell you, because im the master of worrying about things that i know are on the horizon, and letting it spoil the moment. So yeah, i should listen to myself! I have to keep reminding myself to stay in the present... ;-)
  22. Looks like they may have called it a night - i suppose theyll be back for more tomorrow AM.
  23. Seagoon

    Analyse This!

    This is a bar crossing from Wolli apparently. One of the comments seems to have merit - about the break being lesser on the starboard side of the boat...
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