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Posts posted by slinkymalinky

  1. I wonder how Greg liked his half breakfast? That's some real ankle-breaking looking sand on that beach :biggrin2:

    Like I said on the phone though mate... you should have taken a banana. Greg doesn't qualify :074:

    Hope you're willing to share some time down there with a Queenslander too... my big rods are all very dusty.

    Cheers, Slinky

  2. That's 3000 times you've caught that same 76cm Flattie now, Hodgey. Maybe you could think about letting it off its tether now and finding a new fish to write the next 3000 posts about :074:

    Congratulations, mate. I've enjoyed reading all of them. Keep it up.

    Sorry I wasn't on line for the big 3000.

    Cheers, Slinky

  3. G'day Luvbigfish,

    They work really well but not more than a paternoster rigged up with plain circle hooks that I've noticed. After originally buying a few in different sizes, I haven't bothered replacing them as they've been lost but I've become a total circle-hook believer since then and very rarely use anything else now (although I probably only use bait for about 5% of my fishing these days).

    Cheers, Slinky

  4. G'day erikxue,

    I've never fished Thommo's... Swordy knows it really well. But I used to chase trout in Tassie during the lead up to the spawn run (winter is closed season in Tassie) and the gun lure and fly colours where 'trout' patterns to induce an aggression/territorial strike rather than a feeding strike.

    Tassie Devils have a 'Rainbow Trout' colour but any with a hit of pink worked well. Brown Trout & Rainbow Trout CD3 or CD5 pattern Rapalas were killers. And I had a home-designed fly pattern based on a 'Sunset Fly' in rainbow trout colours that worked well too.

    No idea if the same would be true at Thommos but could be worth a go.

    Cheers, Slinky

  5. :1welcomeani: Steve.

    Pics can be posted in any of the forums so just decide where to put them based on what and why you're posting. Sharing your fishing trips and results is one of the best things about Fishraider and you can either post reports in the " Reports" forum or the "Lure & Fly Reports" forum.

    Welcome to the site.

    Cheers, Slinky

  6. Good on you Bubba and Mick. Fantastic result out of all those hundreds of teams, to make the final and grab 4th.

    At least now you'll be easier to spot on the water... just look for the Skeeter where you can't see the fishos for all the sounder screens :074:

    Top result for a lot of hard work :thumbup:

    Cheers, Slinky

  7. Be very careful with reels made from Magnesium. Salt water and Magnesium are not friends... it's very corrosion prone. That said, I just bought a Supreme XT which is basically an upgraded version of the MG. As long as you clean it and look after it the magnesium won't be a problem.

    After having fished with my new XT, it's a beautiful reel... but not quite in the same class as an equivalent priced Daiwa or Shimano... and not as good as my new favourite, my Abu Soron. I got my XT at a ridiculous bargain though and I'm over the moon.

    By the way, using 'oiled felt drag washers' and 'one-way clutch instant anti-reverse' as selling features on a reel is a bit like saying 'with wheels and doors' on a car. They're standard on just about every reel over $50 these days. The first thing I do to every reel I buy with oiled felt drags is upgrade them to carbon drag washers (standard in the Supreme XT or Abu Soron). Doesn't mean they're not good... just beware of marketing hype.

    Cheers, Slinky

  8. That's a Bearded Cod (or Beardiy for short). I used to catch a heap of them in Tasmania.

    Yep... they're edible... if you like eating fish with the texture of cat food. Do yourself a favour and don't bother.

    Cheers, Slinky

  9. For a $30 reel, I wouldn't spend money on getting it serviced... it would likely cost you more than that. Using the reel in that condition will only make the problem worse.

    I'd recommend having a go at servicing it yourself. If worst comes to worst all you've lost is $30 but servicing a reel like that is easy. Just get your schematics out (or download them if you don't have them), then follow one of the Fishraider tutorials to give you a rough guide to how to approach it.

    Strip it down and clean all the parts carefully in white spirits (or Metho at a pinch). Relube everything (gears with reel grease, bearings with oil) and put it back together. As long as you line up all the parts carefully as you disassemble the reel so you know the exact order it goes back together, and as long as you work carefully so you don't lose any parts, you'll be fine.

    There's a Stradic post in the tutorials section that won't be the same but will give you an idea of how to approach it.


    Let us know how you go.

    Cheers, Slinky

  10. Hodgey sent me up his Penn Applause 2000 to take a look at. It's done a hell of a lot of work but robust as they are (I have a 3000 and love it), the reel was showing signs of the tough love it's had.

    Rather than a full tutorial, I just thought I'd focus on a couple of problem areas with the reel for those who might have similar issues.

    Here's the Penn Applause (Hodgey's 2000 in front)...



    Getting to this stage, the first step is to remove the retaining plate



    The drive shaft, shaft bearing and anti-reverse (AR) bearing collar then slip out as a unit


    Followed by the shaft bearing collar...


    exposing the AR bearing


    The first hint that all is not well here comes with having a close look... notice the rust!


