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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. Thanks to all who responded. Tuf line is also available on ebay - missed it in my earlier list. Around $90 delivered for 600m of 20lb or 50lb. Is that a good price?

    That is a good price, some places you'd pay nearly that much for half that amount of line.

  2. In my opinion, save your money and buy something like Tuf line, Fins , Daiwa etc....

    I agree,

    You just don't know the quality of those type of things off ebay, not worth losing a good fish saving a few bucks when you can buy quality gear from tackle shops that you know they will perform well. The quality braids are also much nicer lines than those ebay things, i know people who've bought them and they are wirey, thick and messy to deal with.

  3. You could even try a bait jig if they are around... berley up to get them on the chew then bait the 8 or so hooks with pillies or squid and you might get lucky...berley is the key to get them... a mixture of pillies & bread usually works for me.


    That would work, we've picked them up when trying to catch yakkas and slimies. They bend some poorer quality hooks though in the smaller sizes. If you want to just get tailor and not yakkas/slimies which you'd probably find in the trail then maybe use a slighlty larger hook and bait so it doesn't instantly get demolished.


  4. Thanks Huey

    Like i said i have spoken to the guy Mercury Australia put me onto (head service guy app) and he assures me this is normal and how it is ment to be. So sounds like there head service guy don't know s^&t

    I have been told mine has the flo torque 3 hub fitted.

    Looks like i am on the phone to them again this is bull#$%$

    Thanks again

    P.S i know you are not a Merc dealer otherwise you would be servicing my motor but do you know any Merc dealers that know what they are on about??????

    Hi Hoges,

    I've sent you a PM of who our dealer is, maybe give them a ring.



  5. Hey hoges,

    we have an opti 75 which is on the same block as the 90 & 115, it is only a few months old and run for about 7-8hours but we haven't had any such problem that you are having. Just checked our prop and it doesn't move the slightest bit. Maybe somethings come a bit loose inside it...


  6. 20lb is a overkill with whiting and they will probably pick up on it, unless you go with a lighter leader. If you want to find out the strenght of a line, try using some scales and seeing what weight it breaks at.......better for testing drags this method so maybe cut off a section of line and do it.

    Replacing your lines would probably be the best thing you could do, give braid a go, much more sensitive so you feel every bite.


  7. Thanks for all the kind words guys, I really appreciate it.

    I live in west pymble, right next to macquarie park/ north ryde.

    As keen fishos like me you'd understand how much it hurts to have gear stolen that you've worked so hard to save up for and buy.

    Unfortunately the police really didn't seem to give a toss, and the car isn't insured, as it was out in the street home and contents insurance doesn't cover it.

    Just a bit of a kick in the teeth after having my tackle box stolen a month ago, ah well they'll get what's coming to them.

    Thanks again.


    That sucks about your gear mate. We live in Pymble as well and i wouldn't of expected that around this area. Gonna have to be a bit more watchful of our gear now.

    Hope it shows up for you.

  8. If you are going to go 2 stroke, i'd consider the Mercury Optimax. Its gives slightly more power and has a bit better fuel economy than the e-tec. Personally i would go 2 stroke over 4 as we did, it holds a lot more advantages over it.

    Good Luck

  9. Hi everybody

    I had planned a day out with Jewgaffer and a mate down from Port Macquarrie for today but due to car trouble Jewgaffer was unable to make it. The water has really cooled off over the last week or two and it is getting cold in the morning when I have to jump in to get the boat off the mooring luckily my good mate Doug did what only a good mate would do and offered to jump in to get the boat WE had planned on trying to get some sqid on the way but due to a late start we opted to grab some frozen ones out of the freezer instead anyway headed down to the usual spot to find the trawlers had left

    Every year at this time 2 trawlers sit and wait for the mullet to swin back out of BrisbaneWaters to sea They wait in a small cove near Box Head and as the Mullet leave they net them by the boat load This is the sign to me that the season is nearly over once again unfortunatly

    When the mullet leave the larger yakkas seem to move out to the reefs with them and the action drops right off

    Things started off slow with only 4 40cm soapies and lots of undersize tailor 3 of the 4 soapies that we threw back seemed to swim away however 1 that wasnt looking real healthy and floating on the surface a sea eagale noticed and made several passed over it looking at us and the floating soapy we thought he was going to get it but he evenualy shyed away

    then my mate caught a 50cm flatty not long after I got a decent tailor that had been bitten by a shark on the way to the boat we both caught several Port Jackson sharks upto about 2 1/2 foot aswell

    At this stage things werent looking real good for tea when my mate yells "I got a good 1 on" the rod was bending and the drag screaming I thought maybe it was the jewy I had been trying to catch all season but as he got it closer to the boat we saw it was a little hammerhead about 3 foot long he was hooked in the corner of his mouth and we got the hook out pretty easily and put him back into the water

    After so many sharks it was time to move down the hawksberry we went to Juno Point where I got

    another good size tailor and shovel nose shark then things went very quiet only a few pickers so

    we called it a day and headed home It was a great day out on the water and quite warm sheltered in at Juno


    Atleast you got a fair variety of fish. Interesting about the mullet and yakkas, seems a little bit early as well.

    Probably can expect it though with the water being dirty from the crappy weather.

  10. This is a somewhat different solution and probably wont be everybody's idea of a pleasant cure but my mum has suffered from sea sickness and in Qld a guy told her to go for a swim when she felt sick, she did and it helped a lot. Probably not ideal, especially with dropping temperatures in both air and water, as well as the small unpredictablity of what can be swimming around in the harbour but always there as an option.


  11. surprised you didn't get any normal bonnies as they are usually together

    I've found in previous years that the normal bonnies tend to come in earlier than the watsons leaping ones. We get a lot in January usually and i think they stay through until around the same time as the other pelagics.

  12. We caught a couple when we were in Dunk Island. We then put them out as live baits for big GT's and we caught a shark. I think they are a bit too hard to specifically target, plus without knowing what they taste like i think i'd be very safe in saying there are much better eating fish than that.

  13. Just scrub really really hard.

    I have found a couple of soaps that work really well though.

    One is the anti bacterial Dettol one, the other is from the brand Soft As Soft and the mixture was like jasmine and sandalwood:helps a fair bit.

  14. Cheers guys. I was thinking that they might have been traveling down the coast as they were in such numbers and I hadn't seen any in previous weeks.

    I had one out as a livie but, unfortunately, no takers.

    I have eaten them before too and they weren't too bad but on this occasion I was after larger fry.

    That's promising to hear that they travel with cobes and frigates. :thumbup:

    I don't know that they come down as in like schools of different fish together, but they do all seem to turn up around the same time. Nice to get some more variety in the harbour

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