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Posts posted by slinkymalinky

  1. Yep... I took a 4000FA Nexave to Cape York. It did handle the pressure... sort of. The reel performed very well and caught a lot of very good fish over a week. From about a dozen longtail tuna to about 10kg, 1m+ Queenies, Golden Trevally to about 10kg, small Barra and other creek Ooglies, a host of bottom fish and some fast running Mackerel.

    With that said, the reel needed a rebuild after the trip. This trip was the last time I bought a composite body reel... the minute amounts of body flex when composite reels are under a lot of pressure lead to slight misalignment of the internal gearing. At the end of the trip, the Nexave was a little on the rough side.

    Would I buy one? Yes... for the right price its a very good reel. For around the $100 mark though I'd probably get a Penn Applause (metal body and better drag, although slightly over the $100 mark). What would I say one is worth second hand... whatever someone will pay for it but in really good nic, I'd say around $40-$50 is fair.

    Cheers, Slinky

  2. It's a heavy toll for people like me to be able to enjoy simple pleasures and our current way of life. Australian's continue to don the uniform and fight in far off shores and I for one feel a debt that I can never repay them. To those who have ever or now, wear the uniform of an Australian serviceman or servicewoman... and to their families, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    To my own family members who have done the same and those who paid the ultimate price, may you live long in the memories of us all.

    respectfully and gratefully, The Slinkies

    Lest we forget.

  3. Great post, Bill. Those are the sorts of feelings that are common among those of us afflicted by this wonderful obsession. You either have it or you don't but it's not a problem I ever want to cure. Very evocative mate.

    Cheers, Slinky :thumbup:

  4. Try as I might, I can't think of anything insulting to say about that session mate. What a blinder and a great way to spend time on the water with a mate. You're a brave man throwing lures armed with trebles into that sort of timber!! :dwarf:

    Great report mate... keep 'em coming.

    Cheers, Slinky

  5. This is the next reel on my 'must purchase' list, after my Abu Inshore :lol:

    Yep... I bought one of those too... it was awesome at Monduran. Cast's like a dream and holds a heap of line for a compact reel. It'll be coming out to Fido's with me very soon too.

    Cheers, Slinky

  6. It's been a while since I posted about something new in my tackle cupboard... not because I haven't been indulging my addiction... just lazy I guess. :1prop:

    Well here's my latest toy...


    True to my recently developed opinion that ABU's engineering is undervalued, I picked up a Soron STX20 for what IMHO is about half what an equivalent level Daiwa or Shimano sells for. I'm in love with this reel already... carbon drag out of the box (although I gave the washers a coat of Cal's drag grease out of habit)... smooth as butter... and totally bulletproof.

    It's got an interesting spare 'braid' spool, with a couple of silicone o-rings that eliminate the need to muck around with mono backing. I loaded this with 10lb for Jacks and estuary work and the deeper spool with about 250m of 12lb for snapper fishing (can't wait... the season's almost upon us up here)

    It's a little heavier than the 2500 Stradic it's going to replace as my main Jack weapon... but oh, so sweet. :wub:

    So now, after being a die-hard Shimano/Daiwa loyalist for a lot of years, my absolute favourite outfit bar-none is a Lox rod with an ABU reel... go figure.

    Cheers, Slinky

  7. You might have noticed that my and a few other Raiders' signatures now include a 'record button'. This is something being tested and worked through by admin at the moment and if it can be made to work, eventually all Raider record holders will have them added (or subtracted as records are bettered) to their signature.

    There are issues to work through and it's a lot of work so be patient. As any developments happen with this everyone will be kept posted.

    Cheers, Slinky

  8. Congratulations and commiserations both, Luke. Brilliant effort to make the final, particularly with the short-bag on day 1 :thumbup:

    I'm told that the hardest thing about tournament fishing is to be able to enjoy it... sound's like you still managed that to some degree (losing an outfit like that sure makes it tough I guess). Good luck in the final.

    Cheers, Slinky

  9. Many Happy Returns, Swordy. Hope you have a fantastic day full of :beersmile: and :1fishing1:

    You've already got your best birthday present with you but I hope she remembers to get you something extra too.

    Cheers, all the Slinkies


  10. There sure is reel man.

    It's called a mid knot... shown to me an a couple of other Raiders by Jewhunter at our recent Monduran trip. While not much else went our way, this knot is an absolute killer. Prior to learning to tie this knot, I'd been tying GT knots but I have a lot more confidence in my ability to tie a Mid Knot well (both knots are awesome when tied correctly though and work on similar principles).

    I don't have a Youtube link to post though, sorry. You might be able to google something. At some stage I might see if I can shoot a short vid with Jewhunter and try to post it on Fishraider.

    Cheers, Slinky

  11. G'day fishhntr,

    From the sound of it, it should be a fairly straightforward task. You'll just need to remove the spool... I don't have a schematic for the reel so can't sdvise you on the steps but have a look here..


    This and the next videos are sevicing guides for Shimano baitcasters by Shimano technicians. While they're general procedures, hopefully they help.

    Cheers, Slinky

  12. G'day woodch0p,

    That's a really light rod... something like 70 or 80grams or close to that. I'd go for a light reel to go with it like a Daiwa Luvias, Daiwa Steez, or Shimano Stradic Ci4. The whole outfit will feel like a feather in your hand.

    Cheers, Slinky

  13. What do you mean by 'shore fishing', mate? Beach, rock, jetties...?

    Also, let us know what sort of fish you're chasing and how. There's a huge difference between those 2 rods and each better suits a different style of fishing. I'm sure you'll get some good thoughts with a little more info.

    Cheers, Slinky

  14. Welcome to Fishraider my Darlin.

    For the record, you were fishing with a Daiwa Sol on a Shimano 2-5kg T-Curve rod. 4lb braid with 6lb leader. And the colourful shrimpy thing was a 3" Atomic Prong. :biggrin2:

    We got on the water at about 9.30 and within minutes had a double hook-up on flatties to get the ball rolling. A succession of fish from 38-46cm kept on coming to the prongs and 3" Powerbait minnows.

    The water has dropped from 29-30 degrees about a month ago to around 24 degrees today and the fish were far less aggressive. Nearly all the hits were on the pause with the lure on the bottom and we had to fish really slowly with very light heads and small lures to get them.

    Had a great day fishing with no little slinkies so we could set our own pace and just enjoy a beautiful day on the water.

    Oh, and one last thing...

    :wife: :wife: :wife: :wife: :wife:

    Cheers, Slinky

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