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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. Well done on the tailor mate.

    Plenty for a feed and plenty for bait.

    Bummer about the engine, catching tailor every few casts probs would've been more exciting sitting around waiting for hairies anyway.

    They can be pretty sporadic in cowan the tailor, last summer in a week of fishing cowan and seeing them on the surface every now and then we got 2 in the first 6 days and then 30 in about 45min on the last day....hoping to be more consistent this summer.



  2. That rod should do fine fisherboy. Its the line class most people use for flicking around small lures.

    As for a reel, i'd look at getting a decent 2500 size reel probably from either shimano or daiwa and loading it up with about 8lb fireline.


  3. Hi Fisherboy,

    I bought a callisto about 18months ago and havent really used it as the eggbeaters are so much nicer to use (IMO).

    I would say go an eggbeater on the basis its simpler to use, more versatile and should cause you less grief.

    The few times i have used the callisto it has been ok, did have trouble with birds nests but i'm sure that was more my fault than the reels.

    I would also consider using braid if i were you, if you're going to be flicking lures (especially light ones) then they are going to be casted easier off an eggbeater and with braided line.

    Should you choose to go with the callisto be very careful of its price. I picked up mine for $35 in &*(&^ and it wasn't even on sale. I see it in tackle shops for $100.

    Good Luck


  4. I own a 4000 which is now a bit of a back up but i use to use it frequently.

    The best Sydney charter operator has them for his clients which was where i first found out how good they were from everything from squid to kingies.

  5. good report josh the harbor is a bit slow, got to love the slimmys on a shit day they are a little ray off sunshine and very entertaining

    it's reports like this one that give you little hints as to whats happening

    i'm trying for an arvo bash at longy tomorow i hope and the slimmys might come in handy live[i have frozen fillets]nothing like a quivering slimmy fillet

    so bad luck on the fishing josh but thanks for the heads up on the slimmys

    cherrs gary

    No worries Gary, they were right on the west (i think) cardinal marker and got them right on low tide. About 2 hours later they weren't there only yakkas being very tentative.

    I was planning to try the heads but didn't end up doing it :wacko:

    Might head back out next monday seeing its last day of school holidays.



  6. Definitely agree with that mate, but its not the recreational anglers doing the damage.

    Would love to see more of those big ones around. We release whatever we don't need. Be good to see others doing the same.

  7. Hi all,

    Went out on the harbour today not knowing what to expect. It was a great day on the water but pretty slow.

    We left roseville boat ramp around 6am and of course at the end of the no wash zone theres the rowers taking up the whole channel.

    Anyway our first stop was middle head in search of some squiddies, and wouldn't you know it 3 in 3 casts all about half a kilo. We then tried south head for no more and picked up a tiddler at Obelisk.

    We then decided to give sow and pigs a go for some slimies. We made up the most disgusting burley mix i've ever seen consisting of water, 6 month old freezer burnt pillies,yakkas and prawns. This really got the fishes attention though, -it was the enemy fish. Within minutes we had a school of about 50 leatherjackets coming in from every direction attacking the pilchards and everything else we threw in the water. Even these fish of about 20-30cm bit off our rigs. :ranting2:

    Needless to say we got out of there and fished a reef in north harbour :1fishing1: . We only managed bits and pieces here like flounder, tarwhine and snapper but managed to burley up yakkas and got some to use.

    From here we tried another reef towards quarantine for not much, then headed over to dobroyd and found the slimies, and we had quite a lot of fun on them with the light gear, triple hook ups with bigger rods in the water and them swimming around everything kept us busy. From there we went well into north harbour where a mate who lives there had told me there was salmon chasing yakkas in a foot of water, we didn't have any luck on them or flatties there.

    Back up middle harbour and nothing exciting, heaps of bait for next time though and some calamari to eat.



  8. thanks for the info josh but have you heard of any jews being taken in that part of the world ,im on google earth and getting a birds eye view it looks very jewish, also had a mate that caught a snapper round them areas..or is he just pulling my leg

    There are plenty of jews throughout the system, pretty much all the bays i mentioned are possibilities for jewies and we've managed a few soapies here and there mainly around cowan pt and jerusalem bay, i would think fishing a bit further downstream e.g around Juno would be a bit more productive.

    I've heard of the good occasional snapper taken in cowan but we've never managed a legal one out of there.


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