    Giving it an experimental clean with a cotton bud confirms the worst.


    So there's nothing for it but to pull it out and give it as good a clean as I can...

    This is NOT for the faint-hearted... all those pins and springs have a mind of their own and will do their best to escape while they can :wacko:


    While the majority of the rust is gone, there's some minor damage to a few of the pins so if this reel is to ever feel completely brand new again it would have to be replaced. Since Hodgey has upgraded reels several times recently, I think this one will stay as is.

    A film of lube applied using a cotton bud coated with light grease and then wiped over with a dry bud... and this bit's done.



    The other problem area with this reel was the right side plate bushing. It's nylon and after a lot of hard use it looked like this...


    Chewed up plastic explains why Hodgey described the reel as feeling a bit 'porridgey'. We can fix that.

    To get the bushing out, it first had to be accessed by removing all the other parts to get at it from inside the reel


    The bushing can be pushed out from behind


    To improve the reel even more, the bushing can be replaced with a bearing. Measuring the bushing, it was 7x11x3mm


    And my :wife: thinks I'm nuts for having 'all those parts' lying around. Look what I have for Hodgey!! :biggrin2:



    Lubed with oil, the shields can be replaced and the bearing installed in place of the destroyed bushing.




    After those 2 jobs, the reel turns much more freely, although the damage to the AR bearing can be felt as a faint grittiness. To be honest, I'm not sure whether pulling the AR bearing apart and cleaning it has made it feel any better... and maybe it even feels a little grittier (or that could just be my paranoia)... but it's a reel that I'd be happy to own and fish with again and it will sure give it an extension of life.

    Cheers, Slinky

  11. A marriage made in heaven!! Amen!!


    Your bait caster looks like it has a detachable handle too, for those who prefer a shorter handle? Would that be correct? Next time we meet up, I would try it (if you should be so kind?) I reckon I'd be better with a longer bait caster than a shorter one (as most seem to be here!)

    Handle is just for show. The blank is the same as the Steez SVF in the US market... sweet bit of work. Of course you're welcome to try it... I've upgraded the length of 2 of my baitcast rods lately... the 5'3" Travese X for the 6' Nitro... and now my 6' T-Curve for the 7' Cielo.

    With braided line, I think the yanks have it right and longer rods are an advantage. Back in the days of 5'6" barra baitcasters, stretchy mono was the go so it wasn't an issue. Shorter rods are still going to be better for accuracy but that doesn't help much if you keep pulling hooks.

    Cheers, S

  12. oooooh!! Very sexy rod, Tony!! I reckon you'll cast a mile with that one! If I had it, it would only increase the size of the over-run!! :wacko: looking forward to seeing a bend in the rod!! :thumbup:

    I love the catch phrase 'going broke saving money!' :074: :074: On YOUR say so, i have invested in 2 of the pfleugers ..... 25 size & can't wait for them to arrive! I was going to put Cam onto one of them ...... but will keep 'em both, I reckon! Early Xmas Pressie to myself! :biggrin2:



    Great reels. In the Yak it might be better to mainly use the solid spool rather than the vented spool... just for extra water protection. And make sure you give them a rinse too. Magnesium reels are incredibly light but corrosion-prone if not maintained. My Pflueger 25 with a full line load, on my 1-3kg Lox, came in at 280grams, total... :1yikes:

    Cheers, Slinky

  13. There seems to be a lot of good deals going around at the moment and it's hurting my back pocket. After Jewhunter had me pick up a couple of Pflueger reels the other day (and of course I had to get one too :biggrin2: ), I made the mistake of visiting a tackle shop again yesterday.

    I finally found my new Monduran Barra weapon :brucelee: A US model Team Daiwa Cielo 14-30lb, 7' Baitcaster. The Australian market doesn't have many baitcasters over 6' while in the US they are typically longer. I'm convinced that the extra length will help cushion some of the crazy fights on short lines that saw us lose so many on the last trip.

    In the meantime, I'll just squirrel this one away out of sight in among the forest of rods in the rack :ph34r:


    Cheers, Slinky

    PS... to those various Raiders who owe me cash for picking up gear for them... I'm calling in my markers! You know who you are :074:

  14. G'day Matt,

    I have both a 2000 Sol and a 2000 Luvias (older model). As HS said, they're close to identical... in fact, all the Team Daiwa range of that age I've opened up seem built the same way. The Luvias has a couple of extra bearings but the biggest difference is the weight. The Luvias is way lighter and of the two, my favourite... but not by much. I've never had any problems with my Luvias.

    Now... about that anti reverse. When you say it's 'gone', what do you mean. It could very well just need 3 minutes work and a cotton bud to fix it. Let me know and I'll see if I can talk you through a fix. PM me if you like and we can swap phone numbers. (don't let me talk you out of buying a new reel though :biggrin2: )

    Cheers, Slinky

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